chapter 28: Sam's date!?

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Sam's POV:

I got out of the car I'd hotwired and walked toward the old fashioned diner Hazel had texted me the address to. I walked inside, glancing around. (Y/N) had suggested I wear a casual flannel and said something along the lines of 'girls like guys who aren't too fancy'. My eyes instantly caught on the beautiful girl, with brown hair and extraordinary amber tinted eyes. She was sipping a sweet tea, but she added something. I walked over, sitting down across from her "Hey..." I let out a breath, taking in all her beauty and innocence. "Hey, I was just trying something..." she gave a brief smile, before pouring a small creamer up into her tea. I gave her a confused,

but amused look, "Oh? Is that..." I tilted my head. She chuckled looking up at me, "Yep. That's creamer." She laughed, and I couldn't help but chuckle. Even her laugh was beautiful. "Oh..." I nodded, "Is it like that trend that's going around? Uh, milk tea...right?" I asked, glancing at her as she took a sip. She nodded, using a straw, and drinking it. As soon as it reached her lips, her eyes widened. "Huh, better than I thought. Wanna try?"

She slid the cup toward me. I shrugged, "Why not." I chuckled, I took a sip and it tasted...terrible. I regretted it. But I acted like it was good because I'm not a dick. I'm not gonna just say 'this tastes like shit', I'm gonna be nice. Because that's me. She grinned and broke into a fit of laughs. "What?" I asked. "It's terrible...I know that. But Sam

Winchester, I didn't think you'd actually drink it." She laughed, giving me a playful nudge. "" I grinned, shaking my head. "Okay, it was terrible...but honestly, ya know, it had like a sweet but creamy tang to it." I explained. "Ew! You're gross."

She giggled. "But it's cute." She smiled, and I blushed. "Cute?" I questioned, cocking a brow. She replied with a hum, "You've changed since high school..." she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and I smiled. "Well, um, you haven't. You're still that girl I had a crush on." I smiled, sipping the water that had been sitting in front of me.

"I meant look wise, dork." She blew the paper from her straw across the table, toward me. "Oh, so I'm still a dork?" I joked, and she shook her head. "My kind of dork." She grinned, the most childish but adorable thing I had ever seen.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I stared at the computer screen, bags under my eyes. I felt a little alone... all that mattered is that Dean and Sam were happy. I mean, I hoped Dean was happy... I knew Sam probably was having a good time. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

There was still a case. I knew that no matter what anyone said. Kids don't just grow 20 years old, and then come back home. That's not right. I felt my eyes slowly drifting shut, and I yawned. The door open and shut, and I shot up. There Dean was, and a girl that looked in her twenties followed her. "Dean? What's going on? Who's this?" I looked at the girl, she had tears in her eyes but she smiled, waving shyly.

"This is Kara...uh, I think you were right about the case." Dean said, looking down and sighing. "Ha! Knew it." I walked over to Kara. "Hey there, where are your parents?" I asked in a gentle voice. "They told me to leave..." she sniffled. "It's okay, we'll get you back to them. Don't worry, sweetie." I smiled, then turning to Dean.

"Okay, I did the's a witch. Also, the curse, it's called-" Dean cut me off, "You did research, while I was at the bar and Sam's- wherever he went tonight?" he asked. I nodded, "It's fine. I like research, it doesn't matter. Right now, all that matters, is fixing this ugly mess. It's not fair for the kids." I finished, not letting Dean interrupt at all. "I hate when you're right...fine. Alright, let's do it."


Dean attacked the witch, while I searched the house for the hex bag. Sam was still on his date, but me and Dean had it handled. We were a power couple after all. I sprinted upstairs and picked up every cup and looked everywhere. I couldn't find the damn hex bag.

Luckily there were only 3 rooms upstairs, so I didn't have to be up there too long. It reminded me too much of my house. I ran to the kitchen, looking around, finding a shelf of black books. I mean, they were a neat family, but there was a book turned the wrong way. Probably not a coincidence. I walked over and glanced back at Dean.

The witch was strangling him...shit. I had to do this quick. I rushed over, grabbing the book, throwing it at the witch. She turned to me, and I grabbed the hex bag. I readied my lighter and tossed the hex bag on the ground. It's just...the lighter wasn't lighting. "C'mon dammit..." I murmured. "Babe! (Y/N), watch out!" Dean yelled and I looked up, seeing the witch was charging toward me.

She flicked her wrist and knocked me back against the wall. I grunted from the impact, falling against the wall. The hex bag lay on the ground, feet away from me. I struggled against her hold, feeling strangled as I tried to move my hand.

The lighter finally started working, but I still couldn't move. I started feeling this pain in my was excruciating. I cried out in pain, squeezing my eyes shut. I opened them to see Dean charging up from behind the witch. "You bitch." He said, punching her straight in the face.

She stumbled a little, but then glared at Dean. I felt her grip on my chest lessen a little as her attention moved to Dean. She sent him flying back against the opposite wall, making me angrier than ever. He reached for his throat...not my man. She's messing with the wrong damn girl. She's messing with (Y/N) (Y/L/N). Big mistake. Huge mistake. I struggled, but mustered up so much anger and strength, I moved my hand forward, and stood up. She gave me a look of shock while Dean's eyes widened, but he was still choking.

Just as I was about to try something, the door busted open. It was Sam...and that girl. He aimed his gun at her and shot her square in the chest. She screamed out, falling down dead on the floor.

I immediately fell back, due to the amount of forced I used to stand up despite her hold on me. I looked across the room, Dean was passed out. "Dean!" I jumped up, running across the room.

I crouched in front of him, putting my fingers to his wrist...phew. There's a pulse. "Is he okay?" I heard Sam ask. "You! What the hell are you doing here?" I asked, pointing in his face.

I instantly put on a smile, extending my hand toward the girl I knew as Hazel Solace. "Hi there, I'm (Y/N) (Y/L/N)." I smiled, shaking her hand. She shook it with just as much energy, grinning like there was nothing else in the world to do. I liked her already. "Hazel. Hazel Solace." She let go of my hand.

"That's Dean...his brother, my everything." I turned back toward Sam. "Okay, now, explain yourself." I gave him a stern look. He was supposed to be out on a date. Not here. "I, uh, thought since neither of you were answering your phones, you and Dean were doing the case. Without me. So, I tracked your phone, and drove here." He explained.

"But that's not a date Sam. You were supposed to be with her...talking and flirting. Shooting and driving is not flirting." I exclaimed. "But it was pretty badass." Hazel winked at him. "It was pretty hot, wasn't it?" Sam chuckled. "Okay, thank you. Fine. I said it..." I huffed, crossing my arms.

"There's gotta be a 'but'. There always is." Sam said, crossing his arms. "But..." I dragged the word out. "I could've handled it myself." I stated, turning back to Dean. Sam scoffed, "Why can't you just admit, you needed help, and you're glad I helped." I sighed, "Because then I wouldn't be me." I replied, crouching down to Dean.

His eyes were open, "Hey there sweetheart..." he said in a gruff voice. "Hey baby..." I put my hand on his cheek. He got up, using the wall and me for support. "Are you okay?" I asked, in my gentlest voice. "I'm fine, princess." He answered with a smile.

"Who's Sam here with?" He asked, still a little dazed. He hit his head pretty hard.... And probably was a little fuzzy from his trip to the bar. "That's Hazel... she's Sam's new girlfriend. And he's here because he wanted to watch me beat that witch's ass for you." I said that last part a little louder to get on Sam's nerves.

"That's my girl." He kissed my cheek, and I giggled, glancing back at Sam who rolled his eyes at me. I led Dean outside to the car letting him use me as support. 

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