chapter 23: gone.

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(Y/N)'s POV:

A motel just down the street, with suspiciously stained walls. 17 missed calls from Dean Winchester, and 20 messages from Sam. I'm not going back. I got a new phone so they couldn't track my location, and I put their numbers in my phone, but didn't message them. And I stole a new credit card ID. I was on the anywhere. Anywhere but here. I sat on the creaky bed, grabbing my phone. I stared at the screen a few seconds, thinking. There was no point... maybe I could stay in contact with Sam? No. Because then I'd still be attached...I'd never go back. I hated Dean for what he did...though I still loved him. I had to get over him. I sighed, feeling tears come to my eyes...maybe he would get better. Nope. Still... I can't do this anymore. I spent so much worry on him...all my stress. Plus, he'd probably find someone new to hookup with. I let a tear fall, remembering his face after he'd slapped me. Did he not know what he was doing? Either way... I can't be hurt by him again if I'm not with him.

Dean's POV:

I sat on against the headboard of my bed in my room, sipping on a beer. There wasn't much left in the bottle...but I was too lazy to get up right now. I can't believe I hit her. I promised myself I'd never hit a woman—obviously besides demons, vamps, ext.—but someone I loved. I can't even trust myself anymore. Every 15 minutes Sam comes and knocks at my door asking if I'm fine... I'm not. I hit the girl I loved...she's the only one I've ever really loved. Other than Lisa. I'd lived with her and her son Ben for a year...I miss them even now, but I know I can't have them. And now...I've lost the girl that was for me. I don't usually believe in soulmates and all that sappy stuff, but I haven't seen a girl who fits me more. She's a hunter, she's hot, she's sexy, she's absolutely gorgeous, she's not perfect. But that's not her fault. She was born into this life and has scars, some not visible, but she's the strongest person I know. she's gone. And it's my own damn fault. "Dean." I heard Sam's voice from outside the room. I sighed, looking at the door. Should I answer this time? No. I don't trust myself. The fucking demon inside of me would probably come back. " can't stay in there forever...I know you probably have finished all your beers..." I heard him say. "Go away, Sammy. I don't deserve anymore beer." I crossed my arms, letting the empty beer bottle fall to the floor. "Dean. Stop...what you did to (Y/N) wasn't your fault. It wasn't you..." Sam sighed. I kept quiet. "You can't just stay in there all the time... um, your pie's getting cold by the way." Sam said, and I heard the chuckle in his voice. "Never thought I had to say know it's just weird-" he trailed off, and I knew it would get weird if I didn't stop him. I walked over to the door, "Man, just shut up. Alright, I'm coming." I chuckled, "Um, yep. Great. Alright, so, I'll just..." I opened the door as he walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I found my mom's old journal in my bag and flipped through the pages. It had a lot of hunting stuff in it...but one picture caught my eye. It was unlike anything I'd seen before. The title of the picture that was taped to the page was 'Typhon: The Greek monster of monsters.' Wow. It was ugly...and never solved. Maybe this research would distract me from things. I grabbed my laptop, typing the name into the search bar. I pressed the first link and saw an article. This was gonna be a long night. 'Deadliest creature' one sentence read. I scanned through it all, and at the end of the article it had more links. 'Myths and sights' the first link said. I raised a brow, pressing the link. 'People believe the mighty Typhon escaped tartus and is on the run to kill couples who were in love, and because of his envy that his wife Echidna was killed.' After the first couple of sentences, I kind of felt bad for Typhon. He loved his wife, who was killed...and he was just jealous. But I could have no sympathy for the things that go bump in the night. I was a hunter. I read the next paragraph, explaining where the last so called 'sighting' was. 'Sahuarita Arizona was the last sighting, where two 18 year olds were staying in a motel room and their room burned down'. The article stated. Makes sense...Typhon was a titian of fire. But what about his power of controlling the wind? I sighed, seeming slightly lost. But then, another half of the page loaded, and I scrolled down. 'Force of the wind started picking up down the street, definitely not a coincidence.' It said. I needed the weakness, so I could take this bitch down. I went back onto the search bar, and typed in 'Typhon's weakness.' The first thing that popped up was from Wikipedia. I shrugged, pressing the link. The story was long, but the bottom line was one of Zues's lightening bolts would put down Typhon for good. Where would I get one of those? Maybe I could go to the bunker and Sam could help me...but do it while Dean's out. I yawned, feeling my eye lids growing heavy, and my head starting to rest. I couldn't think anymore. I needed sleep. I closed my computer, setting it on the table and laying down on the bed. It felt lonely without anyone's arm around me...without his arm around me. And the pillows weren't comfortable because they didn't hug me back. I sighed, turning the pillow over. Ah yes...the cold side. I can live with that. I closed my eyes, finally falling asleep.

Sam's POV:

I sighed, gulping down a large sip of beer. I never really got this drunk anymore...but I couldn't help it. Dean isn't happy anymore...he's at the bunker while I'm here alone at the bar. I didn't come for hookups because that's not really my thing, I came to genuinely let go of things. I've already had 8 beers. The lady at the bar has been giving me glances but I'm not interested. The only thing I want right now is to find (Y/N), and to make Dean normal again. Everything has been so overwhelming lately... Cas is gone. (Y/N)'s Mom is gone, and even though that happened a while ago it's still worth grieving over. She was nice. And now Dean's a demon, and (Y/N) ran off. I'd never seen her more scared. " look like shit." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. It was Mom. I stood up, it had been so long since I'd ever really seen or talked to her. "Mom, hey..." I walked over, giving her a hug. " are my boys? And (Y/N), how's she?" Sher asked, pulling away from the hug. "Um...well, not so good actually." My smile faded. "What's wrong Sam?" She asked, sitting next to me on a stool at the bar. "Dean's a demon...again." I swallowed, my throat swelling as I kept back tears. "And...(Y/N) is gone. Dean hit her, and she got scared, and I can't find her. I just- I feel like..." I paused sighing. "Everything's so messed up right now..." I sighed, turning to look at her. "Oh Sam... I'm sorry I haven't been around. You've had all this weight on your shoulders...and no one to talk to. I..." She sighed as her phone rang. "You take that, it'll be okay." I pressed my lips into a firm line as she grabbed her phone walking toward the exit of the bar. I grabbed my beer, taking a huge drink of it. Tonight was going to be a long night.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I rubbed my eyes as I woke up. I felt like absolute and utter shit. I yawned, stretching my arms, and laying back down in my bed. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand, it was 5:30. I was gonna call Sam and ask if he could help me. I scrolled through my contacts, finding Sam the first pinned contact. I pressed the call button and it rung. It rung for a while...before finally Sam's tired voice rung through the speaker. "Hello?" he said. "Hey Sam, um, it's (Y/N)." I said, running a hand through my hair. "(Y/N)?, Hi? What's- um, what do you need?" He asked and I heard cracking noises in the background. He probably had just woken up. I was such a dick. "So...there's this case. It's different than I've ever dealt, I was thinking maybe...if you could get Dean out of the bunker for a while, I could look for the thing I need to gank the bitch." I mumbled, feeling awful for not even wanting to see either of them. I know me leaving was probably awful for them, but I was trying to protect myself. It's what a hunter does. "Okay...yeah, sure." I heard him stand up and the bed creak. "You can be here in 15...I'll get Dean to go with me to the store to get some groceries." He sighed. "Thank you Sam...I really appreciate it." I said, grabbing my duffle bag and walking out to my car with my phone tucked in the crook of my neck against my ear. "Alright...take care, (Y/N). Be safe...please." He pleaded, sounding tired. "Yep. I'll be safe...I promise." I shoved my bag in the trunk. I didn't have the coolest setup like Dean's car, but I still could put stuff in a compartment in my trunk. I didn't have all the weapons or tools, but just enough to kill about anything. ", bye." Sam's voice rang as he hung up. "Bye..." I exhaled, walking toward the lobby of the motel, about to check out. 

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