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It was about midnight when Romania got to Brittany. Brittany just came back to get water when Roman was sitting up in her bed, hugging her knees with a twisted smile on her face. "Ro-Ro-R-R-R-", stuttered Brittany.

"Ro-Ro-Ro. Romania!"

Brittany's heart jumped out of her throat while the glass of water dropped to the floor and shattered. "I killed you! Aren't you dead?!"

"Yup and so is your brother."

"He's dead? But how?! Why?!"

"Let's just say... he killed himself."


"He was just so guilty that he couldn't get high enough to live with it and keep his secret any longer."

"What secret?"

"Figure it out. It's all over Facebook."

"Damn! How is Mom going to handle this?"

"He's under your bed as we speak. You know you don't care about him, so why even bother?" Romania pulls out Brian's corpse from under the bed (she stashed it there while Brittany was getting her water) and shows her what happened to Brian. His throat was slit and part of his skin already came off. His eyes were closed with his mouth parted open a little bit but the blood was only starting to dry up from where he "committed suicide." Horrified by the looks of it, Brittany started to scream. Romania hid Brian back under the bed, then slipped into Brittany's ear and stayed in her body momentarily.

Mr. Jendayo came in with a knife and said, "What happened? I heard screaming!"

"I had a nightmare", said Romania and Brttany in unison.        

"Ugh! Dammit!"        

"What's wrong, Daddy?"        

"I just stepped in some glass. Anyways, the best part is that it's not real and it's over. Now go back to sleep."

And she tried...and failed. When Mr. Jendayo went back to bed and Brittany tried to go back to sleep, something cold punched her face. "Boo", said Romania.

Brittany spat, "Bitch, leave me alone and stalk someone else. You had your revenge for one day."

"But I was just getting started! Don't you wanna see your brother? Might not want to but you will anyways."    

Romania disappeared and Mr. Jendayo came back and swept  the broken glass from the floor. Mr. Jendayo leaves and Romania appears before Brittany once more. Romania brings Brian with the drying blood that trailed down to the middle of his chest and laid him down in front of Brittany. Romania, then clamps Brittany's throat from behind and the dagger pointing to her back. "I know what you did, Jendayo."

"What did I do?"

"You lied to the cops, that's what."

"About what?"

"Me! And about us being, 'Best buddies'. And to top it all off, you killed Dawne."

"I don't know a girl by that name so go the fuck away already."

"All right." The dagger begins to ease it's way through Brittany's back while her thoat was getting grasped tighter.

"Fuck off."

Then Romania loosened her grip and she was crushing Brian's skull to a point where his eyes are falling out of his head as well as the blood that was pouring through it. "That's not scary." She was bluffing and Romania could see it right through her. Brittany's turning paler than a ghost. "Okay." She then got her dagger and began to slice off his head off of his neck as if it was a watermelon. "OKAY OKAY! You win, I'll tell them the truth. And I'll tell you how did Dawne die."

Romania stops. "I'm listening."

"I was in the pizzaria at 12:30. I went to the bathroom and when I was fixing my hair, I saw Dawne writing something. I saw the words, 'Long live the Queen Bitch!' I snapped! I took my beer bottle and hit her. And next thing you know, we were fighting and I broke her neck and slit her throat with the last shard."

"Keep going." She knows that there was more to the story than that. Obviously, she couldn't ask Dawne to verify the whole thing.

Brittany continued, "When I saw those words, I couldn't help myself but to kick her ass. So I was like, 'Why the fuck did you write that for?' She was like, 'You bitch! You stole Brian from me' So I go, 'Jealous much?' Then she says 'Ugh! I don't have time for a smut like you." So, I go, 'Oh, hell no!' And that's when I fought and killed her."

"That's all I needed to hear." Romania put Brian back in the bathroom where she placed him. She didn't believe any of that crap, so she just left and kept it short, sweet, and to the point.  

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