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        Romania said, "I knew that you would be here."

"How did you know", asked Brian.

"Because you are so damn predictable, Brian. You don't like your sister and the last thing that you would ever want to do go to the city. Oh, and I already know your little secret."

"What secret?"

"The only reason as to why the hell you were stalking me is that not only do you "like" me but you want to get closer to Jacob. You know, get his attention."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't play stupid with me, it's all over your face. You dyed your hair black, lost weight, and tried to join the football team. Lucky for him that you didn't make it."

"Okay, so I love your boyfriend and stalked you to hide that. So what?"

"You know what? I knew that you wanted him since day one. That day when you were bullying Kevin and Jacob beat the living shit out of you."

"I'm sorry, but you have no idea how much of a turn-on it was. The rage, that sexy-ass anger. While he was pounding the shit out of me, I had that epic boner. That's why I stalk you, to piss him off again, to have that same affect, that same feeling. By the way, on the day of your death, he punched me straight in my face and kicked me in my stomach and kept going at me. I would've fought back, but I was too turned on to kick his ass." He tried buying some time with that but, it didn't work. "What are you going to do with that d-d-d-d-dagger, th-though?"

"The fuck you think?"

"Look, I'm sorry I raped you, Roman. I was drunk. Plus the whole thing was Brittany's id--"

"I don't give two shits about that bitch", hissed Romania. "Speaking of which, look what I've got." She held up the heavy wool stockings that were tied up into a noose. "One more thing, DON'T EVER CALL ME ROMAN." And she stabbed his shoulder, slipped into his ear and began to control him.

Right then and there, he was writhing out of control screaming, "Get out of me!" Banged himself against walls, beat himself with a bat until... he stopped in his place, then dropped to his knees. Romania was the one in control now.

She made him get the stockings, go to the living room and get a chair. He was forced to stand on it and wrap the stockings noose around his neck, then tie it to the ceiling fan, then kick the chair. He struggled a little bit but most of the time, Romania was in control and she was successful, but she decided to get him down from the noose and he said, "Oh, thank you so much for not killing me."

Retard, she thought.

She slashed his face this time, controlled and moved him to the bathroom. She also had plastic wrapped around where he is. She had him take the dagger and cut open his throat so hard that a piece of skin would get cut off. Blood was pooling in the plastic where Brian laid, just how Romania wanted. When the deed was done, she slipped out of him and put the dead body where she would find it later: in the emergency tornado hatch.

It was about 8:00 when the Jendayos came home. They noticed that Brian went missing. Brian's mom said, "Brian! Ugh, where could that boy be?"

"He's probably at a friend's house or something. He'll turn up. He always does", said Mr. Jendayo.

Chewing gum and texting Veronica, Brittany said, "Mom, remember when I told you that I wanted to transfer schools?"

"Yeah, you said you wanted to go to the school that Veronica was in."

"Yeah, and I want to know when is the interview with Principal Forlaine."

"I'll find out when I send in your papers."

"And when is that?"

"As soon as they are done."

"What the hell?! I want to go to that school ASAP."

"I know but the papers aren't done. Unless you want to do it then we would all be happy."

"No, that's too much work."

"Exactly. Now let me finish the paper and you get some rest."

She leaves to go to her room decorated with Justin Bieber on her walls and ceiling. She has one picture that was in her diary: Romania and there was an X on her face.

      She just changed and went to sleep. In the meantime, Romania stood outside Brittany's window thinking to herself, This amazes me. this chick's brother is dead and she have no idea. Plus the fact that he was stupid enough not to go with them in the first place is actually kind of sad.

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