28 - Have Faith In Me

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I'm starting to hate this place the more and more I look at these walls. A part of me wants to go back to the Leaf Village, the other half of me wants to run off to a village where nobody can find me.

"What's wrong with you this morning?"

"What do you think the point of me coming here was?" I asked out loud, mostly to myself, but waiting Hanae to answer.

"To get away from those who did not treat you well?"

"Who knows anymore, was it because of Pein or Itachi, was it because I truly did not see a purpose for staying in a village that absolutely hated me? What drove me to become a criminal, when all I wanted as a child was to prove to everyone how strong I was... that I wasn't the monster they thought I was. Yet... I became the monster I tried so hard not to become."

"There are many monsters worse than you. People who have done worse than you could ever imagine. Do not beat yourself up over this. Being in this room, and alone with your thoughts isn't healthy, nor is it helping you. Even though your arm is healed, you are still recovering... mentally, emotionally, you've been hurt in ways that you don't understand..."

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened to our clan?" I asked her in my head this time. Afraid to even let the words come from my mouth.

"One day, after you unlock your true powers, then I will tell you the story of our clan."

"What if I never unlock them?" I whispered.

A knock at the door interrupted my conversation. I opened it and there stood Atlas with a disappointed look on his face.

"Atlas? What's wrong?" I asked concerned. Atlas was always making crude jokes, and he was such a happy person, but this was so out of character for him.

"Leader-sama would like to see you," He said with a heavy sigh before walking away.

Atlas P.O.V.

Konan had called me to Leader-sama's office and I bowed to him once I was there.

"Please take a seat my friend," he motioned to the chair in front of his desk.

I nodded and proceeded to take a seat crossing one of my legs over the other.

"And what do I owe this invitation?" I asked him with a grin.

"I've been doing some thinking-"

"A dangerous thing, but go ahead."

"I can't protect Mika forever, and soon she is going to get sick of looking at the same walls, and I refuse to send her on a mission."

I raised an eyebrow.

"What are you getting at Pein?"

He sighed deeply.

"Mika needs to train everyday to activate and control her Bijuu chakra... We are going to be attacking the Village Hidden in the Sand first, and then the other's. Once that is done and we have collected all of the Bijuu, we will fuse them into Mika's body, making her the most powerful weapon."

"Leader-sama, as your council, I must advise against that. She make have the blood of the Zutusa, but she is still a child, all that chakra could kill her."

"As my council, I respect your advice, but there is no other way."

"Could you not manifest a Bijuu?"

"I thought of that and Mika would be easier to control rather than combining the Bijuu chakra into one monster..."

"You would rather risk my own blood's life for the simplicity of control? That last Zutusa who did this was killed with 72 hours because the power was unbearable."

"Atlas, I love her dearly, and I know her fighting spirit, she will live through it."

I could see both pain and regret in his eyes, he didn't want to use her for this, but he was out of options for plans to attack the Village Hidden in the Leaf.

"Please Atlas, I need to do this, I promised her."

I sighed and rubbed my forehead.

"That is all for now, call Mika here." I looked at him my expression shocked, but instantly turning blank. I left his office and headed towards Mika's room. All the years that I wasn't able to be there for her, but now, I may just lose her. I clenched my fists tightly and continued to walk.

Mika's P.O.V.

I bit my lip and went to pull on an oversized sweater as Atlas left, and started walking to Pein's office. I hadn't seen him since the encounter with Kallin and Orochimaru. And when I say that I haven't seen him. I really haven't, not in the halls, and every time I tried to go to his room or office, Konan always there, telling me that it wasn't a good time. I was almost nervous. I stood in front of the door for several minutes before I finally knocked.


I gulped and walked into the office and closed the door behind me. There were a large amount of scrolls and books scattered all over his desk. I walked further in and bowed, staring at the ground.

"Since when did you become so formal?" He joked slightly.

I looked up at him and rubbed my hands together. Pein sighed.

"Mika sit please."

I nodded and took a seat, still not wanting to look at him. I was afraid my heart would fall out of my chest.

"You wanted to see me Pein?"



"What is it you want in life Mika?"

I stared at him with a confused look on my face.

"Well some breakfast would be nice..."

Pein let out a humored sigh and leaned back in his chair.

"Could you think of something bigger? What do you want to do, become, before you leave this Earth."

Why does Pein want to know what I want in life? He's never asked before... What is he up to?

"Well, to know the secrets of my clan, maybe have a child or two to let the bloodline live on, unlock my full powers, live without worrying about who wants to kill me."

Pein stared at me, well more like he was staring through my soul. The look in his eyes were weighing me down. Why is he so intimidating sometimes, but then is really loving other times. Pein stood up and walked to the front of his desk, leaning on it. He grabbed my hands and pulled me from the chair.

"Do you trust me?"

"Of course I do." I blushed slightly.

"There's something serious that going to happen. I promised you many years ago that I would destroy the people who hurt you..."


"Have faith in me, Mika," Pein pulled me closer and placed a hand on my waist and used the other to tilt my chin, making me look up at him. I placed my hands on his chest as his face grew closer to mine. Our lips soon embracing each other.

I know this one is shorter than many of the other chapter, but I'm working on it! Haha, I'm hoping with my less stressful life situation to update a little more frequently. This book is coming to an ending soon, and I'm not a hundred percent sure how I want it to go... Uh if you have any ideas let me know!



Leave song requests!

(Also if you know any good songs to make a fight scene to let me know too!)

Stay fresh!


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