chapter 16 the shifter

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(Y/N)'s POV:

The windows were rolled down, and air blew in my face. The song " Back in Black" by ACDC was playing, and I was practically screaming the whole song as we cruised down the road. Dean was sitting next to me in the backseat, he said he needed a nap on the way there. Which we then noticed he truly did. Sam drove baby, as Cas kept looking at me through the reflection of the window. I stared back, but I occasionally looked at Dean who was out cold next to me. His head rested of my shoulder, and my head rested on his. Just then, his head fell onto my lap. I didn't move at all, he softly snored in a soothing way. I gave Cas a smile and pointed to Dean, he turned around to look at me and saw Dean in my lap. His smile widened, now it was a smirk. " Shut up." I Whispered.
Dean was still in my lap, and we were 13 minutes away. I ran my fingers through his short sandy colored hair, though it was short, it was soft. He woke up the third time I stroked through it, he instantly sat up. " Sorry." He said running his fingers through his Hair. I Giggled, " I didn't really mind, but okay. It's fine." I saw him blush at my words. " So, how far away are we?" He asked looking around drousily. " About 10 minutes." I said watching him yawn, then leading to me yawning too.

It was a little late, but we still had some time to ask some questions around the area. We got our room, it only had two beds again. " I guess I get the couch." I said sighing and sitting on the uncomfortable tiny couch. " No, the couch is mine." Dean said plopping down next to me. " Okay, guys stop acting like children. Ya'll figure that out, and I'll be in the car." Sam exited the room leaving me and Dean sitting on the couch alone. " That couch, is mine. It's is comfy, and I deserve it." Dean said looking at me. " Dean, you don't deserve the couch." I argued. " I slept on your lap the whole way here Sweetheart, I get the couch. You can have the comfy bed." " Oh, so the couch isn't comfy." I said raising my eyebrows playfully. " It's not good enough for you, it's good enough for me." He said putting his arm around me. " Dean. How am I better. You're so much better, you are like cute, and funny, and-" I got carried away. " (Y/N)." He said. He pulled me into a kiss, I gasped. I got lost in his lips, he cupped my face with his hand. He snaked his tongue into my mouth, and let out a groan. I pulled away for air. " Poor Sam, he is still waiting in the car Dean." I chuckled. " Oh-um-yeah. Right." He said as he stood up. He grabbed my hand, and led me outside to the impala.
The first person's house was apparently a young man, he had long silky locks of dirty blonde hair like Dean's. His eyes barley showed, but they were a sky blue. They haven't told me his name yet, until they did. " His name is Mason, Mason Turner." We walked up to his doorstep, and knocked. " Hello, I'm Agent Burges and this is brother and his fiance Agent Swift." Sam said confidently, both of them wipping out their fake badges. I blushed, " Fiance?" I Whispered nudging Sam. He shrugged, " We need to ask about a death recently." " Y-Yes come in." Mason said opening the door wider for us to walk in. We sat down on his leather couch, he kept eyeing me suspisously. As soon as we sat down he asked, " I'm sorry, Mrs. Swift- or Agent Swift? You look familiar, what's your name?" " (Y/N)." I said. " Oh my gosh. That's you?" He asked surprised. " Everybody kept wondering what had happened to the prettiest girl I'm school." He sent a wink my way. Dean glared at him, And I Giggled. " Thanks, but um- we have more serious matters to talk about." I said seriously.

We had gone back to the motel, we only had two clues. Mason had told us a woman used to live across from him, her name was unknown to lost people. But one day, he had been to her house, and he could've sworn he saw red skin in her windows. We visited that house, but somebody else had moved in. She didn't like me much, but she invited Dean and Sam inside to investigate. It bugged me, but luckily I got a good nap out of that situation.


The boys hadn't told me anything about her house or what she had said. They kept quiet, it was very weird of them. I sprawled myself across the bed, I then felt the sweat on my back from the car make my shirt stick to my back. " I'm gonna go shower guys." I said. Sam and Dean just sat and stared at the floor. " Guys? Dude,What the hell is going on? You both are so quiet." I said stepping towards them. " Nothings wrong, we are just tired." Sam said clearing his throat. " Heh, but the Winchesters don't just shut up like that though. Usually you two are either bickering or laughing." I said crossing my arms tightly. " (Y/N). We are completely fine, I really am tired." Dean said still staring at the floor. " Okay?" I said suspisously. I turned around and walked towards the one bathroom, I looked back, and saw Dean catch a glance at me, he looked guilty. I decided to try to ignore it, and just take the damn shower already.

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