chapter 29: the deal

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Dean's POV:

As soon as we got back to the motel, I laid down across the bed. My head was throbbing, not only from the hangover, but from the fact that witch had slammed me so hard against the wall. It wasn't the best mix at the time. Especially due to the fact nobody had slept a wink tonight.

I felt the bed dip beside me, and I turned over. It was (Y/N). "Hey..." she smiled. "Hi there, sweetheart." I brushed some hair out of her face. "You look tired..." she said in a baby voice, making me chuckle. "Yeah...I feel tired too..." I fought to keep my eyes open to savor this moment.

Everything was perfect. It was like hunting and everything faded away...even demon me. I'd actually forgotten about that. "What's wrong, baby?" (Y/N) asked, snuggling close to me.

I wrapped my arm around her, "It's nothing..." I lied, burying my head in her hair, inhaling her sent. "Dean...what is it?" she questioned again, tilting her head up to look at me.

"It's just- this demon inside me... sometimes it comes my mind though. It... I don't want to hurt you again, sweetheart." I sighed, feeling the guilt of hurting her again.

"Hey... I trust you. And if you do hit me again... I won't run away so easily again." She gave me a crooked smile, blinking a few times. I smiled kissing her nose, it scrunched up adorably, just as I'd intended. "I love you..." I murmured, my eyes getting heavy. "I love you too..." she kissed my cheek, making all my worries go away...perfect.

Sam's POV:

I drove down the street that led to Hazel's apartment building. I think it was right to drop her off, since I had to pull her into the hunt in the middle of our date. She lived in a small building in the middle of a small town, only 10 minutes away from the motel. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel of the car I'd stolen for our date, or I guess it's more borrowed.

It looked kind of abandoned when I'd found it near by at a diner. "So... you sure you want to make that drive back home? You could always stay with me, Sam Winchester." She kicked her legs, glancing over at me with eyes I swear were magical. Every time I looked in them, the more I realized how beautiful she was.

I chuckled, "I'd love to, but... ya know... I should probably get back." I smiled, looking ahead. I wished I could stay with her, but I had to be there in case they needed me or something. I was the only one they had to lean on besides each other... I was the middle barrier.

If they both came crashing down, I'd have to clean up the mess. I'm used to being the third wheel, but it didn't feel like that really anymore. We were like a family. It's like (Y/N)'s actually my sister... and Dean's been way happier now, which I'm also happy about. But what worries me that Dean is a demon.

Again. I hated watching him go through it before...but now it's worse. Now I have to protect, not just Dean, but (Y/N) too. And since they both are scared, I have to keep them both happy. Which isn't the easiest job.... they're both so stubborn, and self-opinionated.

It actually makes them being together all the more hilarious. Because when Dean doesn't allow something, it's great to finally see him be defeated. He needs that. "Hey...Sam, thanks for tonight." Hazel's voice distracted me from my thoughts. "Oh yeah, um, no problem. I had a great time." I smiled, turning to face her.

She reached for the door handle but paused. She turned back toward me, flashing me a smile, before crashing out lips together, grabbing my collar and pulling me closer. I gladly kissed her back, scooting closer. The kiss was rough and passionate, leaving me breathless as she pulled away after a few seconds.

"See you soon, bye Sam. Call me." She winked, getting out. My eyes widened, and I cleared my throat. ", bye." I leaned back against the seat, running a hand through my hair, chuckling. I already liked her a lot. I always did. I backed the car up, turning around and driving back toward the motel.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I woke up, hearing the door open and close. I gently sat up, trying not to wake up sleeping Dean. I turned around, seeing Sam walk across the room. "Hey... have fun?" I joked teasingly, rubbing my eyes. He nodded, "Yep." Sam sighed, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Hey Sam..." I asked, still feeling a little drowsy, but needing someone to talk to. "Yeah?" He said, slipping off his boots, glancing at me.

I scooted to the end of the bed, laying on my stomach, propping my head up with my elbows. "Do you ever...get scared Dean's not gonna be normal again. I mean, he's a demon...and I- I don't like being scared, Sam. I hate it. I'm just always waiting for something to happen." I ranted, burying my face in the crook of Dean's arm as he slept. "Yeah...I do. It's not fun..."

He chuckled humorlessly. "But... that's part of being a hunter. Always being scared for the ones you love...especially since throughout your whole life, it's never been perfect, or- or normal." Sam explained, trailing off.

"'re right. It's just- kinda hard sometimes." I sat up, getting out of bed. I walked over to the door, needing a walk. "Where are you going, (Y/N)?" Sam asked, standing up. "A walk... I need some fresh air." I said, forcing back a yawn. I was tired...but I also wanted some time alone. "Okay, um, I'll be here." Sam said, sitting back on his bed, grabbing his laptop.

I walked outside, already having my boots on since I'd never taken them off when I got back. I walked down the small sidewalk, hearing my footsteps against the silent gravel. I sighed, feeling wind fly past me. It was a nice cool night.

I watched a car fly past me, but sadly, since it had probably rained recently, water got all over my pants. I gasped, not expecting that, and froze. The water was kinda freezing. I shivered a little, feeling more wind come by. Could I not have a perfect walk, ever? I sighed, choosing not to go back, because I needed this walk. I kept walking, giving myself time to think.

Dean was a demon. He hurt me...but I forgive him. I love him, so much. But I'm scared...what do I do? There's a crossroads I saw while driving back earlier...maybe I could make a deal. But no. I couldn't. I would never...but I have to. For Dean. Because I loved him. It was just down the street, maybe I could make it back before anyone noticed. I walked back to the motel, opening the impala's trunk and grabbing the ingredients to summon a crossroads demon. I turned around, walking the other way. I could make it.

I made a swift walk toward the crossroad I'd seen, not slowing my pace at all. I looked around, seeing how dark it was at night. I'd never really liked the dark...I'd always liked brighter places. But now would be an exception. I walked farther down, finally finding the two roads that crossed between each other. I dug a small hole, setting the ingredients in the ground, covering them back up. I summoned it, and a teenage girl appeared in front of me. "Hello, human." She said, giving me a devilish grin. "What is it that you wish for?" she asked innocently. "cut the act, I'm a hunter. No need to act like you aren't an evil son of a bitch." I put my hands on my hips. "Right, so. What the hell do you want." She snarled. "there's a curse, on Dean Winchester. I want it gone." I stated.

"What kind of curse?" her head tilted, and she narrowed her eyes, flashing them red. "He's a demon...and an angel, it was an accident..." I sighed, looking down. "Okay... fine. That in return for your soul. Deal?" She held her hand out. I shook her hand, "Deal." I repeated. "You have 2 years." She said, and I nodded.

"Alright." I turned around, walking away as she disappeared. This was probably not the best decision.

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