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     At 4:00, volleyball practice started off with the coach saying, "Welcome back, Marone. We have a new member."

          Lark says, "Really, who is it?"

          "Hey! Amette"

          "Yeah, coach", the girl comes over to Lark. She is a freshman that is 4'11 with almond-colored skin, a bang that nearly covers her silver eyes with a small scruffy ponytail. 

          "Amette, this is the new captain of the volleyball team, Lark. Lark, this is Amette. Since you were gone, I had to make Lenny captain since he was second in line after you. Believe me, he, uh what word am I looking for?"

          "Still inexpreienced?"

          "He sucked! I had to keep making him sit out on the game. It got to a point where I didn't want him back. Too bad, he was really good when you weren't sick. Anyways, we had Amette here since last week. I think you'll like her."

          The girls shake hands when Lark says, "Lark Marone."

          "Dana-Robin Amette. I can't wait to play and are you all right?"

          As they were walking back to their team, Larks goes, "Yeah. I mean, I got my memory back and I can't wait to get started either. But first, we have to get through the warm-ups and drills. Plus, you're probably on probation right now, so you really need to show the best you could do, okay. Coach Walter's a bit of a hardass, but as you can see, he's pretty cool."

          Dana-Robin chuckles a little bit and then says, "Thanks for the look-out. That reminds me, he's my earth science teacher."


          The team got through the warm-ups, laps, and drills without breaking a sweat, including D-R (Dana-Robin). Lark got five spikes and "won" 8-5, with D-R on her team. Lark was told to show the new recruit the ropes (it was her turn, anyways). By the time, 6:00 hit, it was time to go home and Kevin, Anais, Lance, and Vienna came by to pick her up. Anais said, "I have a brilliant plan. We're going to my place instead of yours tonight."

          "Why", asked Lark.

          "'Cause we're not taking any chances going to yours. Plus we want to you know, have a little party for you for feeling better."

          "You guys are the best."

          "Lance and Kevin came up with the idea, so thank them later."

          They were walking their way home when Lark told them about practice and then new girl. Kevin goes, "Oh, yeah, I know her! She went to the same elementary school as us. She was the girl that came to the bowling trip with us when we went to 5th grade."

          "That's right! The 5th grade vs. 4th grade bowling battle. That was wavy", said Vienna.

          Anais goes, "And because of little D-R, they were kicking our asses, but because of Roman, we won!"

          "I still have pictures of the champs and the losers. Funny, the losers weren't sad at all. Just a bit but not crying and wailing like babies."

          Kevin said, "They're pretty rough, but a good group of kids, you know?"


          Fifteen minutes later, they reached Anais' house and to her surprise, her parents are gone. "Mom! Dad! ...It's Anais, Vienna, Lance, Kevin, and Lark....... You did say we could have our little party here! Oh, well. Let's break out the Coke!"

          The five had a ton of fun. They played Kinect Sports Season 2 on the Xbox and Kinect Adventures. They turned up the music and started dancing like retards until 9:45 hit. That's when they started to chill out.

          Lance says, "That reminds me, Anais. What happened to your parents?"

          "I don't know. They might be coming home later from work or whatever. Want to come with to get some stuff from the basement?"


          When they were on their way downstairs, Vienna went to get a few more refreshments.

          Kevin says, "Thank God you're better."

          "I know, right? Why didn't we act like this before I lost my memory?"

          "I have no idea. But we are together, right?"

          "You tell me."

          Kevin then leans in and kisses her but this time, his hands were on her back while hers craned around his neck. Sweetly and tenderly, they continue to kiss on Anais' couch while Vienna was right in the living room doorway. Vienna went towards the couch, snapped a picture with her phone and Kevin and Lark jumped, breaking away, suddenly embarrassed.

          Kevin said, "Vienna, what the hell?"

          Vienna said, "What? I knew that it was going to happen sooner or later. Plus, he was the one--"

          Lark said, "Shut it, Vienna."

          "Then why was he--"


          Everyone stood still for a moment then Anais came upstairs, with Lance crawling because of his bleeding knee. She said, "CALL AN AMBULANCE! We need help!"

          "What the hell happened?"

          "That bitch Brittany shot Lance and tied up my parents! They're all down in the basement as we speak."

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