chapter 4: My "house"

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Dean's POV:

I came back from the case with Cas, but there was No case, I bet that Sam was trying to get closer to (Y/N) while I was gone!

It made me angry, I really liked (Y/N) but I guess it wouldn't be Sam's fault, becuase he didn't seem to know yet that I had feelings for her.

I walked down the stairs of the bunker, and went to (Y/N)'s bedroom to check on her, but saw Sam suggled up next to her on the bed.

It made me angry, I felt the rim of My eyes burn. So I walked in and Sam's smile immediately dropped. "How's the cuddle party going." I asked sarcastically. "Dean, it's not what it looks like-"

"Awe, Shut it Sammy."

I interrupted. I stormed off into my bedroom, and sat on the edge of my bed, hands on my head.


I muttered. "Obviously, Sam would take the person I actually fell for. I really wish, that one thing. Just one. Would go my way." Just then, someone (probably Sam) knocked at my door.

"Go away." I said impolitely. "Dean, it's me." I heard (Y/N)'s voice right outside, and ran over to the door.

I opened it, and she stepped into my room. "Dean? Are you okay?"


I responded sarcastically. "No, you're not. You are crying." I felt my cheeks, and I indeed was crying. A couple of tears actually, "Oh, nothing, I Just- I- I" I stammered, "Dean, I should go home. It's getting late, and I need my clothes." (Y/N) asked and my heart sank.

(Y/N)'s POV:

When I said that, it made me think about where I was staying before.

I had some bags at an old rundown motel, but I couldn't live there anymore. They were tearing it down. I decided to get them to take me back so I could grab my bags and move on.

I don't like staying the night anywhere that's not mine, I'm always afraid one day, it'll all go away. "Where are you staying?" Dean asked as we both walked out of the room. "Urm, I am staying at the runaway motel."

He looked at me confused. "Well, I live behind it. Pfft, obviously. I just don't like staying with other people for very long." I said sadly staring at the floor.

"Why not?" Dean asked.

I told him my Dad left me and how I had to stay at strangers houses, he nodded attentively and suprisingly paid attention throughout the whole one way conversation.

"I'm sorry that happened, but will you be safe at your little set up?"

"Yeah, it's great there." I lied, and knew it was wrong, but I had to get away from both of the handsome boys before I got my heartbroken. Suddenly Sam saw us walking out the Door and into the garage, he rushed over. "Hey, where are ya'll going?"


I responded immediately. "Oh, um- okay?" Sam walked over to me and gave me a big hug, "Guess this is goodbye then?"


" I mean you could stay here?" Sam offered. "No, I don't really do staying with people,sorry." Sam frowned and nodded.

He turned towards the kitchen, and walked back into his bedroom. There I saw, a beautiful 67' Chevy impala. Dean opened the passenger door for me, and I slipped in.

He closed it and ran to his side of the car, he grabbed the keys and turned them in the ignition.

The car started, and we drove out of the garage and started driving toward our destination.

I studied his features, he had a slight stubble on his face, his brown hair was cut short, and his medium green eyes were so deep, I could almost drown in them.

I gazed at him, while Dean was dividing his attention between the road and me.
After an hour of driving and brief gazes of eachother, we finnaly reached my "home" when Dean pulled up to the front.

I hopped out really fast, mabey a Little too fast? "See ya around Dean." I said smiling.

He must've Seen how fake it was, becuase he got out of the car and came over to me. "If you ever need anything, at all, just- call me. Please."


I responded worridely. I thought to myself, mabey I should leave my mark so he dosent forget me.

"See you around." I kissed him on the cheek, and that surely made me blush. We stood only A few inches apart, gazing into eachothers eyes, I backed away and headed for the motel.

I could feel Dean's eyes on me as I left, I felt bad for leaving them, but I was scared I'd loose them. Sam was sweet, and liked all the things I did, and Dean?

It was weird, I couldn't tell if I liked him or not like that. I had entered the motel, and went over to room 3, and grabbed my bag from the inside.

I sat down, on the old beat up couch and stared blankly to the broken TV.

The widows were partially shattered, the roof was broken, and everything was Nasty and looked like it was 10000 years old, but I could live there.

It was okay, at least I had a partial roof over my head. I chuckled to myself, Just then, I saw a figure standing in the doorway.

I stood up from my comfortable position on the couch, and saw Dean standing confused in the doorway.


I called out. "Oh, (Y/N). You can't stay here, it's not safe. I know you don't like staying with people, but please. Stay with me Sam and Cas, it's safer." I hesitated, thinking.

Everything is fine right now. I can't just stay with them. I don't even know them like that. I don't wanna intrude.

They would die. It's why hunters don't have friends. They eventually die.
But it would be nice. Not to be alone.

I deserve better. My mom would've wanted this. She would've wanted me to be safe and sound.

Eventually... I nodded my head.

I guess staying with the boys was a better idea, it was safer. Dean wrapped his arm around me and guided me to the impala, he opened the door for me again, and I sat down.

I was shaking, I realized how bad I was treating myself. I didn't want any help, but I guess I needed it.

Dean noticed me shaking and almost read my mind,"Why do you treat yourself this way. You deserve way better, you don't eat, you live in a sad place. You need to treat yourself better." I nodded and Dean shut the door as I did.

I saw Dean walk back in the house, he had returned with my bag. He opened the trunk and put the bag inside, he then walked around to the driver's side, and plopped in.

"Let's get outta here." He said softly, putting the car in reverse.

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