chapter 13: I guess it's goodbye

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We walked towards the front of the barn, I gently shoved the door open as it made a silent creak. I looked straight forward, and I saw Dean. He was tied up in a chair, cuts, and bruises all over his body. " Dean!" I called out. I ran towards him, but was stopped by an invisible wall. I slid up against it, I bang on it really hard, until my hand was too sore to continue. He looked so hurt, I could almost feel his pain. Just then, Crowley showed up. " Hello Moose, hello (Y/L/N)? right? I'll find you a better nickname later. Ooh, how about " Mrs. Squirrel"." " Crowley, what's the price." I said raising my voice. " Straight to buissness then. Alright." He walked right through the invisible wall, and over to me. " I want your soul, not for me though." I tried to interrupt, but he put his finger up in the air stopping me. " I will give you Dean, and I will leave the Winchesters alone for now. I won't try to kill them, nor change their fates. I will not take their souls, nor kill their family-" " She is family!!" Dean yelled from behind. " ah, Squirrel. Your awake, just explaining things to your darling here. Anyways." He turned back to me. " I will let you have a couple of minutes with you " Family" and then, we can go on with the deal." I looked at Dean, he was shaking his head. I looked back at Sam, a tear was running down his cheek. A tear fell down mine too, " Crowley, I swear if you lay one hand on her-" " Okay." I said confidently. " I'll do it. But as long as I can change the deal a bit. Fairly." He raised an eyebrow at me. " Okay. Well, go on what are the changes." I looked at Sam. " I want to say goodbye to our Moms. I also, want a minute to drive in my car. One. Last. Time." I closed my eyes taking a deep breath. I opened them, and saw Dean. He was mouthing " No,(Y/N). please." His eyes were full of water. " Okay Darling. Shake my hand and it is done." I reached for his hand, but then thought, he said my soul wasn't for him? " Wait, who's my soul for?" Hs shrugged. " Not for me, I am just doing this for the reward." I thought for a second and thought,' I am in no luck either way.' I reached for his hand and shaked it firmly. " Just, call me when you are ready. Tomorrow morning, that's when your time starts. I'll let you rest for now, just because I am being nice. You better call me before 5."
We had left, it had been about 2 hours since we got back. For my last night alive, I decided to use the hot tub. I felt bad, becuaee me and Dean had argued about how I shouldn't have done that. I didn't want to end on a bad note with everyone, so I decided to call Cas. I stood in the room, and prayed to him. ' Castiel, this is my last chance to say goodbye. I will be gone tomorrow.' I heard a flutter of wings behind me, and saw Castiel standing behind me. " Hey Cas." " (Y/N), What did you do?" He said sternly. " I am saving Dean. I just- wanted to say goodbye." I walked over to him, and hugged him tight. I winced as he hugged me back, for I had cuts and bruises all over me. " You're hurt?" He said pulling back to look at me. " Cas, I'm fine. They're just- battle scars." Just then, he put to fingers on my forehead, I saw flashes of light all around me, " Thanks Cas." I said with a warm smile. " Goodbye (Y/N). I will miss you. " He said. And with that, he was gone. I shrugged it off, and went into the bathroom to change into my bathing suit. I pulled a Towel over my shoulders, and walked over to what was originally Dean's bed. I set a note down to let them know I was at the hot tub.
I had been out in the tub for 10 minutes, it was so relaxing. I laid my head back and enjoyed the warm water, " This is the best." Just then, I heard footsteps coming from behind me. I looked back to see Dean, " Oh my gosh, um- what are you doing out so late?" I said instantly grabbing my Towle and wrapping myself. " I got your note. And why are you wrapping yourself, you nude or something." You laughed. You knew that would be his first thought. " Um, no. And I was just letting you know." " Why are you covering yourself? Were you just scared, or is there something wrong?" I sighed and looked from the ground to him. " I- I. I don't feel comfortable, showing my body to anyone.." I felt so embarrassed saying that. " Oh." He said clearing his throat. " Is it your cuts, we could just get Ca-" I stopped him. " Cas, healed me already. I just- I'm not very fond of my body! I always think I am too fat, or not curvy enough. And I have stretch marks on my thighs so!?" I blushed and looked away, knowing I Shared too much. I had yelled too loud, oh no.  " (Y/N). You honestly- are perfect. I see you, right now. You are amazing. I just- am sorry for arguing with you before. And I'm sorry for asking." He walked over to me. " You can get back in, I'll just leave. He turned around, but I grabbed his shoulder and he stopped." No- Dean. I-I'm, sorry. I shouldn't have yelled, I'm just scared and stressed. Please don't leave me." He turned around, and held my hand. " Okay, if you want me to, I'll stay. I was thinking of just chilling out here anyway." He sat on a nearby bench, as I stripped myself of my towel. His eyes traveled up from my kalves and up to my eyes. He just stared at me, as you stepped into the tub. I sighed at how hot it was, " Best last night ever." I said. Dean chuckled, " Hey, (Y/N)? Can I ask you a question?" " Mhmm." I hummed. " Why do you seem so calm, seriously?" " I don't want to spend my last hours arguing, or fighting. I want to spend it with you Sam and Mom. Even with your Mom. I just want to live the last few-" " Listen (Y/N)! You're not the only one going to be hurt when you go away. Sam will, My Mom will, your Mom will. And most of all- I will.." Dean sighed looking at the ground. I gave him a sweet smile, and exited the hot tub. I put my finger on his chin, tilting his head towards mine. " Dean, It'll be okay. I know you'll miss me. I will miss you too, but it will be fine. I will find a way to see you again." He faked a smile and Nodded. " Let's get some sleep." He said standing up wrapping the towel around me. I blushed at his hand touching my back, he rubbed it soothingly as we walked back to our room. I sat on the couch, my hair had already airdried of the way to the room, " No, Sweetheart. The couch is mine." He said sitting next to me. " Dean, I'm fine on the couch. It's okay. Honestly, look see? Comfy." I said laying down on the couch fakely enjoying the "comfort" of the couch. It was rough and scratchy, but I soon accidently fell asleep.

I woke up in the room, and sat up. I realized I was on the bed, I looked over and saw Sam sitting on his bed, eyed glued to his computer. " Hey? Where's Dean?" I mumbled. " He's getting Breakfeast." He said still Blankly staring at the screen. " Oh. Wait, is he getting pie?" Sam chuckled. " When does he not?" " Oh, yay. I'm glad." I said yawning. I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. " I'm gonna shower." " Okay." Sam responded looking up for a quick second, but immediately looking back down.
The shower felt great, it was a little hot though. I walked out of the bathroom wearing my favorite Flannel, and jeans. Dean walked in, and looked at me. " Hey, I got pie." We both did a silent dance and cheer, then sat down to eat a pie.
We finnaly got back to the bunker, we found Mary sitting in the huge room that was there as soon as we walked in. " Hey guys, I think I found us a case." Dean signaled to her that it wasn't the right time. She ran up to me, and saw my sour and worried face. " Hey Baby, what's-" I hugged her tight and close. " I am gonna miss you." I said tears welling in my eyes. " Hey, what do you mean?" " I-I, made a-a deal, w-with Crowley. And I am- not scared. I Just, wanna do the right thing." She pulled me back. " Okay, I understand. But why did you make the deal?"
I told her the whole story, and even some things from my childhood. We laughed about some things, and we cried about certain things. But it had been an hour of talking with Mary, and I thought I should see my Mom now. " Hey, guys I'm gonna see my Mom now, you mind driving me?" I looked at Dean. " Um- yeah sure." He replied grabbing his keys and heading up the stairs and to the door. I hugged Mary fast and really tight, saying " I'm gonna miss you." " me too." She replied. " Come in Sammy, I'm saving you and Dean last." I said signaling him to follow us.
We got to my Mom's house, and walked inside. I explained to her what had happened and she broke into tears. " Take care of them boys for me, they're gonna need some family still around." I said giving her a warm smile. " Baby, what will I do? I'm gonna b-be alone. W-without a D-daughter." We both broke into tears. " Mama, it'll be okay. You can probably stay with Mary and The boys. It's okay." I said letting her out of the hug. " Take this." And with that she handed me two rings. " One for Dean, and one for you." " How'd you know?" I said holding the matching rings in front of me. " Moms always know." She said shrugging. "Okay, baby. Now go say bye to those Winchesters."
I kissed her on the cheek and went to say goodbye to them. I walked outside, and saw the impala and My car pull into the driveway. " Thank you guys." I said hugging them both in a big hug. I barley got my arms around the both of them. " We though you might want your car." I smiled as I pulled away. " First of all, Sam. You are the best brother I've always wanted. I love you, and I don't want to leave you, but it's the right thing. Also, take care of Dean for me, he needs the love. I need you to keep fighting, seriously, even if you think someone or something is missing, I will always be right here." I said holding Sam's shoulders. I then moved to Dean, " Dean." " I am gonna miss you, with all my heart. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, without you, I wouldn't have had a family. The time I've spent with yall, has changed me. I love both of you so much, but I just wanted to thank you Dean. I love you so much." I said as I carresed his cheek. " (Y/N)." He said, pulling me into a passionate kiss. This kiss was different than me and Sam's. It had more passion, I felt myself blush. He pulled me away. " I'm gonna miss you so much." He said as a tear steamed down his cheek. I smiled as tears filled my face, ' Your crush just kissed you, and now you have to die, great.' I sighed. I pulled him into a hug, and realized it was 4:40. I quickly pulled away, and ran to my car. have to go really quick, I have always wanted to go there and stay. It's the meadow down the road, I'll be gone in 10 minutes, love yall..wait! I said handing Dean the goodbye note I had written for him." and with that I drove off.
I laid in the fields grass, and felt to sun soak into my skin. There was no noise, just nature. I loved the feeling as the breeze flew across the grass as it swayed. I smiled warmly, as I stared into the sky. It had been 8 minutes and I was ready to go, ' Crowley, I'm ready.' I thought. " Goodbye Dean, Goodbye Sam. See you soon, live your life to the fullest." I said closing my eyes, and with that, I was gone.

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