14 - Eyes, Nose, Lips

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~Day 2 Before Mika Leaves~

Look at me one last time, Smile like nothing's wrong, so when I miss you I can remember. So I can draw your face in my mind. My selfishness that couldn't let you go turned into an obsession that imprisoned you.

Were you hurt because of me?


I stood by the gates of the Leaf Village waiting for Kakashi's team to get back from a mission. Obviously, I wasn't allowed to join them, but at least I could support them... from a distance. I played with the blue cloth that was between my fingers. I wonder what type of mission they had. It must be fun. I sighed. I turned my attention to the crowd of people going on about their everyday lives. Some of them staring at me as they pass and whispering to whomever they were with. Without a care in the world, they walked around as if I was the most dangerous thing they had ever seen. Oh, how they were so wrong, there were things out there that even I don't stand a chance against, because there are ninja who would risk their lives to protect these walls. Such selfish villagers.


I turned my glare from the villagers and my mood lightened as I saw my favorite blonde haired ninja and my always angry looking Uchiha. I started waving back at them as they were nearing the village gates. Well Naruto started running towards me.

"How was the mission Naruto-kun?" I asked as he hugged me tightly.

"It was so lame! Sasuke was trying to show off again," Naruto whined as he looked up at me with little tear ducts in his eyes.

I patted his head and giggled.

"That just means you have to work harder Naruto," I comforted him... What a child, but at least he's strong.

He started chuckling and he moved away when Sasuke finally walked up to us. Naruto made a "Tch" sound with mouth and glared at Sasuke. I rolled my eyes and smiled as Sasuke approached me. I was taller than Naruto but still an inch or so shorter than Sasuke. I gazed at him as he started give me that same Uchiha smirk.



He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in for a hug. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Naruto said you were showing off again~" I teased quietly in his ear.

"Hm, he should learn to fight better," he whispered as he pulled me closer.

"Alright Mika we get it. You and Sasuke are the bestest of friends. Now please, before I throw up."

Sasuke sighed heavily as he slowly let go of me and moved to my side.

"Well I'm happy to see you to Sakura," I rolled my eyes as she pouted and looked away from me. No matter what we've been through, Sakura will never be friends with me. I watched as she walked heading wherever she was going. Sasuke nudged me and I looked at him. He motioned his head for me to follow him.

"I need to talk to you about something," Sasuke whispered. I nodded at him, but before I turned to walk away Kakashi's voice stopped me.

"You only have one more full day in the village and you're not even going to say 'hi' to me?" Kakashi teased.

I smiled and ran up to Kakashi and hugged him, "Hi, Kaka-sensei~"

"That's more like it, Now go on and play," Kakashi replied.

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