chapter 22: youre not going to belive this...but...

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I opened my eyes and sat up. I had woken up in the library, and the bunker was in an eerie silence. I walked around the bunker but No one was to be seen. I walked into Dean's room and looked at his well made bed, 'this can't be real?' I thought. I sat on the bed holding a picture of him and his Mom, I loved this picture of him. Suddenly I heard the door slam, I looked up to see Dean. But his eyes....were black. I stood up defensively, " Dean. Are you okay...?" I asked. He gave me an evil smirk and this one wasn't suggestive. It was pure evil. He pounced toward me pushing me to the ground. I yelled out in fear, I felt tears streaming down my face as I sat up straight awaken from my dream. I looked over to see Dean rushing toward me, I screamed and backed away from his hand he held towards me. His face showed sadness, and worry. He reached forward to cup my cheek but I backed away from him and fell off the bed. His eyes looked black still like from my dream. "Baby.." He said. He stepped closer to me as I stared wide eyed at him. The Dream was messing with my mind, I felt scared of him. He walked over to me and I flinched he crouched down in front of me trying to help me. " here." He said extending his hand. I jumped up out of fear and he stood up too. " Sorry Dean..I....I can't." I said swiftly making my way to the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and slid down against it. Tears flowed freely down my cheeks as I stared at the ground, 'What the hell just happened.'

Dean's POV:

I watched her run and I followed after her. I heard the door shut and I felt tears in my eyes, I feared this would happen. I feared that one day she would see me as a monster. I sighed and sat against the wall next to the bathroom door, I felt tears welling in my eyes. I heard footsteps and swallowed the tears down quickly, "Dean?" I heard Sam's voice say and I looked up and cleared my throat. "What happened?" I sighed as tears filled my eyes and I tried blinking them away. "S-She thinks I'm a monster...." I said with my voice breaking. He frowned, "Man....I'm sure she's just is a little scared....she'll come around...." He said kindly smiling at me. I nodded and continued staring at the ground. I heard the door open and looked up, "Dean...." she said and I stood up with tears in my eyes. She walked out of the door and towards me, "Dean I...." "No." I said interrupting her. "You can be scared of me....I give you every right. I am awful.....I should've tried harder to keep you safe....and I *sniffles* I didn' you can leave.....if you need to....leave." She kept walking closer and closer as I got lost in my words. She put her arms around me and kissed me. I gasped not realizing how close she had gotten, "I-I'm not scared anymore..." she said burying her head in my chest. I smiled and hugged her tight.

(Y/N)'s POV:
2 weeks later:

I had slept in my own bed but didn't avoid Dean much. We actually had fun together with Sam. "DEAN!" I heard Sam yell from down the hall, I sprinted Down the hall to Sam's room to find Sam sitting on the bed with a spoon of peanut butter on his nose and his hair put in little pony tails. I walked in and laughed loud, dramatically falling to the floor and rolling. "What. The. Hell. Did. He do..." Sam said angrily. Dean walked in the room and chuckled, "Nice hair sammy..." He said walking over to laughing me on the ground. He smiled down at me and grabbed my hand helping me up. I continued chuckling and walking down the hall as Sam scolded Dean. I walked into my room and sat on the edge of my bed and sighed. I grabbed my camera and looked at it for a second. I snickered to myself and walked back into Sam's bedroom laughing and Turning the camera on. "Smile sam..." I said pointing the camera toward him and he crossed his arms angrily but not wanting to scold me. I laughed and clicked the button and took a picture. "You look so pissed..." I said looking at the picture. "So you don't get a picture but he dose..." Dean whined playfully. "Alright...I was just about to..." I held the camera at the perfect angle and clicked a picture of Dean. He looked so perfect in the frame, his smile making me smile. "What...? Is there something in my teeth?" He said noticing me smiling at the picture. "No....I guys are everything to know that?" I said smiling at both of them. They both smiled back at me. "What's on your camera anyway (Y/N)?" Dean asked and I looked back down at it. "I'm pretty sure there's plenty of pictures of ya'll on it." I chuckled. "Let's look through it...I haven't looked through it in a while." I smiled. Dean reached for my hand but the sound of a flap of wings interuppted us. "Cas..." I murmured under my breath as I made my way toward the middle of the bunker at my fastest sprint. I looked around and saw Cas on the ground in agonizing pain clenching his stomach. "Cas!" Me and Dean yelled synchronized. "I-" He groaned and I crouched Down next to him. Me Dean and Sam were hovering over the angel while he attempted to speak. "I escaped...." was all he said. "You escaped?" I asked. "Escaped where!?" He said worriedly but with a hint of anger. "Heaven.....they locked me up.....B-Because.." He groaned again. "Stay with us Cas....." Sam said as I looked down at an angle blade lodged into his chest. "" I said staring wide eyed at his chest. I hadn't been too close with Castiel, but I was close enough for him to be family. "Cas....why did they do this to you?" Dean asked crouching lower so he could see Him. "They wanted me to give them the location of (Y/N)....but I wouldn't allow it." I felt tears welling in my eyes. "Oh cas..." I grabbed him and give him a gentle hug and propped him against a wall. He weakly smiled at me, "thank you guys...for everything...." Deans eyes widened. "No goodbyes...I already know where this is going. You're not going to die!" Dean said angrily but I could hear the sorrow in his voice and see the tears in his eyes. "Cas looked at Dean with a hopeful smile. "It's okay have Sam and (Y/N)..." He said giving me and Sam and smile. I frowned, "But can't just...." I sniffled away oncoming tears. "You can't just leave us....we can find something. Do a spell! Anything! I'll do anything!" He put his hand on my hand. "I don't really understand this seems to make you humans feel better....I'll always be here with don't have to worry...." I slightly gasped. "Cas but..." He smiled at me one last time. "I need you to take care of them for me..." He smiled and tears fell my eyes. "Fine...but before you there anything you need to tell us of importance?" I asked. "'re not gonna belive this...but..." suddenly the light in his eyes started flickering. "Cas...? Cas!" I yelled. "What the hell!" Dean yelled standing up angrily. Sam stood up in tears and comforted Dean while I slowly stood up from the ground in tears staring wide eyed at his body. The boys both looked over at me but I was too overwhelmed to say anything. "(Y/N)?" Sam said as I continued staring at the ground. I couldn't Answer, I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. I was just stuck lifeless where I was. I trembled harshly as I stared at Cas's body. "It's all my fault...." I said shakily. Dean ran over to me as my knees gave out and qrapped his arms around me. "It's not your's heaven's..." I scoffed at his words. "Do you realize how crazy that sounds...." I said chuckling harshly. "Why the hell me....why the fuck did they want me..." Dean looked at me concerned and I looked into his eyes. "It's all Fucking me fault!!" I said angrily pointing around me and yanking out of Dean's grip. He looked angry and suprised. "I gave you the fucking curse!!! I GOT CAS KILLED BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T GIVE MY LOCATION....TO ANGELS!!!??? WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!!!" I screamed and Dean grabbed my wrists angrily with tears in his eyes. "Don't you dare...Put this on yourself!! You are not at fault! ALL YOU HAVE DONE IS BEEN HELPFUL THE WHOLE WAY!! YOU ARE SO FUCKING SMART...and so fucking beautiful...." He said sobbing and continuing to hold my wrists. I hadn't seen him like this before, he was angry sad and complimenting me at the Same time. "(Y/N)...he's didn't do anything." Sam said walking towards us. I collapsed into Dean's arms and sobbed out loud. "I-I'm sorry..." I stuttered. "Let's just get Cas's body salted and's starting to stink in here." I chuckled trying to lighten the mood and Sam smiled. "She's right." He said pinching his nose. Dean just stared at his body, "yeah...let's get this over with..." He said sniffling.
We stared at the burning body as Dean held me close. I felt change coming as I continued wondering what Cas was going to say.

5 weeks later:

We all missed Cas and the bunkers mood had gone down. Mary had just just walked in the door from her hunts she'd been on alone. "Hey guys!" She said coming down the stairs. "Mary!" I said embracing her. "Oh...(Y/N)..." she said. "Where are the boys?" She smiled pulling away. "In their rooms..." I said sadly remembering how sad they were and them staying in their rooms trying to find a way to bring Cas back. She tilted my head up, "why so sad..." I shook my head and walked back toward my room with tears in my eyes.

Dean's POV:

I sat on my bed with a book in hand scanning the pages but not really reading. I couldn't get my mind off Cas, what was he gonna say? I heard the door creak open and saw mom and I weakly smiled, she walked over to me and sat next to me. "What's wrong Dean? Why is everyone so sad these days?" She said making the tears return but not fall. She glanced down at what I was reading which had something to do with angels. "Where's Cas?" She asked making me frown. "He's..." Her eyes widened. "What. No...he's...he's not..." she said standing up. I couldn't get words out so I just nodded. "Dammit...." she said hanging her head and wiping her tears quickly. "How did he..." she asked pausing and I shrugged. "He didn't tell us...all we know was that he was in heaven and telaported back after a while with an angel blade in his chest." She turned away sniffling. "Oh..."

(Y/N)'s POV:

2 Weeks later:

Mary decided to stay, because she felt she needed to because of what happened with Cas. She started tidying up the bunker and buying groceries. I has continued having nightmares and not sleeping much and Mary seemed worried. It was difficult to explain the curse to her but I eventually convinced her he was okay for now. She was out and Sam was visiting a local library so it was just Me and Dean. I walked into the kitchen to get something to drink and saw Dean facing away from me. "Hey Dean." I said but he didn't answer. He was turned away and heavily breathing. "Dean...?" He turned around almost angrily and then I noticed it. Those black eyes.... "Hello... (Y/N)" He said smiling devilishly. "Dean....are you okay...?" I asked slowly inching toward him. "I'm just fine....I know you aren't're guilty for killing Cas. You have every right to feel guilty about did get him killed after all..." I felt tears in my eyes. "Dean stop. This isn't you..." I said continuing to Inch toward him. He chuckled darkly "Oh...really? Because ya know that saying. Drunk words....are sober thoughts?" He asked raising a brow. When I didn't answer, I guess he thought that was his que to continue. "Well...maybe it's the same with me. Demon's words.....are my normal way of seeing things..." I felt my heart clench at his words. "You don't mean that..." I said starting to back up as He inched forward. "Oh (Y/N)....I do..." He said with a dark smile that made me sick to my stomach. He had continued inching closer, and I didn't realize it but I was inching away. I backed into a wall as Dean cornered in on me. But wasn't Dean. I closed my eyes shut hoping this had been a dream, maybe I had fallen asleep reading...? I felt a painful sting on my cheek and my eyes flung open. He had slapped me...

I felt every emotion ever known- every single one except for happiness. "Wha-" I couldn't speak. I stared wide eyed at Dean's hand and I saw that he had froze. "(Y/N).." He said under his breath. I couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't bear to see his face. Dean backed up staring at his hand and then back to my cheek. "(Y/N)...I-" I heard his voice and tears flooded my eyes and I walked back to my bedroom. I started gathering things and shoving them in my bag. I heard the door creak open "Dean...not right no-" I said Turning around. I realized it was Sam. "(Y/N)? What the hell happened. Dean locked himself in his room and won't talk to me...and you're- packing...?" He said the last word hoarse. "Dean hit me." I said Turning back around and grabbing the bag and pushing past Sam. "Hey...hey! Wait, come back." Sam said following me out. "He lost control of his demon..." I said the words and Sam's eyes widened as if he'd seen this before. Only...he had.

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