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Anais and Vienna noticed that Jacob didn't go to school. Neither did Veronica, for she transferred to Clarkdale High School and is starting a couple days from now. Veronica is a girl of milky skin, long, wavy, dark brown hair and a medium build like Vienna. She is also 5'4 with hazel eyes.

Lark noticed that most are upset over Romania's death. When double-period history came up, Ms. Larenzell had a weekly test ready for them, but she decided to have the class watch a movie instead. The test was rescheduled for Monday.

Third period was algebra and while they were solving equations, Vienna noticed that Lark kept staring at Kevin. Vienna looked at Lark like she was crazy. Anais noticed, too but didn't even bother saying anything. When lunch came, Vienna took Anais to the bathroom. Anais said, "Is there a reason we're at the place where I almost got killed?" 

"This is the only place where we could speak in private. It's about Lark."

"Let me guess, her and her goo-goo gaga eyes at Kevin? I understand that Lark has amnesia, but the girl is wearing pink and skinny jeans, chewing gum. And worse, she's wearing..." Anais whispers, "Pumps."

"We still have to respect her no matter how girly she dresses." When they left the bathroom, Tony and Kevin did, too.

Kevin asked, "What happened to Lark?"

Anais said, "She lost her memory and I don't know how. And to top it all off, she can't even remember her own name and how she acts like. This means that she doesn't remember being the quiet tomboy everyone loves."

Changing the subject, Tony says, "I texted Jacob and asked how come he's not coming today. He goes, 'I have a headache. Plus I'm fucking pissed and my parents grounded me' And I'm like, 'Why?' He goes, 'That cocksucker, brian raped my Roman before she was murdered. I was on my way to kick his ass again, but my parents wont let me out the house and they locked up the house pretty tight, knowing my attitude' Can you believe him?"

"Yes, you crazy bastard! Roman's dead! In case you haven't noticed, Jacob's girlfriend just died and he's fucking pissed off", screamed Vienna.

Anais, Tony, and Kevin just sat there speechless.

"I didn't mean to make you mad", said Tony.

"Whatever", scoffed Vienna.

Lark appeared to them concerned and said, "Is everything okay? I heard Vienna yelling."

"Yeah, everything's fine", said Kevin.

"Okay." That's when everyone went back to their lunch table and stayed a little silent. Then Lark said, "This is really good."

"What is it", asked Vienna.

"Uh, Linguini."

"I always wanted to try it."

And Lark lets her. Meanwhile, Brittany's at her house trying to get into a new high school. Veronica's on her day off and she suggested for her to go to Clarkdale. Brittany got interested and got the papers to transfer in. "And don't act up in class just because you're not getting your way", said Veronica.

"Okay, okay", replied Brittany. "We finally killed that bitch and you haven't said anything about it."

"Hold it; what's with the 'we'? Plus, what the fuck do you want me to say about it?"

"You helped me, didn't you?"

"But I didn't stab her twice, you did. I'm not the one who planned the attack, you did. And most importantly, I'm not the one that raped her, that was your brother's cue. Yeah, I helped you, but I could be arrested for that and that's why I transferred."

"If your so smart, then why do you get 65s and shit?"

"I couldn't fucking concentrate. Plus you didn't answer me."

        "You should be at least a little happy that I acheived my goal. Anyways, it's pouring like shit. I feel really bad for the people that have to stay out there."

"You know you don't mean that."

"I really don't."

Then, Brian came through his bedroom door high.  He says very mellow and calmly, "Wassup, bitches!"

Veronica and Brittany just ignored him and went back to her applications. They only finished three pages and went to sleep. When they woke up, Brian poured water on the girls and Brittany yelled, "Aah! Oh, shit. Brian, what the fuck is your problem? Shit..."

He said, "What? I got bored."

"You still high?"

"No, just bored. Mom and Dad said that they'll be home soon."

"Shit! Did you clean up your weed stash?"

"Don't worry. I ran out."

Meanwhile, back in Silvermist High, fifth period was chemistry. In the middle of Ms. Ferrari's teaching, Vienna said, "I still don't understand, Ms. Ferarri."

Ms. Ferarri spat back, "Maybe if you didn't talk so much, you'd understand."

"Just wait a minute, aren't you being a little harsh on Vienna", asked Tony.

"Mind your business, Tony. Just because we have the same last name doesn't mean your on my level."

"I'm just saying. Because Vienna didn't say a word, I did."

"Then go to Mr. Dinero's office and take this issue up with him." And there he went. Anais was going to say something, but Vienna stopped her in time. In the meantime, Lark kept glancing at Kevin and he looked back and smiled a little bit. "Lark, is there a reason as to why aren't you paying attention?!"

"No, ma'am."

"Then pay attention to your work instead of your boyfriend!" Then, Kevin and Lark got really embarrassed and separated from each other. Anais opened her mouth to speak, but Ms. Ferarri said, "One word from you, Ms. Princeton, you're going downstairs with Mr. Busybody." Seventh period was gym and while the girls were changing, Anais was ready to knock someone out.

Anais said, "That wasn't fair! I understand she's mad but that doesn't mean she has to take it out on you, Vienna, Kevin, and Tony."

Vienna said, "Exactly! Ferarri shouldn't have embarrassed you out of nowhere."

It was free play day today. Anais played football with the boys while Vienna and Lark played volleyball with four other girls, Carly, Becca, Joan, and Dawne. Vienna's team won: 6-2. When gym ended, Anais told Tony, "That took a lot of balls."

He said, "For what? For Vienna?"


"It wasn't fair."

"That's not what you said when you pissed her off."

"I said sorry, okay?"


Kevin said, "Face it, Tony, you know she's into taller guys."

Tony blushed and said, "That's not why I stood up for her!"

"Yeah, okay."

Vienna and Lark went to them and Vienna said, "You guys should've seen that game! I finally beat Lark in her own game!"

Anais said, "Cool."

"Oh, and Tony?"

"Yeah?", said Tony.


"It's nothing." Everyone went to English later on and they started watching the movie, "The Invisible Man".

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