Chapter 18: goodbye Dean?

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We drove back in silence, and I knew someone had to break it. So I did, " Hey, so what does this mean? I mean we have to call this relationship something?" " Partners?" Dean suggested. " How about, We just call it dating." I said. " But, hunters don't date?" Dean responded. " Well, we could be the first." I said scooting closer to him in the impala's bench seat. " (Y/N). There are reasons hunters don't date." " But that's usually with hunters and normal people." He shrugged. " Okay then." Was all he responded.

We got back to the motel, and I saw Cas and Sam sitting on the bed when we got in. I had forced Dean to hold my hand so they wouldn't bug us about it. Sam just smiled, while Cas gave us a huge smile. He hugged Dean, " Good job Dean. Now remember, the pizza man-" " Cas. I know." Dean responded. I was curious to what he was going to say, but I Ignored it for now. We waited for Sam to get a couple of things and headed towards the house, and once again, Sam was driving. As soon as we got in the car, I felt tired for some reason. " Deeean." I whined tiredly. " What is it baby?" He asked. " Can I go to sleep on you?" I said. I knew it sounded weird but I was so tired I was willing to do anything for sleep. " Yeah, of course." But before I could say thank you, I fell asleep on his arm.

Dean's POV:

I watched her throughout the whole care ride, studying her face and body. I was so glad she was finnaly mine, she soon attempted to shift into a comfortable position, but fell into my lap. I just chuckled, Sam and Cas looked into the rear veiw mirror and teased me. 'Shut up' I mouthed. After the small 5 minutes that seemed like hours went by, we finally got to the case Cas was talking about. Cas and Sam walked towards the house giving me and (Y/N) our space, it was kind of Akward. But I didn't do Akward, so I decided to break the silence. " How's you Angel thing going on?" " It's going Okay, I feel weak everytime I use my power. I think I'm dying Dean." The words she said made my heart hurt. " No, you're not. And if, and that's a big if, if you are, we will fix it." I said and she pulled me into a hug. " Thank you Dean."
The hunt was over, and we were driving home. We had killed everyone, and we were driving home, but this time Dean was driving. Blood stained my jeans, and we were all joking about how I tripped on a pen. " It was just a pen!" I called out trying to hide my smile but failed. " But *laughed* you still tripped." Sam laughed. " Whatever, not like you've never tripped." I saw Cas staring at Sam's laptop in his lap, he was sitting next to me in the back. " Cas? You find anything on- well- anything?" I asked trying to include him. " Yeah. Actually, I found this thing about-" it all happened so fast. I heard the sounds of screeching breaks, and honking horns. The car swayed back and forth, and yanked all of us from side to side. I grabbed onto anything I could find, I grasped The back of Dean's seat tightly. I found his hand and held it tight, Cas stared at me wide eyed. The car swung back and forth, and side to side yanking all of us. I watched the world fly by blue so fast, I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest. The windshield shattered and sent chips of broken glass flying everywhere, the window next to me shattered. Me and Cas were still staring at eachother, scared. " What the hell happened." Was all I managed to get out as the car came to a halt. " Dean, Sam." Was all he said. I got out of the car, and opened Dean's door, there he sat. Lifeless, he had scratches and jabbed glass eyerywhere, his body was covered in deep cuts and bruises that were starting to form. I felt tears welling in my eyes, but I managed to hold them back temporarily. " Dean." I said shaking him. His eyes opened slightly, One of them was purple and bruised. " (Y/N)?" He said weakly. " Dean! Hey hey, are you okay? We have to get you to a hospital." I exclaimed. I attempted to pick him up, but I couldn't. " Cas, help! We need to get him to a hospital!" I yelled over to Cas who was helping Sam up and out of the passenger seat. " Okay, we can get them both there. Just, telaport you both to the nearest hospital, I'll meet you there." He called loud enough for me to hear. I crouched next to Dean in the car, and put my hand in his. " It's gonna be okay Dean. I'll make you better." I said letting a tear fall down my cheek. I saw Cas and Sam Walking towards the hospital entrance when we got there, I helped Dean off the ground. He could barley stand, so I wrapped my arm around his back and stabilized him. " Dean, c'mon. Just a few more steps." I said holding him up. I caught up with Sam and Cas, Sam looked bad, but he looked way better off than Dean. Sam ran over to me and Dean, " Here, let me help (Y/N)." He said going on the other side, helping me out a lot. " Thanks Sam." I said as I watched Cas come over too. " Sorry (Y/N), I didn't see you back there." " It's fine Cas, we struggle under pressure." I said. We got inside and I yelled, " We need help! Somebody, we have an injured man!" All of the nurses and Doctors ran to us, and I put Dean in a wheel chair. " Hey, Dean. It's gonna be okay." I said following him quickly as the doctors pushed him. They chose the closest room, and put him in the hospital bed. "Mam, you're not allowed in here. You are not related to him." She said signaling a doctor towards me. It was a man about my age, he had curly brown hair, and dark brown eyes, with black glasses on the ridge of his nose. He gently put his hand on my arm, "let's get you cleaned up." He said bringing me to another room. He sat me down, but I told Him I was fine. " I insist." He said wiping the blood from my face. " What happened?" He asked sounding genuinely interested. " I thought doctors just wanted to get through this crap." I said scoffing. " Most do, but I'm not like other doctors." He said looking from my cuts to my eyes. " Hah, sure. You're probably doing this for some other reason." " Like what?" He said pushing his glasses up. I was too nervous to ask him if he was hitting on me, becuase he seemed like a nerd type. " Um- I don't know? Reasons." " You think I'm hitting on you." He responded firmly. " You're smarter than you look." " I could say the same about you." He said winking. " See, now I'm sorry. My boyfriend is I'm the other room, I'm taken. And if he found out you were hitting on me- let's just say you'd be in trouble. Big time!" I said trying to scare him off. " I'm not scared of him." He said rubbing the cuts on my thighs with a wet cloth. He moved to my calves, then farther up my thighs. He got his hands at the top of my thighs, and squeezed them with a firm grip. I got up and slapped him in the face, " You can't do that!" " You know you want it." He said grabbing my face. He shoved his lips against mine, causing me to back into a wall. My eyes widened wide, and I attempted to shove him off me. I finnaly got my feet up decently high, and kicked him off of me. " You can never get me. I am his! And only will ever be his!" I said storming out of the room. I saw Castiel standing there, " Cas, it wasn't what it looked like." I said watching his nonfacial expression not change. " Also, Cas?" " Yes (Y/N)?" " I think I'm dying." My words brought a curious expression to his face. " How? And why?" He asked coming towards me. " Well, everytime I use my powers I feel weaker, and I know that's not just coincidence." I said shrugging. " It's very common for angels to feel weaker after using their powers, especially ones not used to their power." I felt relief wash over me. " Thanks Cas. I feel better now." I said smiling. Just then, I saw the doctors walking out of the room Dean was being held in. I walked over to them, hoping to find answers. " Doctor?" I called to one of them. " Yes Darling?" " How is he?" I asked scared. " How are you related to the patient honey?" She asked. I didn't know how to answer this, so I just told the truth. " I'm his girlfriend, and I've been worried sick. We were in a car crash together, and it would really give me a rush of relief if I knew He was okay." I said putting my best acting skills to work. " Okay, I guess I can tell you. Is there anyone else you think should know what happened, because I really only want to say this once." Her words scared me. " Once? Um- okay I guess. His brother and my brother." This time, I was making it seem as if Castiel was my brother. I could pull it off if I wanted to, just a little outfit change. " Okay, gather the family. I will be right here at this bench waiting for you." She sat down and I walked over to where Castiel was. "Hey Cas. Um- the doctor is going to tell us if Dean is Okay or not, and she said if anyone else wants to know I have to get them." " Okay (Y/N). Let's get Sam." We walked to the room Sam was in, he was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed. " Hey Sam. How are you feeling?" I asked sitting next to him. " I feel Okay. My back hurts like hell though. And I kind of have a migrane, can't complain though." He said shrugging. I put two fingers on his forehead, and attempted to make the pain go away. " Wow, thanks (Y/N). It feels way better, but my head still hurts. Still, thank you for fixing my back." I half smiled. " Oh yeah, um, the doctor has Dean's results. She said to gather the crew and head to her when I get everyone who wants to know." " Okay. Let's go." Sam said standing with me. We walked over to the doctor at the bench, and me, Sam, and Cas sat on the bench across from her, I was squished in between. She took in a deep breath and started, " Well, I don't know how to say this. He isn't in the best condition." Those words scared me. " But he's gonna be fine, right?" I said my heartbeat quickening. " Well, we aren't sure. He has multiple fractures in his lower back area, his stomach bled out so much, we aren't sure if we have enough blood to fix him with. And- his head hit the steering wheel, and his brain has a traumatic injury which is making him not wake up. I think we can help him, but he won't live much longer." My heartbeat quickened, I heard it loudly thumping in my ears. It was so Loud I though mabey Sam or Cas could hear it too. I stared wide-eyed at the ground thinking ' what would I do without Dean?'. I felt my head throb hard, and the rims of my eyelids sting. I stopped breathing, was this actually happening. " Ma'm? Are you okay?" I heard the doctor faintly ask me, I nodded my head Blankly. " I think I need a moment." I said as calmly as I could, and stood up to walk outside. I looked over at The Impala, and knew Cas had brought it back. I walked towards the car, and a tear escaped my right eye. " Shit." I murmured. " DAMMIT!!!" I yelled slamming my fist onto the car. " No! No! He can't be!" I screamed banging on the car, weaker each time. I felt a big hand grab my wrist, I fought to get away, but they held my hands behind my back. " Hey, (Y/N). Hey, it's okay." I heard Castiel say from behind me. I sunk to the ground and he followed, " Cas." I sobbed. " What *sobs* are we gonna do." " I don't know. But certainly Dean wouldn't want you to do this." He said rubbing my back. " You're right. What the hell was I thinking." I chuckled. " Let's go see Dean." He said helping me up. We walked towards the entrance, in silence. But as always, I had to break it. " Hey Cas? You think I can heal Dean?" I said looking at his face, he just stared at the ground. " (Y/N). You must understand, Dean is suffering injuries even I can't heal. But there is a slight chance that's possible." " Can I atleast wake him up?" " Most likely." He responded shrugging.
After what seemed like forever waiting in the elavator, we had made it to Dean's room. I saw Sam sitting next to Dean, I saw tears in his eyes. But I knew He wouldn't let them fall anytime soon. He suddenly turned to me, " (Y/N)? Are you okay?" " Peachy." I mumbled sitting down. " Look, I know Dean's dying. But, he's a fighter, he'll be okay." I smiled at Sam's reassurance, but I was still worried for Dean. " I'm gonna wake him up." I said looking at Sam. " What if you can't." He asked, eyebrows furrowed. " I will." I said putting two fingers on his forehead. His eyes fluttered open, and I had never been happier to see those beautiful green eyes.

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