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Lunch period came and Lance said to Vienna, "Are you okay?"

Vienna replies, "Yeah, why not?"

"Just curious. Plus when you left to lead the cops where Dawne died, I told off Tony for you and Lark."

"You didn't have to do that. I mean, he didn't do anything to me."

"But he took out his anger on Lark. And I heard he pissed you off a while ago."

"Yeah, but--"

"'But' nothing. He had no right treating you and Lark like crap and you know it. Plus she just lost her memory and she still needs to recover right now."

He has a point, she thought.

"Yeah. Thanks, Lance." 

"Don't worry about it. So... how's school coming along?"

"Everything's great except for trig."

"Trig's pretty easy."

"Easy for you."

"That's because I pay attention in class."

She teases, "I do pay attention, smart ass."

He laughs, "You know, I could help you if you want."



"Great! So, uh when should we go?"

"This Saturday at 1pm at the library."

"Perfect! So, I'll see you then, okay?"


Vienna went to her table and everyone there was silent. She just went along with it, almost forgetting that he made Lark leave the pizzaria in tears yesterday. When she remembered, their table was called up to eat. When Anais passed right by Tony, she punched him really hard on his shoulder. Everyone got their food and Tony finally broke the silence and said, "All right, what's good, y'all?!" Anais, Kevin, Lark, and Vienna just stared at him as if they were going to beat him to a pulp. "What? The silence is is fucking killing me already."

No one speaks and attends to their meal.

"Can someone please tell me why is no one speaking to me? Fuck that! Can someone tell me why isn't anyone speaking at all?"

"By now, you would know, you dick", spat Kevin.

"This is not what I had in mind."

"No one gives a shit about what you had in mind", sneered Anais.

"If this about yesterday, I'm sorry, Lark."

"'Sorry' isn't going to cut it, Ferrari."

"And let's not forget the fact that you were fighting Kevin", Vienna pointed out.

"The fuck are you getting on my dick about it? I'm the one with a black eye and bruises on my fucking face!"

"Yeah, but he was defending Lark. Regardless, you still shouldn't have yelled at Lark the way you did. She did the right thing and you yelled at her for doing that. I dont know what the hell is your problem, but you need to get over it." They ate in silence after this and Lark couldn't help but feel at least a little special after what they had said.

Kevin said, "Besides, you would be at least a little bit shaken too, when you find a fucking corpse in a pizzaria yesterday!"

Next period was the history test and before they started, Ms. Larenzel asked, "Is Jake still out?"

Kevin said, "He's still sick. I just asked him the other day."

She shook her head and gave out the tests. After a while, thebell rang for seventh period. They had to go to Spanish and Vienna said, "No lie; that test was challenging."

"I know, right? And yet, I still don't understand the Russian Revolution."

"Me, either."

"Well, we'll have our test scores tomorrow", said Lark.

"I just still don't get why did Brian kill himself."

Anais says, "Me either. The weirdest thing is this, he killed himself after Roman died."

"At least we're all still alive and well."

Eighth period became a free period because there was a sub there that didn't really do much. Brian's friend, Jamie was really confused on how did Brian "commit suicide". Tony left his seat to get some water and at the same time, Jamie was right there with him. He told him, "This shit is too damn crazy for me! First, Roman, then Dawne, now Brian!"

No answer.

"I talked to him on the phone and I was telling him about his crush on Jacob. That shit is now all over Facebook. Jake still hasn't liked it or anything. Just so you know, Brian dropped out of high--"

Tony finally replied saying, "I'm sorry, but I'm not in the mood for this shit right now. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that Roman died. Plus right now, it's bad enough I'm getting shit from people at my own lunch table."

"I'm sorry."

"You know what? Whatever, okay? I mean, it's not like you planned this or something."

"You know, it's been kind of weird because since Dawne died, too, I miss her now." Tony scowled at him because he probably didn't remember that he told him that he wasn't in the mood for more bullshit. "Whoops."

He just walked away after that. When it was time for everyone to go to their lockers, Tony's eyes were all puffy and red. Kevin was still mad at him so they didn't speak. Regardless, he noticed something that hasn't happened before. He eventually said, "Tony, are you okay?"

"You're not mad at me anymore?"

"A little bit but I just want to know if you're okay."

"I'm fine."

"Really? Because you're eyes are puffy and red. W-Were you crying just now?"

"No, I just got something in my eyes."

"Don't lie to me, I know you're really upset and you're crying. You know what? You can't just act the way you do all the time. With Vienna, Lark, me, anyone.

Tony nodded. "Do you know what I started to realize?"


"I miss Roman, too." 

"We all miss her."  

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