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When Monday morning came, there was nearly dead silence when Dawne's murder was heard around school, especially most of the homerooms. Even Lark was a little shook up because she found her dead. She tried to think about yesterday with Kevin, which didn't work.

Anais said, "Dawne was taken to a hospital, where the autopsy is going to be held and the killer is still on the loose, no surprise

Vienna said almost flatly, "Guess what I heard on the news this morning?"

"A wild deer got shot while attending a graduation? That shit was crazy!"

"Well, yeah, but that's not what I meant. Brian killed himself."

"The same motherfucker that would stalk Roman? The same bat-shit crazy asswipe that droppped out?"


Anais explained, "Lark, Brian Jendayo is the senior that dropped out of this school. He always stalked Roman to every class she took. I beat the living shit out of him for that. Three times. And I was suspended only once for that. Jacob got in trouble, too for fighting Brian"


"Why would he kill himself, though", asked Vienna.

Anais answered, "No one knows and that's what really irks me. Brittany said that she found her brother with his throat cut open in the bathroom and her parents called the cops. They're all pretty much carrying on as if nothing happened. Mostly because no one really gives a shit."

"No surprise there. I mean, he's a lazy dickhead. And to top it all off, there were times where Jacob used to be molested by him and like Anais said, he used to stalk Roman. So, long story short, he's not a good guy and he should burn in hell."

"That's crazy, you know, what he did", said Lark.

Come first period, everyone watched "The Invisible Man." It got a little scary when the invisible man killed the other scientist. You know, the guy that was hiding him. If you watched the movie, you'll know. Next was chemistry; they had to go to the lab. Everyone worked in threes. One guy was still missing from Kevin's group: Jacob.

"Shit! I forgot that he called in sick", said Tony.

"I guess we'll have to try to do this without him." That would be a little tricky because Jacob was the brains of the group; he would try to explain what Kevin needs help in while Tony goofs off. "Let's not panic, all we have to do is not kill each other."

"'Oh, I'm Jacob. I just got grounded because

I beat some redhead assshole that stalks my girlfriend. Oh, Boo-Hoo!'"

"Shut the fuck up already with your bull! Don't forget I kicked your ass yesterday! You still got that black eye on your face for being a bitch out of nowhere and let's not forget that I slammed your bony ass on the floor."

"Whatever. A'ight, make this quick, what do we have here?"

Trying not to beat his face in, Tony and Kevin got their work done. It was a halfway success; Kevin got most of the material down to a tee but there was one little problem. Tony didn't bother listening and Kevin forgot why are they even friends to begin with. That was a double-period lab mess. Next was algebra. Vienna then goes, "Like we need more problems right now. I can imagine Ms. Angelo in our faces bitching about stupid, petty crap."

Go figure. They have enough shit to deal with.

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