chapter 15: You are now an angel

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Dean's POV:

I walked into my bedroom, I felt bad for what I had said to (Y/N). But the way she just "came back Alive" multiple times scared me. But the worst part, was that earlier she was Dead, and now she is squeaky clean like before. 'Dammit Dean.' But before I could say anything, I heard really loud crying in the other room. It was (Y/N), " Hey, what happened?" I said kneeling down toward her. " Go away Dean. I don't need you." She said pushing me away.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I felt bad for what I had did and Said to Dean, but I was pissed. I came back from the dead, and he had to "think about it"!? But- I can't really be picky though, after all I saw him as My true love.
I sat in my bedroom alone, trying to process what had all happened. But then, Cas had appeared in front of me in the room. " Hey Cas." I said. " We need to talk." He said reaching for my hand. " I'm gonna take you to heaven okay." His words confused me, " Don't humans die when they go to heaven?" I questioned him. " Yes, but right now. You are not human." His words hit me like a metal bar. " What!?" I practically screamed. " Those sigils you read out loud in that burning cabin, that was a power source. You took in some power as your own, you are now an angel." I grabbed his shoulder to keep myself on my feet. " C-Cas, w-what do we do!? Do we tell them? What will Dean think of me? Oh gosh, no, what if he won't like me because of this.." Cas gave me a bright smile, and I had realized what I had said. " Oh my gosh, Cas. Um? You won't tell him, Right?" His eyes brightened. " I've held the information this long." He said placing his hand over his heart. " Okay. Just- don't tell him. And How'd you know?" He was about to say something, but then Dean walked in interrupting. " When yall first met it was like-" our eyes flashed to Dean's green ones. " Um- hey, Dean. Can you get Sam? We- uh- need to talk.." words were caught in my throat. " Um- Sure?" And with that he walked off. " (Y/N). Do you want me to tell them for you?" Cas asked and looked at me worried. " No, I have to do this on my own." I said staring into the distance.
We sat at the kitchen table, Dean across from me. His hands were folded and he was avoiding eye contact, meanwhile, Sam was sitting across from Cas with a patient smile. " So, what's this about." Sam said breaking the silence. " Well, as you know. I came back from a truly deadly death not too long ago- and. I have learned something, I- uh." My heart was hammering in my chest, I could feel the blood pumping through my veins. " You and Dean are going to hate me for this, but I went from the hunter- to the hunted-" Castiel cut me off. " (Y/N), Is an angel. Deal with it with me, or leave it alone." Cas grabbed my hand and held it tight. Dean looked up at me, jealousy and anger written all over his face. " Wait, what?! How." Dean yelled standing from the table. " Th- that can't happ- no. No! That can not be true. It just- it just can't!" Dean stormed off into his room, and Sam looked at me. " Don't worry. He's just had some feelings bottled up inside him for a while. It's not your fault." He said rushing after Dean. I felt the tears stinging the rims of my eyelids. I started sobbing, I laid my head gently onto the table and let the tears run down my face. I the stood up, and felt Castiel's eyes following me. " Are you okay (Y/N)?" He said standing in front of me. " N-no." I said Turning away. " The person I love, will never want to be with me." I said as my voice trembled. I stared at the pool of water on the table, and then ran off into my room.

Sam's POV:
I stood in Dean's doorway watching him sob into his hands on his bed. " Dude, you're gonna have to apologize soon." I said sitting next to him. His eyes shot up to mine, " Oh, yeah. It's so friggin easy to apologize to an angel. I don't even like angels! Cas is an exception, but she couldn't have been something else?" I watched him and then watched a tear roll down his cheek. " Sammy, what do I say?" He looked at me, hopeful. " Dean, I can't tell you what to do. But if you want that girl, you have to apologize to her. I'm serious Man. It's important to care about a girls feelings." I said patting his shoulder. I stood up, and headed towards the door. " Sam. What if- she dosent forgive me?" " That's a what if. Also, Dean. She will. She will forgive you." I said with a nodded.
I walked out of the room, and saw Cas sitting alone at the dining room table. " Hey Cas, where's (Y/N)?" I said looking at the empty seat, " Hm?" I said sitting down in the seat next to him that she was once in. I put my hands on the table, then realizing it was wet. " Cas? What's that?" I said signaling to the wet part of the table. " That's her tears. She was crying and then went to her room. She said that the person she loved will never want to be with her." I chuckled. " Dean and (Y/N). When will yall stop being children and tell eachother how you feel." " Sam, what should we do about (Y/N)?" Cas asked me raising a eyebrow. " We have to talk to her first." I said breathing out. I stood up and Cas followed me to her room, I peered through the slightly cracked door. " Wait here, I'm gonna find her." I said leaving Cas behind and searching for (Y/N). I looked around the room until I saw her open closet, two feet were showing from the bottom. The rest of her body was hidden by the hanging clothes, I sat down next to her in the closet. She was ignoring my presence, she was reading a book. " What book are you reading there?" I said leaning forward to get a better veiw of her face. " Lord of the rings." She muttered. " Oh, really? Do you like stuff like that?" I asked her. " Yeah, it's pretty cool." She said still staring at the book. " You would've loved our friend Charlie then."I chuckled. " 'loved?' What happened?" She asked. The thought of Charlie's death brought tears to my eyes, " She- died helping us. And it was kind of my fault." I said feeling my eyed burning. " No, Sam don't say that." " Heh, it's true. I made her help us find a cure for Dean, he was suffering a curse called " The mark of Cain"." " Oh, like "Cain and Able." The story?" She interrupted. " Yeah, like the story. Well, Dean had that curse and Charlie was like this computer Savy. She was great at stuff like that. And when she found the cure, she sent it to us last minute, and she was- killed." She could notice a tear roll down my cheek as I practically relived the moment in my head. " But- she's gone now. Along with many- others." My eyes widened as I thought of all the lives lost because of our lifestyle. I remembered Roweena, and how she died for me and Dean, same as Crowley. I shook my head and laughed at how ridiculous I was being with my emotions, "But you know, people don't live forever." I forced a smile on my face, but she frowned. " Sam, I understand how it is to loose someone, but I never realized you and Dean have it worse than anyone I know." She said. She pulled me into a warm embrace, " We should check on Cas." I said. " Good idea." She chuckled. We both stood up and walked into the kitchen where Cas and Dean were conversing.

Dean's POV:

I stood in the kitchen and asked Cas a question. " Cas, how do I tell her." I realized I hadn't given him much context to what I was saying, but then realized he seemed to understand what I had meant. " You walk up to her, and Apologize. Then you pull her into a embrace, and tell her how you feel." " But how?" I argued. " You say something like-" just then Sam and (Y/N) walked into the room. " Hey Cas, Dean." She nodded. I watched her gracefully stride to the kitchen stool and sit, I sat next to her and looked at her until she noticed. " Something on your Mind Dean?" She asked. ' Yeah you.' My thoughts told me to say, but I refused." Um-" Cas signaled me to tell her and Sam leaned closer in. " Y- No. Nothing really-um- comes to mind right now." Both Sam and Cas groaned. " Dude just tell her." " Come on Dean." Their voices overlapped. " Tell me what Dean." She whined. " Now's not the right time guys, oh yeah I found a case." I went into Sam's room and grabbed his computer. " Here, um- its about only 4 hours and 13 minutes from here. It's a- middle school, " Prarie star, middle school."

(Y/N)'s POV:

My heart jumped when I heard the name " Prarie star middle." It was where an old friend of mine had lived, his name was Mason. He was my best friend, until I moved like I always did. " Dean, why don't you just stop stalling-" " I kinda want to go on that case. What does it look like we are hunting?" I asked. " Guys, are you serious?" Sam interrupted. " Sam, I wanna go on this case." I said proudly. " But-. Fine. Okay, we can go on the case." I practically cheered in excitement. " Tomorrow? First thing?" " Yeah, I'm good with tomorrow." Dean agreed. " Yes!" I screeched running into my bedroom.


I woke up that morning and grabbed the bag I packed, I rushed into my Car and started it. The engine roared, I was going to change into my day clothed when I got back, but right now I was wearing Reebok shorts and a long sleeved black shirt. I rushed down the road to get pie when a car came out of no where, it was only inches away with colliding with me. I swerved onto the side of the road, and continued driving down the road. I looked back to see many injured people, ' I should help them.' I thought to myself. I turned around and followed the ambulance to the hospital.
I entered and saw nurses left and right, they tried to stop me from following the people who were hurt, but I telaported out of anger. I was being shoved in every direction and I then found myself in the same room as the person hit. I saw deadly hit in the ribs in the hospital bed, her hair was blonde, she looked about 17. I remember that age, it was an O.K year. I moved her hair behind her ears, and tried to do what castiel did when he healed me. I pressed two finger to her forehead and nothing happened, I tried again but this time I focused on healing that person. I felt a lot of energy leave my body, and I fell on my knees to the floor. The girl woke up and sat up running her eyes, " Hey, are you okay Mam." She said helping me up. " Yeah, I am A-okay." I said heading for the door. " Where are you going?" She asked. " My car, I have to go." She shrugged and sat back down. " Thank you." She yelled as I made my way out of the hospital. I ran to my car, and started the engine.

I finnaly got back to the bunker and walked downstairs. " (Y/N)? Where were you? We were worried sick!" I heard Dean yell as he ran over and hugged me tight. Sam stood behind dean, his arms crossed. " What happened." Dean asked pushing me back to see my face. " I was going to get pie for breakfeast when I saw a crash happen behind me, I followed the ambulance to the hospital and telaported to the patients room, and healed them. And then-" Castiel stopped me. " You healed someone?" Cas said grabbing my shoulder. " And you telaported?" He gave you a big smile. " How?" " I focused my power." I said knowingly. " Here." Dean said. " Practice on me." And with that, he cut his hand. " Dean! It's fine, that wasn't really nessasary." You said staring at his hand. You instantly held his hand in yours as he winced at the pain. You focused really hard, but couldn't heal him. You pulled away apologizing. " Dean, please. I am so so sorry. I couldn't." I said as Cas put two fingers on his forehead and healed him. " (Y/N), honestly. I am sorry. I did not mean to be so rude with you latley. Really, I-" Sam then walked into the room, " Alright guys let's head out to the case." I let go of Dean's hand, and walked to Sam. " Yeah. Let's go." I stated. I wanted to hear what Dean had to say, but I was far too excited to see my friend. I walked over to the right side of the impala, and sat in the cold leather backseat. I remembered I had put my bag in the trunk of the car the previous day. We started down the road, and I grew excited every second.

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