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(7 hours before Brittany's nightmare...)

          Ding-dong. "Hello, is Jacob home", asked Kevin.

          "Yes. His father and I just got him to get out of bed two days ago. He's still shaken about R-O-M-A-N, but he's ok now. Not totally normal, but okay", replied Mrs. Kendarian. "Jake! A friend wants to see you!"

          When he went to the living room, he found his best friend Kevin and was really excited to see him. "Kevin! How's it been! You know what? I feel really bad for not going to school."

          "You know what? Don't worry about it because I understand and Vienna went off on Tony for not understanding why you didn't show up the way you did."

          "She didn't have to do that, you know?"

          "But she did anyways. Plus there's something else that I have to tell you."


          "Lark has amnesia."


          "If you see that her entire image is different, then, yeah."

          "Damn! Could this get any worse?!"

          "I wouldn't say all that if I were you."

          "Why not?"

          "Cause I have a date with Lark this Saturday afternoon."


          "And it gets better."


          "We almost kissed, too."

          "Aah!" He fell off of the couch in total surprise. "Yo! I wished that you would just tell me that from the beginning."

          Embarrassed, he said, "Yeah, but that's not what I came all this way to tell you."

          Getting up, he said, "Lemme guess, you want to give me all the lost info from school?"

          "Yup." They started their work from there. Kevin even told him about how lab was a disaster without him. The first thing they did was trig and then moved on to chemistry. Ding-dong. Jacob said, "Mom! Did you order anything?"

          "No, and I'm not expecting anyone over, either." When she got the door, Tony was there. Kevin also mentioned the tension between him and Tony. Mostly because of the fact that Tony was being a dick the past week or so. Jacob let Tony in the house.

          Kevin said, "Jake! Are you losing your mind!"

          "Maybe, but I'm not going to let you and Tony fight over something stupid. I don't want to be sexist, but that's what a lot of girls do when they're mad at each other."

          "Hey, Jacob. Look, --", said Tony.

          "Don't worry about it. Now, uh, why the hell were you guys fighting last Sunday?"

          "Kevin called me a bas--"


          "Kevin, before you get this fool killed, sit down", said Jacob. Kevin obeyed and Jacob turned his attention and said, "'Useless'? Are you shitting me? Just because Lark lost her memory, doesn't make her useless all of a sudden." Kevin's phone rang.


          ~"Kevin! Thank God you picked up! I need to get Lark to a hospital."

          *Aw, damn! What happened?"

          ~We got jumped and these beefy biker chicks rammed Lark's head into the wall."


          ~"Just please, come with me to Hillman's hospital. I just called for an ambulance and they're picking her up right now."

          *"I'm on my way there, okay? Just don't panic."

          Jacob said, "What happened?"

          Rushing to put his coat on he said, "That was Vienna; we have to go to the hospital."

          "Why?", asked Tony.

          "Her and Lark got jumped!"

          "What?! I'm coming with you."

          Jacob asked his mom if he could visit a friend. She gave him permission but he had to be back by 9:30. By the time they were all at the hospital, Lark was waking up to the sight of all of them around her and they kept asking, "Are you okay?" All she wanted to know was why the hell is she dressed the way she is. She kept saying, "I'm fine, I'm fine." Then she hugged Jacob and said, "Jake! It's great to see you again!"

          Anais said, "Wait! Lark, what do you think of your outfit?"


          Vienna hugged her and said, "Guys! She has her memory back!"

          Everyone that was around her was cheering and her parents came and they heard that Lark got her memory back and they joined in on the the good news after a while. When she figured out that someone was missing, she said, "Hold it; Roman! Oh, my God! BRITTANY KILLED ROMAN.

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