January 31

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January 31 (12:52 AM)

This bitch has got to be kidding me! I just couldn't believe that she would actually have the balls to do this after what happened at midnight. To think. that she would actually fight me. Anyways, I was talking to Kevin and he was in complete and utter denial. He said, "There you are, Roman! How come you didn't go home yet?" So, I go, "Dude, I'm dead." He's like, "Yeah, okay." So I go, "Here, take my hand." and his hand phased right through mine. He then says, "Damn." Then I bring up his little date with Lark. He's like, "How do you know about that?" I go, "I was listening in on your conversation yesterday. I mean, come onnnn! I knew that this was going to happen sooner or later. Plus the fact that Vienna is getting Lance's help in trig. Which reminds me, I still couldn't believe that you were fighting with Tony."

"Believe me, he saw that coming." I go, "I know that he was a dick, but not that much of a dick when I was alive." He says, "I know." I told him about how the cops are really helping out and they knew that it was Brittany that killed me, even though she kept denying those claims. He's like, "Well, at least the police are smart enough not to believe her." I also told him about the evidence from the store where the beer was bought. The police also found the tape recorder that Dawne left in the pizzaria bathroom. See, she was smart enough to record her final words, even though she didn't expect to die. Here is the entire recording:

Brittany: You shouldn't have wrote that. You're gonna get your face knocked off of your neck.

Dawne: You shouldn't have killed Roman. You're gonna go to jail.

Brittany: How did you know that I killed her?

Dawne: I saw the whole thing, bitch. Plus, you couldn't just let Cody go, couldn't you?


Dawne: I can't cover for you anymore when you killed Romania. No amount of cash would get me to stay shut any longer because I'm on my way to the police station.

Brittany: Aw, fuck no, you're not!

And that's when Dawne was murdered. That's why I pissed off Brittany the way I did. Because I knew that she was lying in my dead, frozen face. Why didn't I see this coming? And the funny thing is that they don't even talk anymore since the seventh grade. Here's what went down. Anais, Dawne, Brittany, and Veronica were the best of friends. But then, in April in seventh grade, Anais told Brittany something very, very private. Brittany eventually stopped talking to Anais. Then in the middle of May, Becca making fun of Anais and that's when Becca said, "No wonder your parents didn't want you." She realized that she's been backstabbed and Dawne thought that Brittany was way in over her head. Yes, Anais lives with her foster parents. 

Dawne and Brittany were fighting that next day because Brittany overdid it. Veronica stopped talking to Brittany for weeks because of what she did. Dawne and Anais weren't friends with Brittany ever since. At that point, Anais apologized for everything that she ever did to Vienna and became friends with us. Dawne was cool with us but wasn't a close friend yet. I still can't get over the fact that Dawne was killed. 

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