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     The next day, Kevin and Lark met at the movies at 1. They sat in the middle, so they won't be too obvious. They got their popcorn and watched "Snow White and the Huntsman" in peace.

          Meanwhile, Vienna and Lance got to the library and then they started on the basics of trig. Thirty minutes later, she got most of it down and then, she heard screaming and gunshots behind Lance's back. He turned around to see what was happening and the gun pointed straight at him and fired but he and Vienna dodged the bullet. The gunman found someone else to kill later on.

          Lance said, "Vienna, I need you to follow me."

          Back at the movies (two minutes after the shoot-out began), three people were screaming and when Lark and Kevin turned their heads, those people were clutching their guts on the floor with blood spilling out of them. Everyone else panicked after they saw what was going on. Both Lark and Kevin were crawling in the aisle so the attackers won't see them. When they exited the aisle, they were spotted and chased after by two of the stabbers.

          Meanwhile, in the library, there was a janitor's closet that Vienna and Lance could lock themselves in to buy some time.

          Lance looks at his phone to call for help, then whispers, "Shit! No charge left!"

          Vienna whispers, "I got it."

          ~"911, please state your emergency."

          *"There is a shoot-out here in Silver State Library. Please have the police come as soon as possible."

          ~"Where is it, honey?"

          *"Silver State--"

          One of the shooters started to crash through the door and the door was beginning to crack wide open; Vienna and Lance don't have time left.

          *"Silver State Library! Now please hurry!"

          ~"The police are on their way, honey. Just don't panic, okay?"

          *"But one of the guys is on his way to kill me and my friend as we speak! The door is practically caving in!"

          The door crashed opened and a man that was masked appeared before them. He looked as if he was 18 and was husky and lighter skinned than both of them. The gun was pointing straight at Vienna's face.

          Back in the movie theater, Lark and Kevin were chased into a corridor where the bathroom is by two people; a boy and a girl. Their best bet was to stay together and fight both of them at the same time. Lark said to him, "You get the dude while I'll kick her ass."

          "Got it."

          And they started by trying to get the knives away from the stabbers. Lark blocked the hand with the knife, choked her and then placed her heel behind the girl's and then tripped her. Lark stomped on her face, knocking her out cold and then peeled the knife from her fingers. After she saw the blood oozing out of her nose, Kevin stood there, doing the same thing Lark did. It only worked for about ten seconds and then the guy grabs Kevin's leg and pulls him, but Kevin's the one with the knife. When Kevin got to the boy, he plunged the knife in the his arm and made a run for it while he can.

          They ran two and half blocks and stopped in the park where they took a breath. They sat down on the park bench and Lark said, "That was too close! We could've been killed!"

          "I know. Are you okay?"

          "Yeah, just a little scared. Are you okay?"

          He hugs her and then said, "Yeah, I guess. It's over now, okay? We're gonna be fine." Kevin and Lark stare in each other's eyes for a moment.

          Lark says, "It's, uh... kinda cold out here."

          "I got you." Then Kevin puts his arm around Lark, lifts her chin and brushes his lips softly against hers while she kisses him back.

          In the library, Vienna is just sitting there helpless with a gun pointing to her face. Lance says, "Vienna, get behind me!"

          Vienna screams, "But you'll get killed!"

          "I don't care, just get behind me!"

          Vienna stays behind Lance and follows his lead. The gunman said, "Well isn't that sweet? Too bad you'll die by the time she'll even have time to get out."

          Vienna is softly crying when the gunman's finger is on the trigger. A tear rolls down her face and she whispers out, "I love you." Then, the trigger was pulled, but Lance is fine; the gunman isn't.

          Mr. DeFuan says, "Our team pulled up here about ten minutes ago. Vienna, Lance, get out of here, now!" They ran out the door and saw the rest of the gunmen getting arrested. They also noticed that the panic died down a little bit, but there were still people that were crying because of the shoot-out.

          Lance said, "Damn! Thank God Mr. DeFuan was here or else we could've died. You okay?"

          "Yeah... But you were the one that was going to get shot! That was the craziest thing that you would ever do. I mean, weren't you scared?"

          "Little bit, but I'll never forgive myself if you got killed, though." After a moment of silence he said, "By the way, did you say anything back there when I was about to be shot?"

          Scared of how he'll react, she said, "Uh........no."

          "Huh. Guess I was just imagining things, you know?"

          "Yeah..." But under her breath, she said, "But you still have no idea how much you mean to me."


          "Nothing. I'm just glad we're okay, you know?"


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