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Back in Silvermist High, first period came for the trig test. Anais forgot to study, Lark didn't even bother, while Vienna tried to remember the stuff from Saturday and what Lance told her. Second had chemistry and everything became peaceful. Third period, everyone had to read "The Picture of Dorian Grey". It's a horror 1890s' book with a 2009 version of the novel. The originial movie was a silent film, but they'll see the 2009 version so they'll have a better understanding of the book and movie. It's about a handsome boy that has a demonic portrait of himself, but it represents his inner soul.

          Next period was lunch and when Lark, Kevin, Vienna, Jacob, Anais and Tony got to their tables, Anais told it all. She only told them about what she knows about Veronica getting kidnapped. "At first, I thought that she was just messing around with me, but she took a picture of Brittany with a gun, sleeping on the floor."

          Lark points out, "But wait. Anais, didn't you say that she tied up when this happened?"

          "She's had this special talent since seventh grade: texting with her feet."

          "How the hell did she learn to do that?"

          "One day, we were hanging out a chilling and she got bored and tried texting with her feet. At first, she kind of sucked at it, but then she got better when she kept practicing. Anyways, what she texted me was this, 'Anais I need hlp ASAP; IDK wher th hell i am but I need 2 get th hell out of here; Reggie tld me jn tht were 40 min frm hom in a plc calld Saundersville. The address is 1620 Rallow Lane' "

          Jacob said, "I went there, so we could blow their location and then Brittany could be arrested instead of Veronica, even though she was an accomplice in the entire thing."

          A small chime rings from Anais' pocket. Her, Vienna, and Lark go into the bathroom to answer it.

          Anais says, "It's from Veronica. She said, 'Th bych jus wnt 2 th stor w/ Reg; delet this message and ill delete evry las 1 sent 2 u. she'll b chkin my phon.' "

          Lark goes, "So this bitch is checking her phone now?"

          "The nerve. I bet she has a gun pointing to Reggie every time that they go out to get something to eat or whatever", said Vienna.

          "She does", says Anais.

          "So this means that I have to keep an eye out for anything weird going on. Plus I might have to check my bedroom and my basement carefully, so I won't get shot."


          "She might show up at my house."

          "But our cops are dead ass smart. Not just the detectives, but the actual patrol cops. They'll get the work done and be extra careful, Lark."

          "I will."

          Lark dials a number on her phone and says, "Hello? There are two people being held hostage in a shack in Saundersville. The person holding them hostage has a gun with her-- yes, this may be the fugitive-- the address is 1620 Rallow Lane-- okay, thank you, good bye."

          When they left the bathroom, Kevin asked, "What did Veronica say?"

          "That she's in Saundersville and she needs help. I have a bad feeling that my house is the next hiding place. Because, I was one of the witnesses to Roman's death besides Veronica, but she was an accomplice and she snitched on Brittany."

          "I'm coming with you after volleyball practice."

          "We're not going through that again, Kevin. We're not going to risk getting killed again. We got lucky on how to defend ourselves with knives. But Brittany has a gun and who defends themselves besides getting a bulletproof vest?"

          "But I'm not letting you get hurt. Let me come with you."


          Jacob goes, "Are you sure about this, Kevin? I mean, you almost got killed last Saturday. You don't want round two because this time, you'll face Brit--"

          "I know what I'm up against. Trust me, I got this", said Kevin.

          "All right, just call any of us if you need us. Better yet, when you need back-up, call Mr. DeFuan or the cops, or both."

          Lance comes over and says, "Hey, guys. Is it okay if I stay here?"

          "Uh, sure."

          "Thanks, my table is really crowded and I want to see if my little cousin is okay." He roughs up Lark's hair while she rolls her eyes and fix it back.

          "You know, you could've called."

          "It would help a lot if I had your number", he jokes.

          "Look, I love to chat, but I'm not in the mood right now."

          "Why not?"

          "Brittany's back in Nevada and we heard from Veronica that they're in Saundersville. She's also been known to kill witnesses like Dawne and I think I'm next on her to-death list."

          "I'm coming to your house later on today."

          "I don't want to be rude, but, why come over?"

          "I have something that my mom wants to give back to your mom. So, I'll be there at 4:15."

          "Just be careful."

          "It's fine, I avoided the bullet last Saturday because of Mr. DeFuan."

          "But he's not going to be there at my house."

          "But I got this, okay? Just don't worry about it and be careful, okay?"


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