chapter 31: sleeping in the car

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                                                                                         (Y/N)'s POV:

I fluttered my eyes open, to see Dean cuddled up with me asleep. I yawned, seeing outside was almost pitch black. I rubbed my eyes, tired, but not being able to sleep due to the small nightmare I'd just had. It wasn't bad to the point of screaming, but it wasn't happy either.

"Sam?" I asked, seeing him in the driver's seat. "(Y/N)? I thought you were asleep." Sam said, or more yawned. "I woke up..." I chuckled, sitting up a little, trying not to move Dean at all. I looked ahead at the road, seeing other cars headlights, passing us by. I always wondered about other people in their cars...where were they going? When I was little, I would make up my own stories about the people passing by in their cars. Other people's lives always fascinated me. I'd always wondered what it was like to be normal.

"Sam..." I said, looking up from my fiddling fingers. "Yeah?" he called back, in a hushed voice so he wouldn't wake Dean. "Do you ever..." I started, pausing. "Do you ever wonder, where other people are going?" I questioned.

"Like the people around us?" he asked, and I nodded. "Um, yeah actually." He replied. I responded with a simple hum and leaned my head against Dean's. "Hey Sam?" I called out quietly. "Yeah, (Y/N)?" he called back, keeping his voice at a quiet level as well.

"If you decide to stop for the night, don't wake us up. We'll be fine here." I cuddled closer to Dean, yawning as his arm tightened around me. "Alright..." he replied as I dozed off.


I woke up early the next morning, stretching my arms. I then remembered we hadn't gotten a room; we'd just slept in the impala. I looked at Dean, who's head was against the window. I wrapped my arm around him, pulling him to me.

The sound of Dean's snoring and the engine filled my ears. "Morning..." I called out to Sam. "Hey... you're awake." Sam glanced back at me with a small smile, then turning back around. "He snores so loud..." I said jokingly, leaning forward to look at Dean's face. "Tell me about it..." Sam chuckled. I giggled a little, running my fingers through Dean's hair.

I rubbed my eyes, seeing a pair of blood red irises staring back at me. My eyes snapped back open and I gasped. The deal. Everything came back.... I made a deal. I was slowly dying each day. I had 2 years left to live. How often does this happen? Why do people always die. It's not fair. And it scares me even more because this time no one can save me... Cas can't. He's dead.

Crowley will be more than glad to have me as a demon and have my soul. "You okay, (Y/N)?" Sam asked, looking at me through the mirror. I gave him a thumbs up, "Cool beans." I replied with a partial smile. "Cool beans? When have you ever said that?" Sam asked, keeping his eyes on the road. "Um, all the time. Duh... you just haven't noticed." I looked out the window. I would have to spend all my time with these dorks before I left. I had to savor these last two years.

                                                                                     Dean's POV:

I woke up, (Y/N)'s face being the first I see. I smiled as I looked at her, she was staring out the window while talking with Sam. "Cool beans? When have you ever said that?" he asked, making me almost chuckle. "Um, all the time. Duh... you just haven't noticed." She sassed, and I smiled.

"Well, you must've been really sneaky, because I haven't noticed either, sunshine." I said with cheeky grin. Her head whipped over in my direction,
"Oh, Dean. You're awake..." she gave me a warm smile, kissing my cheek. "How long until we're home, Sammy?"

I asked, looking at the back of Sam's head as he drove. "I think we have 3 hours left... not sure." Sam said, sounding bored. I hummed, scanning (Y/N)'s face as she looked out the window in deep thought. "Something wrong, princess?" I asked, brushing hair out of her face. She jumped slightly but settled down and sighed. "I'm fine." She said, pressing her lips into a firm line.

"Stop the bullshit... what's wrong, baby..." I moved her hair, pressing a soft kiss to her neck. She shuddered, and I pulled back, confused. "Sorry... it's just..." she sighed again. Was she scared of me? Dammit...did I scare her again? What if she hated me...what if she never forgave me. Fuck, I hate myself. I scooted away, minding her space. She looked back at me with those silently begging eyes.

I thought she wanted space. "Dean... don't- don't... it's not that." She said, grabbing my hand. I grasped her hand tightly, feeling like the devil. Or- I'm not feeling that horny... but I feel evil. I feel like some evil, fucked up, demon...compared to a beautiful, perfect, amazing, flower."


 She whispered. "What is it? You can tell me anything, you know that baby?" I said, scooting back next to her. She immediately clung to me, and I wrapped my arms around her.

                                                                                  Sam's POV:

I sighed, pulling into the bunker's garage. It was the evening, and I was glad to be back here. It was like our home... or I guess it is our home. I took the key out of the ignition and got out. I walked over to the other side, where Dean was picking up (Y/N).

I smiled at how gentle he was being... as if she was the most precious thing. It made me miss Hazel even more. I followed after Dean as he carried a tired, sleepy (Y/N) in his arms. He actually looked happy carrying her... not annoyed at all.

We got inside, and Dean carried her to her room. I walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge. I popped it open and took a long drink of it. I reached in my back pocket, pulling my phone out. I scrolled through my contacts, tapping Hazel's contact name.

She said to call her, so I am. It rung 3 times, before she answered. "Hello?" her sweet voice rung through my ears. "Hey, um, it's Sam." I chuckled awkwardly. More of a guy's version of a giggle... either way. It's weird. "Oh Sam!" her voice held excitement, making me grin.

"Hi, how was the trip?" she asked, and I leaned against the wall. "It was okay... I drove most of the way." I yawned, scratching my head. "You must be exhausted..." she said, her voice tinged with sympathy. "Yeah, a little. But I mean, hunters are trained to stay up days without sleep, so I'm used to it." I yawned again. "Sam... get some sleep."

She said in a demanding voice, making me grin. "I'm really fine, Hazel. I wanna talk to you..." I held the phone up to my ear. "Yeah, and I'm really a dude." She said sarcastically, and I shook my head with a wide smile across my face. "Sam sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up- or... I'll be in my apartment, across the country when you wake up. You can call me back." She pleaded.

"Alright...fine. I'll go sleep." I sighed, still smiling. "Good. Get lots of it, talk to you later Sam." She said, her voice sounding tired too. "Talk later...alright, bye." I hung up, and the line went silent. I stuffed the phone in my pocket, walking toward my bedroom.

I rubbed a hand over my face... I definitely needed sleep.

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