8 - Rolling Stone

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An explosion erupted 50 yards a head of our current position and smoke filtered its way into the air.The team sprinted without another word. I didn't have time to retaliate to Sakura's obnoxious rant, but if it comes down to it I might end up having to save her.

Once we reach the area where the explosion came from, an area of forest was searing with black smoke and remnants of what used to be trees. I covered my nose and looked around for any sign of human life. In the middle of the forest stood three giant silhouettes, and The Village Hidden in the Earth was still miles away. Were these people the Brothers of Fire?

"Look Eizan, it's some kiddies who came to play ninja!" One of the silhouettes mocked.

"Tomokazu, don't be ridiculous. We should never doubt our enemy," Another replied.

"Damn... Right... You... Shouldn't..." Naruto tried to threatened between coughs.

Soon the smoke from the forest cleared and there standing in the distance were three male ninja who looked almost identical except they all had a different hair color.

"So much for gathering information on them. It seems that the Brothers of Fire decided to meet us here," Kakashi stated.

"Hm. Were you planning to take us to jail?" The one with Grey haired asked.

"We only came to investigate the burning of the villages, but since we're here, we might as well take you in," Kakashi said calmly as he readied himself for battle.

I got into my stance as well.

"Whoa... Eizan, Kaizu, is that her?" The one with red hair, I'm guessing Tomokazu was his name. Were they looking at me?

"That's definitely her," Eizan, the one with green hair said.

I glared at them. I've never read about these guys in my bingo book so why do they know me? And why does the one with grey hair never say anything? Being in the Akatsuki obviously didn't give me the best reputation.

"If we can get a bounty on her, do you know how much money we can make?" Tomokazu explained.

"As if I'd let that happen," I yelled as I pulled out a kunai and started sprinting toward the three brothers.

"Mika!" Naruto yelled after me.

"You're going to get yourself killed, idiot!" Sasuke really did still care for me. Itachi knows everything I guess.

I ignored my teammates and jumped high in the air, I started to do some hand signs. "Earth Style Magnitude no jutsu." I dove down my kunai in both my hands and above my head, spinning rapidly and focusing my chakra into the top of my body. I hit the ground with such power that it cracked and caused a wave of rising rocks and uneven terrain. I recovered quickly and jumped from boulder to giant boulder until I reached one of the brothers.

"Not today, Kid."

"I'll be the judge of that."

Kaizu started doing hand signs that were obviously for a fire jutsu and fire's worst enemy was water. I began my own hand signs.

"Fire style, Ember Tiger jutsu, he said quietly.

"Water style, Dragon Hurricane jutsu," I retorted.

Before the Ember Tiger got even relatively close to me, Water erupted from the cracks in the ground, vanquished the jutsu, and headed for who seemed to be the leader of the Fire Brothers. The pressure pushed Kaizu into a large boulder and held him there, completely submerged in a water sphere. I started to walk over to him, and released the jutsu. Kaizu collapsed on the ground attempting to catch his breath. I didn't give him time to recover and landed a hard kick to his jaw, sending him a few yards away.

"Fu-Fu-Fucking child," Kaizu cursed with a gurgle in his throat. I think I broke his jaw.

"Mika! That's enough," I turned around to Kakashi's voice. I looked around to see the other two brothers lying unconscious on the floor and five Earth Anbu surrounding them. I really need to pay more attention to my teammates, but what can I say? It was trained that way in the Akatsuki. To defend myself. I turned my attention to my squad and Sakura was staring at me in horror. Naruto seemed so enthralled and Sasuke seemed... interested? I wasn't too sure about the look he was giving me but he had that famous Uchiha smirk spread across his lips, just like his older brother.

"Oh, when did these guys get here?" I asked nonchalantly. 

"Only moments ago," Kakashi replied.

"We've been searching for these criminals for the past month, and once we got a hint to where they were, it seems you leaf ninja got here before us," one of them said.

"Hm?" Was all I said.

"We'd like to reward you all, by letting you stay in a hotel for a couple of nights all access, and invite you to the annual Earth Festival," another said.

"Oh man! Sounds like a plan!" Sakura exclaimed.

"I guess it would be rude of us to deny," Kakashi-sensei agreed as he rubbed his head.

"Perfect, we'll continue ahead and you guys can settle in at the Mugen Hotel, we'll let them know you're coming," a different one said.

After that, the ANBU disappeared along with the Fire Brothers. Man, a Festival and a free hotel? Sounds like the Village Hidden in the Earth isn't just some place covered in rocks.

Kakashi sighed, "Well team let's get a move on."

"YEAH!" Sakura and Naruto agreed in unison.

Sasuke and I made eye contact, I nodded at him and he seemed to blush as he nodded back and turned away. I followed behind the others on our way to the Village Hidden in the Earth.

I know this chapter is fairly short but I mean man two updates in one week? I'm on a roll lol. I know the title doesn't have anything to do with a song, but I had no idea what to call it. If you guys have any ideas LET ME KNOW! Otherwise its going to be a while for updates.







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