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Brittany came back a while ago and everyone ate breakfast sandwiches in total silence. Brittany said, "So, Veronica, do you know who snitched?"


          "I mean, you can't hold onto a secret and according to you, we're not even friends anymore."

          "Yeah, but what does it matter now? Roman, Dawne, Cody, and Jennessa are already dead. Plus those bolis on your face look exactly like them, in case you haven't noticed."

          Brittany takes out her Glock and puts the barrel in Veronica's mouth with her finger on the trigger. "I'm looking for a straight answer, not all of these details. You know damn well that I hate details, so tell me. Did you snitch?"

          Before Veronica could say anything, Reggie said, "Brittany, why are you like this?"

          She snaps her head to Reggie and says, "Shut the fuck up! This doesn't concern you, bitch ass motherfucker."

          "I don't think that you understand, Brittany. Veronica's my fucking cousin and let's face it; you can't just get whatever the hell you want just by being a bully to everyone. You already killed like four people that are your age. You didn't even like them and you killed them. You're the one that dragged that scrawny bastard Brian in your revenge plot against that girl. Romania, was it?"

          Veronica says, weeping, "She was raped before she died and I can't believe that I got dragged into this shit."

          "See? All you ever do is make people get hurt just for your fucking entertainment. All you are is a spoiled, sadistic little bitch that thinks that everything should go her way and don't have to listen to any rules at all whatsoever. Why even bother coming back to Nevada when all you ever do is--"

          She points the gun straight in Reggie's direction and pulls the trigger, but not at him. "One more outburst like that, and then the bullet's going to hit you directly. Now for the last fucking time, who snitched, Veronica! And don't change the fucking topic, either!"

          "All right! All right! All right! I did it, okay? I had to say something because at that point, we weren't even friends anymore! Why even bother asking when you know who did it?!"

          "I want to see you suffer, bitch! Suffer the way I did!"

          "Why should I? You already blackmailed me, tied me up and shit, so why even bother? I always did what you wanted, no questions asked, I always talked to you at your whim. What more do you want from me?"

          "Don't you think that you should know by now? I need someone to be my second-in-command, my lackey, my servant. Cause I'm sick and tired of not getting my way at home. Brian's on weed and I want to be the special child, but my parents are too stupid to figure out that Brian has been smoking weed for a while now. Plus, you were always there for me, especially when I humiliated Anais back in mddle school. She never lived that down."

          "That was three years ago and even Dawne thought that you went too far! She's dead now, but there was no reason for you to--"

          Two minutes later, the police come to the abandoned shack. One of the nosy neighbors from across the street said that he heard a gun going off. He mentioned that he was just looking outside of the window when he heard a loud bang and then he saw a light in an old shack. He knew that fire crackers didn't go off because he didn't see any kids or teens in the street anywhere. BANG BANG BANG on the door when detective DeLancey said, "Open up! This is the police."

          Brittany, Reggie, and Veronica left the shack to get to Reggie's car. Brittany said, "Drive, bitch, drive!" The tires skidded and off they went.

          Reggie said, "Where do you want me to go?"

          "Back to Reno. We have to hide and cover our tracks on the way."

          Forty-three minutes later, they come across a white and navy house with a porch. Reggie gets a parking space and then Brittany, Veronica, and Reggie go around the back where there's a tornado hatch (Veronica was untied during the trip). They went inside to find darkness until Reggie found a light switch. They found boxes with labels on them, but found old trophies for Anais' parents from high school. They even found an old picture of Anais, Veronica, Dawne, and Brittany together from seventh grade.

          Veronica picked it up and then said, "Brittany! Remember this?"

          "Oh, yeah! That's our picture your mom took when we went to Six Flags. That was a ton of fun. But half of the girls are dead."

          "I thought Anais was alive."

          "She won't be tonight. I'll make complete sure of that, Veronica. But for now, let's just keep quiet. We don't need anymore people finding us down here." 

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