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Back in Silvermist High, it was fourth period and "The Invisible Man" was being read and the book was almost done. They're up to the part where the invisible man dies and turns visible, bone and all. Jacob came back to school and he was lucky that his dad made him read the book, otherwise he would've been completely lost.

           Next period was lunch and then Lark tells Anais, "It was crazy on how I lost my memory and what's crazier is the fact that I don't know what the hell happened."

          Anais says, "Okay, do you know a girl called Dawne James?"

          "Yeah, she's in my homeroom, why?"

          "Brittany might've killed her, too."

          "I know, I know. But that bitch!"

          "I know, right."

          Vienna said, "I heard on the news that there was this tape and Dawne recorded her final words with Brittany that day. I remember Dawne saying on the tape, 'You shouldn't have killed Roman.'"

          "I had no idea that Dawne saw the entire thing, and I was the one that got amnesia because of Brittany", pointed out Lark.

          "Dawne said that Cody, and Jennessa are also dead because of Jendayo. I didn't know what the hell was that all about but that's Brittany for you. Plus Jacob hasn't gone to school last and sometime this week", said Anais.

          "Huh, so everything really sucked without my memory, huh?"

          "But I could tell one good thing that happened when you lost your memory."


          "You're going on a date tomorrow afternoon."


          "Kevin! Who else!"

          "Oh, yeah... I mean, we're just friends. How did he they guy say 'yeah'?"

          Vienna says, "When we all went to the pizzaria last Sunday, we were talking and eating and then you asked Kevin if he wanted to see 'Snow White and the Huntsman' with you. Then he was like, 'Okay.' and you went into the bathroom all happy and perky and that's when you found Dawne dead."

          "Now that you mention it, I do remember finding a dead girl the bathroom of the pizzaria."

          Anais butted in and said, "And called the cops, too. Tony got pissed off and called you useless for doing that and you ran out crying. Next thing you know, Kevin defended you by beating the living shit out of Tony for being a dick."

          "Me, Lance, Anais, and this cop broke up the fight between Tony and Kevin", said Vienna.

          Lark began to tell her story on how she saw Brian all over Romania. "That bastard stunk of beer so much that I knew that he was drunk. What I also knew was this: Roman was just suffering and just when I was going to whip Brian to get him off of Roman, I was knocked out cold. I woke up, and come to find out, I lost my memory and then I completely forgot the rest. But before all of that, Veronica and Brittany jumped us, then next thing you know, Brian pinned Roman to the ground. Veronica finally fell down, but her eyes weren't even closed. This is all my fault."

          "Lark, don't blame yourself for all of this. Brittany was right behind you and the most important thing is that you're okay and as we speak, Brittany's being searched for."

          Anais blurted out, "Brittany ran away and Veronica was arrested."

          "How did you know that?"

          "Veronica told me after she got out of the precinct."

          Lark said, "I didn't know that you guys still stay in touch."

          "Trust me, this is the only time that we talked in a while. Get this, Brittany's not her friend anymore. Apparently, when Veronica got arrested, Brittany ran away the day before that. And to top it all off, Brittany's in San Francisco with a Glock with her. And worst of all, before Roman died, Veronica was blackmailed into this situation."

          "With what?"

          "Personal info that's not important right now." Kevin and Jacob came up to them and Kevin asked Lark, "Everything ok?"

          "Yeah, my head kinda hurt when I went to the hospital but I'm fine now."


          "Uh, Kevin, can I talk to you for a second?"

          No answer.

          "Alone." Jacob, Vienna and Anais left the table to go Tony's table.

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