Chapter 1: In hell

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I felt my heart jump into my throat, as I watched the knife lodge into his stomach. He grunted in pain, as I gasped at the sight.

I choked on air, and stared stared wide eyed. I couldn't move for what seemed like ages, but was only seconds.

I finnaly managed to use my hair clip to unlock the shackles to my hands. I fell to the ground, wrists swollen. I looked behind the large wall, swiftly to see if he'd or "it" had return for more torture.

It was nowhere be seen sitting against the brick wall as usual.

So, I reached to my feet looked for the key hole on my ankles, but that was impossibly hard with tears welling in my eyes, in a red light dimmed room.

As soon as I started to pick the second metal shackle on my right foot, I heard a pop, and I thought that was the lock breaking.

So, I imminently lunged for the man that had been stabbed, but felt a pain and a snap in my foot during the process.

I reached back in pain to twist the pick, finally managing to fully twist it around completely.

And finally, my ankle was released.

I could feel the pain from the grip on my ankle start to go away, but came back immediately when I moved even the slightest bit.

I pulled on loose stones on the ground, and used my stronger foot to push myself towards the man across from me.

I reached for his throat to check for his pulse, his heart was still beating. Just then, I heard footsteps coming around the corner.

I immediately knew it was the monster that had tortured me and the man.

I hid behind the wounded guy, I put My hand on his stomach, to stop the bleeding temporarily.

It came around the second wall I was once shackled against, and looked around to see I was gone.

It groaned in defeat and grumbled loudly.

"You can run, but you can't hide!"

I used my free hand to check If the man in front of me was still breathing, but before I could do anything, the man slowly started to move his head and looked around.

I whispered softly in reassurance, "Hey, it's going to be okay." I leaned around to look at his face, and realized he had the most extraordinary green eyes.

He slowly moved his hand to his wound right over mine, he winced and stiffened at the touch.

"Let's get out of this bitch."

He grumbled, standing up suprisingly effortlessly. "Woah take it easy-" He cut me off, "Look I've endured worse lady." He said working his way out into the hallway.

"You coming?"

He said looking back at me. I looked down at my foot with worried eyes and back at him.

He walked back over to me grabbing his stomach, "Here." He said extending his hand for me to take.

"First of all, It's (Y/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Second of all, I got it." I grabbed the wall behind me, and struggled to stand up, but hid my struggle.

I stood up on both feet wincing at the pain my foot endured while putting all my weight onto my left foot.

He shrugged his shoulders as he walked into the hallway.

I started using the wall to stabilize myself, but then fell a loud scraping noise echoed as my hand rubbed really hard against the wall, as I stumbled forward.

The man grabbed my arm stabalizing me. I yanked away, I knew I couldn't trust him to keep me stable.

I can't trust anyone.

It's how I grew up.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help you lady- I mean (Y/N)..."

He looked annoyed.

"I don't- need your help." I replied to him weakly. "You don't even know where we are right now. I can help you."

"I do know where we are. We are in hell, and you can't help me. I'm fine on my own." I said raising my voice.

"How do you know?"  He retorted.

"Because- You don't want to know. Also, what's your name? You look awfully familiar." It was true, he looked very familiar.

I don't know if it was maybe from a recent hunt, or just if he had that face.

"Dean Winchester."

Nope. Never heard that name before. Nevermind.

He looked around frantically- assuming for an exit- in the hallway we'd both been standing there for a while, and he looked as if he wanted to get away from this awkward conversation.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from the end of the hallway along with a distinct conversation.

A voice that sounded all too familiar reached my ears.

it was Crowley.

The man who killed my Mom.

I felt rage surging through me, I wanted to run up to him and shove a demon blade right into his dark empty heart.

I started limping towards the corner of the hallway with my demon blade, but a set of strong hands grabbed me and shoved me back aginst the beginning of the hall, and turned me around a corner and onto the ground.

I fought them so I could get my vengance but they were too strong.

"Revenge is great for about the first 5 minutes, also, we don't have time. We gotta get outta here (Y/N)."

I looked into his reassuring eyes coldly. "Here, just... let me help you. Here, let me fix your stab wound."

I could tell he knew I was just distracting myself so I wouldn't try to get crowley, but he let me help him anyways.

He handed me a flask of whiskey from his pocket, and I unbuttoned his shirt for him. He gave me a teasing smirk, and I just rolled my eyes.

He winced at the pain, but soon straightened his face back to normal. I reached into my pocket to find my Mom's old sewing kit, I bring it with me everywhere.

Every loop I made when sewing him up, I did with extra care. When I finished I bit the end off of the string, and gazed into his deep green eyes.

I realized that he had not broken eye contact with me the whole time I was sewing him up. We both smiled as we both struggled to stand up, his smile could light up a room.

It was the cutest grin I'd ever seen,

"Let's go."

He said standing up reaching for my hand. I used his shoulder for support, as he led me to a storage room.

I followed, not having another plan of my own.

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