February 21

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Brittany is retarded for an honors student; she actually thinks that we're friends! After how many times I tried to kill her? Now, the reason as to why she had those boils on her face was becuase I injected her with poison that would make her die in the matter of a few days or so. If I injected her once, she has three months to live; if she was injected twice, she'd have only thirty days. The boils resemble my cousin, Jennessa and Lance's brother Cody. They also have a lot of pus and blood in them and the poison doesn't have an antidote. I tried working on it, but I couldn't finish.

       Lance was really cool standing up for Vienna and Lark like that. He's my and Vienna's hero. At the last minute, she said that she loved him and he barely heard that. Kevin and Lark are the new Mr. and Mrs, Smith. You know, the one with Angelina Jolie. All those people that were attacking Lark, Kevin, Vienna, and Lance are Brittany's cousins. They were bullies in their high schools, too. Here's the thing, they're all this gang that recently broke out of prison, but at this point, they're going back.

       I already know that trying to kill Brittany isn't going to bring me or those other people back. On the other hand, she needs to know how Jennessa, Cody, Dawne, and I felt, so I'm still trying to kill her.

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