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Romania went to Lark's house and looked in on the poor girl. Lark was in a deep sleep, unaware that her best friend is gone from everyone's lives.

Romania visited her family for a while and talked to Raymond a little bit more, too. He said, "Everyone's pretty devastated about your death."

"Yeah, I know. Jacob was so angry that he didn't go to school today. I visited him and he thought that he was dreaming."

"What did you do with him there?"

"That's not the point. The reason why I didn't visit him again is that I don't want him to get hurt seeing me anymore."

"Which reminds me, Roman? Did you visit Mom and Dad?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want them to see me and they would think that they would have to go to a mental hospital and you could understand me most of the time. So, yeah."

"Ah, I see. Do you know what I hate? It's the fact that people kept asking me 'Do you miss your sister?' Or that people kept apologizing about my loss."

"Ray, have you been annoyed by me?"

"No, I just want to get past seventh grade and move on in life. Mind you, I'm still hurting and I don't know what I would do right now. I couldn't concentrate in school today; I was thinking about you. Plus Lark can't remember you or me or anyone! Sometimes, I wish I was her."

"Believe me, you don't."

"Why not?"

"Think about it this way. Okay, maybe she doesn't feel as much pain as she would've when she had her memory. But she's kind of lost and confused on who she is, before and after my death. I'd love to help her but like I've said before, she would think that she was going crazy."

"I see."

"Even though that this your last time seeing me, keep in mind that I'll always be with you."

"No! I want to see you again."

"I can't; I still have to protect Lark and them. I'll still be right by your side. Trust and believe."

Then, she was on her way. 

The next morning, Brittany, her mom and dad, Veronica and her parents are going to the city for shopping and hanging out. Brittany was in her red top and a short skirt with a Juicy Coutour bag and heels. Veronica had her airy yellow top and white pants with her ankle boots. Brian's staying home and doing Brian stuff: eat, drink beer, sleep, go on Facebook and blow trees. All in one day and in his boxers.

Brian's mom said, "All right, Brian, we're leaving. Are you sure you don't want to come? I mean, we still have time."

No answer.

"Come on, honey. He doesn't want to spend time with us. He just wants to stay on Facebook all day long", said Brian's dad, annoyed.

With his eyes cemented to his laptop, Brittany yelled, "Hey! Lazy assdick! Get the door!" .

"All right, all right." By then, he still didn't move from his spot.

"Have you gone deaf? I said get the fucking door!"

"Brittany, that's enough, okay? We don't need to get him started with his bullshit", said Veronica.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" Before he even dared to finish his sentence, the people were already out the door. "Bitches", he muttered under his breath. Brian locked the  front door and was on his way to his room to get high. He stared at his many pictures of Jacob, one torn up because Romania was in it. There was an entire shrine of Jacob that was kept in secret.

Changing his status to, "It's Brian, BiTcHeS!" His friend calls him and they talk for hours.

~"Well, did you tell him yet", asked his friend over the phone.

*"No, I want to wait it out for a while."

~"How long is this going to take Brian? You already dropped out of school."

*"I'll tell him the next time I see him."

~"And when the fuck is that? Graduation?! Oh, that's right, you dropped out before you even think about college."

*"Fuck college."

Right when he said that, his friend hanged up on him.

At about noon, Romania was right there, in his mirror. By the time she came to him, he was taking new pictures for his Facebook. Romania appeared in his mirror with dried blood trailing down her mouth and in the center of her chest and in white clothing. She looks the same as if she was alive but she was as pale as daytime clouds and her look was as deadly as her motive. 

Romania held a jagged dagger in her hand that was the same weapon that was used to kill her cousin Jennessa. Brian said, "Romania w-w-w-what are you doing here?"

No answer; she just came gliding toward him with a blank expression with the bloody dagger in her hand.

"What are you going to do to me?"

         Romania thought, You've got to be shitting me

No answer. At this point, Brian regrets not going to the city with his parents, sister and Veronica.

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