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       She left the beach house at 12:15 AM and when she left, she found a cousin that she hasn't seen in over a year. Veronica's cousin Reggie came to pick her up and take her to Nevada in his car. She had a scarf around her mouth and wore a dark grey hoodie with skinny jeans and sneakers. She said, "Reggie! Over here!"

          "Brittany?" The boy was 5'11 with light skin, almond-shaped hazel eyes and straight, short cinnamon hair. He also has a scar above his left eye that indicates the fight that he had with Brian. Lean and intense, he at first thought that hiding Brittany would be a bad idea because he could get arrested for hiding a fugitive. On the other hand, he lives by himself so he can't completely get shit for it from his parents.

          "Yes, it's me."

          "What the hell did you to your hair?"

          "Cut it and dyed it so no one could recognize me."

          "And I guess that you got a tan, too?"

          "Yeah. You like?"

          "I would if I saw your face. Now's not the time for this! Look, I know that it's freezing, but why the fuck are you dressed like that? Are you getting ready to rob someone, what?"

          "Look, I know that I shouldn't have roped you into this, but here's the thing. I'm coming back to Nevada to face the problem directly."

          "You're not answering me, B."

          "It's just that I've been sick and I thought that it was because of the guilt."

          "Yeah, okay."

          Brittany shows her face and he saw four boils that look like people's faces. One recently bursted and is growing back harder and darker, while another looks like it's ready to burst. The other two are fully grown and her face is completely discolored with red and brown splotches on her face. Reggie, horrified says, "Okay, I believe you. Just please cover yourself up." She does what he says as she put her stuff in the car and off they went. Romania tagged along on this little trip, but she paid another visit to Kevin as Brittany and Reggie are on their way to his place.

          Kevin couldn't sleep because he was still happy about him and Lark, Vienna, and Lance being okay. When Romania came she teases, "Hey, lover boy."

          "Very funny."

          "I don't see anything funny about you almost getting killed along with Lark. Let's not forget the fact that Lance and Vienna almost got shot."

          "Then why did you call me 'lover boy'?"

          "'Cause you made out with Lark."

          Burying his hands in his face, he goes, "Damn your big brain!"

          "Plus I heard your, Lark's, Anais', and Jacob's speech about racism and how they shouldn't even be talking. It's about time that he was shown some manners."

          "I know, right? That was just really rude."

          "Anyways, so are you and Lark together or something?"


          "Yeah, but that's not what I came over here to tell you."

          "What is it, then?"

          "It's Brittany; she's coming back but with Veronica's cousin, Reggie and Brittany still has the gun and she has some type of plan to 'face her problem'. I still don't trust her but #1, she thinks that we're friends and #2, she told me that if Veronica snitched, that she wouldn't know what to do."


          Later that day, on their way to school, Vienna, and Lark got a text from Anais saying, "She's back! She's back!" When they got to homeroom, Vienna asked, "Who's back?!"

          "Brittany, and Veronica's been kidnapped!"

          Lark said, "That bitch! How dare she go on and kidnap her?!"

          "I have no idea. All I know is that she needs help and needs it now."

          "Those girls and Reggie could be anywhere, though. You know that Brittany has a rep for disappearing everywhere and anywhere", pointed out Vienna.

          "Regardless, she needs to be found. Because at this point, she could be killed. Remember, Brittany has a gun and if Veronica was shot, there was nothing she nor anyone could do about it."

          Anais later leaves to go to the bathroom and doesn't come out until the bell rings.


So, how do you like Reggie? How do you think this will end?

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