chapter 7: Movie night

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Sam's POV:

Me and (Y/N) didn't go to sleep like Dean said, well, we also didn't last very long trying to stay awake.

Me and (Y/N) were snuggled up together on her bed, and the credits of the last twilight movie were rolling I had just woken up in the middle of the night for no reason again.

Her head laid on my chest, and her hands gently rested om my stomach. I felt the urge to walk around, so I slowly snaked my way out of (Y/N)'s arms.

I finally made my way out of her grip, and off the bed.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a beer, when I saw Dean sitting at the kitchen table drinking one already.

"Last one."

Dean mumbled. "Come again?" I said annoyed.

"This is the last beer Sammy."

Dean said and didn't stop looking at the floor. "Dude, what's up?"

"What do you mean?"

He responded. "I mean, you- you've been acting so quiet latley? You are drinking at 7 in the morning? That's my thing. What's up with you latley Dean?" He finnaly looked me in my eyes.

"Sam, oh Sammy." He said looking down again. I sat in front of him.

"I- I have been having nightmares. And I have these feelings, I can't quite feel, Becuase I know it will hurt someone if I feel them." His words fell on my like a brick, he was probably talking about me and (Y/N). I looked around and was curious, "what feelings?" I asked leaning closer.

He looked up at me, "Sam, I don't- I don't know. I can't- it's late, let's go to bed." Just then, (Y/N) walked in the room. "Hey, guys what's wrong."

She said rubbing her weary eyes. "Nothing, (Y/N), I was about to go back to bed." I said walking towards her, "No- What's going on, For real? I want to know."

I put my hands on her shoulders, "(Y/N), we are tired. We're gonna go to bed, we will talk about it tomorrow."

I said rubbing my thumb across her cheek. "Okaaay." She replied, yawning. We were walking back to the room when she suddenly dropped to the floor, I chuckled. "Told ya."

I Whispered. I used my free hand to pull back the covers, and set her gently on her bed.

I kissed her forehead and pulled away to go, but she put her hand on my cheek. "Don't go. Please?" She said looked at me with squinted eyes.

She looked to helpless, so I nodded and laid down on top of the covers next to her. She softly snored as she rolled over onto my chest, "Goodnight (Y/N)." I Whispered.

"Goodnight baby." She Whispered back. She was so tired, it was cute to watch as she swiftly drifted off to sleep, and I did too.


(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke on Sam's chest, as I sat up. I felt a gush from underneath me, "Oh no." I Whispered under my breath. I ran to the bathroom in the hallway, and slammed the door behind me.

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