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(3 hours ago)

          When Brittany got back to Reno, she went to Veronica's house to talk to her. She went through Veronica's window which was open without a screen.

          Scared, Veronica says, "Who the hell are you?"

          "It's me, Brittany!"

          "No way."


          "If it's Brittany, then which celebrity did I compare you to?"


          "It is you! Can you at least show me your face?"

          "No. You'll get scared."

          "Come on! Snooki doesn't look scary at all. Most of the time."

          "Okay, I warned you." When she took off the hood and scarf, the second boil bursted and then Veronica started covering her eyes and then Brittany said, "I told you that I've been sick and got this disease." On the other hand, she found out that Romania poisoned her with the syringe that Romania left on purpose. "So, where am I going to hide in here?"

          "You're not staying in here."

          "What the hell? Why not?"

          "I'm not getting arrested for you again. Plus even if I did get arrested again, I'm not going to get bailed out again."

          "I thought that we were still friends, Veronica."

          "Oh come on! After what you got me into? You really believe that I would ever get caught up in your bull again? Well, you have another thing coming, Snooki."



          Brittany went crazy and knocked out Veronica with an empty glass bottle. This one's less dense, so it won't kill let alone give Veronica amnesia like Lark. Veronica was eventually tied up, put in a large burlap sack and pulled to Reggie's car. He was in the car when she opened the door and put Veronica in. He asked, "What's in the sack, Brit?"

          In a low voice, she said, "Drive."

          She closed the back seat of the car and got in the shotgun while Reggie said, "But I thought you were just going to talk to--"

          Brittany pulls out the Glock, points it to his head and says, "Shut the fuck up and drive, Reggie!"   

          They drive off to his condo and then she says, "This is a good place to hide." Brittany spotted two squad cars and said, "Shit! Drive somewhere else."

          "Where the hell am I supposed to--"

          Brittany's gun cocks and she says, "What did I tell you?"

          They went all over Reno to find a place to hide until they found an opening to Lark's basement that's hardly used anymore. When Veronica woke up, Brittany said, "Hey! Wake up, Jackson!"

          Veronica goes, "What the hell is this place?"

          "A hiding place, stupid. We're staying here until this entire thing blows over."

          "Why the hell am I tied up?"

          "So you won't get away and blow our location to someone else."

          "Bitch, who do you think you are? I have a right to say whatever the hell I want!"

          Brittany takes out the Glock snidely and says, "You do realize that I'm the one calling shots. Literally. One wrong move and the bullet goes through your head."

          "Why are you even doing this?"

          "Because I changed my mind about getting arrested. I'm a dead girl walking anyways, so, why the fuck not? Did you snitch?"

          "Why would you think that?"

          "Because I know you and you've been known to snitch out on someone after a while. Plus you can't keep holding a secret that would probably change someone's life."

          "Is there anyone else here?"

          "Yeah, your cousin Reggie."

          "The hell does he have to do with this? It's just between me and you."

          "He picked me up from San Francisco and took me to your place and then took me to this place."

          "Where is he?"

          "He's in the corner, sleeping. I'll let him rest but he needs to get his ass up by about 7:00, 'cause I get hungry and need him to get me some stuff, and I'm hiding with him to make sure that he doesn't go to the precinct." She went to sleep with the Glock next to her and Veronica quietly texted Anais what's been going on for the past few hours. This happened at 6:09 AM.

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