chapter 14: Mama is no more...

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Dean's POV:

It had been, 9 minutes, and I knew she was already gone. I walked up the stairs in her house, the walls were filled with pictures. Tears welled in my eyes, she was gone. I started uncontrollably sobbing and walked up the stairs, I ran into the bathroom. I slammed the door but it flew back open, I banged on the wall. " Sonofabitch!!!" I screamed. I heard Sam rushing up the stairs as I screamed her name. Sam grabbed me, and held me in his arms. " Sh, Dean. She's gone." I sobbed and fell to the floor. "Sam, I-its my fault. I got captured. And now she's-" I stopped knowing Sam was just standing and staring eyes widened. " Dean, it's gonna be okay. I know she's gone, but we can't do anything. And it's not your fault." I looked at him, then noticing I had not read that not she had given me. I reached into my pocket and pulled it out to read,
Dean. I know you will miss me, but don't try to bring me back. It will only make things worse, I have always loved you and Sam. Please, don't beat yourself up about my death. I will always be there with you and Sam, also, tell Cas thank you for healing me. Anyway, Dean. I want you to be happy. Let this note be a symbol of my love to you and Sam. You both are my family, and Mary. Tell Mary to look on her dresser, I left my recipie for pie in there. I love ya'll and wish you the best life you could ever wish for.
Love, (Y/N).
The tears had still not left my eyes, as I handed Sam the note. After a minute, he started crying too. " I'm such a baby, I haven't cried in a while." I said laughing. " People cry not becuase they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long." I heard (Y/N)'s Mom say from behind us. I gave a warm smile to her as I stood up and gave her a hug.


It had been about 6 months, and I expected her to come back by now. 'Why do I have my hopes up? I just can't get over her!' I scream in my sleep sometimes, only when I can even manage to sleep. When I'm awake, I wait to go comfort her when she has nightmares. Everyday, I go out to her car and keep it in good condtion. Sam can't seem to move on either, he doesn't show it, but I know he misses her. I watch her favorite movies every night, I listen to her favorite song, which just happens to be one of Asia's. I wish I could see her one last time. Kiss her one last time. Hold her one. Last. Time. I felt I needed to talk to someone so I prayed to Cas. 'Cas, I need help, man. I need to talk.' And with that, he showed up. " Hello Dean." " Cas, you gotta help me, I can't live without her... She was my-" I stopped and thought, what was she to me. " Cas, I loved her." His smile widened. " Why are you smiling?" I said. " It was obvious from the beginning, really. I'll see what I can do." And with that he left.

It had been a whole year without (Y/N), and I had learned to push the emotions down and away. Mom had walked into the kitchen with Apple Pie, probably (Y/N)'s Recipe. " Pie Dean." Mom said, holding the tray out for my to take a peice. " Not hungry." I said sternly. " Look, Dean. I know you miss her, but you might have to think of the idea. She isn't coming-" "Don't finish that sentence." I felt bad for yelling. But before I could apologize, Mom walked back into the kitchen with the pie. I sat at the dining room table, I was staring at the ground, when I saw (Y/N). But it wasn't her, it was just another hallucination. I took a huge swig of my beer, and shook my head, knowing it wasn't real.
Sam's POV:

I was going to the store to get Dean Pie. I was worried about him latley, I know I missed her too, but he said he kept seeing her. I walked into the section where the pie was, and grabbed the Apple one. That was Dean's favorite, I grabbed another pack of beers. The day was sad and blank, it was raining hard outside. I paid for the items, and brought them to my car. I drove down the road some, and swerved when I saw a figure standing in the rainy streets. I stopped on the side of the road, and got out. I followed the figure who was, standing frozen in the road. I put my arms on who looked like a girl's shoulders. I lead her to the side of the road and stood under a tree, I got a better veiw at her. It looked like (Y/N), " Sam?" I heard her call out. I was frozen in my stance in front of her. " (Y/N)?" " Sam!?!" She wrapped her arms around my neck, and I held her in my arms. " How are you alive?" I asked confused. " Can we get it the car first? I'm freezing, and it's raining...I mean, don't get me wrong...I love the rain. But it's cold." I nodded then realizing we were in the rain. " So, what happened." I asked as we started going down the road. " Um- I woke up under a thick blanket of leaves. It was a little hot outside, so I started walking around. I found the nearest gas station, I asked where I was. I then got a bus ticket from this nice man, and I road the bus with him. I then went to sleep in the woods, and saw Cas, I prayed to him. He said that I needed to come home, but then he disappeared. I left where I was, and started to memorize where I was. I started down the road, until I saw the impala swerve past me. And here we are now." She looked at me, and I looked back. " Dean, needs you (Y/N)." I said pulling into the bunker. "Oh gosh, Dean!" She said pulling the door open and running out of the impala. I followed after her, and told her to wait at the dining room table. " Dean, come here. I need to show you something." He walked towards me, and grabbed the pie from my hands. " Yeah, what is it Sammy." He glanced at (Y/N), but just ignored her as if it was one of his visions. " Dean, she's back." I said signaling to (Y/N). She stood up and walked over to Dean, " Hi Dean." She said in a small voice. Dean reached in his pocket and grabbed the holy water, her arm stayed normal. " Hm, that's a first?" " Dean it's me." She said reaching for his hand. " (Y/N)?" I saw the tears in his eyes. " Dean." She said already crying. She pulled him into a tight hug, " How did you- where have you- what the hell happened?" He said pulling back to look at her. I smiled and walked off to do more research on a case, as I watched them kiss.

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