25 - Without You

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"What is your brother doing with him?"

"Kallin? What are you doing with Kabuto?"

"Well after your short return to the leaf, Lord Orochimaru came to me with an idea. A plan. A proposition. To trade your life, to make mine a whole lot better. You are a true Zutusa and I am only bastard who was adopted your parents. Now, come Mika, I don't have all day," Kallin said with a cold smirk on his face. This wasn't my brother, and what did he mean he was adopted, how would he have known that if our parents were both dead. He wasn't any more of a bastard than I was. My parents are also dead. Well one is technically inside of me right now.

"Mika, I'm sorry, I was going to tell you but I didn't know when the right time was."

"How could you keep this from me," I said quietly, but aloud at the same time.

"Your father and I had a hard time having a child and we found Kallin sick in the streets and raised him as our own. Then finally we were blessed with you."

I clutched my head as a headache was on its way. I don't understand.

"I know it may be hard for you, but there is no time for you to digest this. It's time to go," Kallin with mocking sympathy as he started to unsheathed his sword.

I stood my guard and reached for my Kunai pouch. I froze. I left all my weapons in the base. Fuck I'm so screwed.

"You don't have your weapons or any protective armor, how do you expect to fight him?"

"The best that I can."

Kallin lunged at me with his sword and I jumped back avoiding the swing.

"Looks like you forgot your weapons, baby sister, how will you ever defend yourself." He swung again and again I continued to dodge all of them. He swung again and I used my forearm to hit his arm away. A small distraction as he tried to raise his sword again, but I backed up enough to aim my foot at his jaw. It connected and Kallin flew back slightly. I didn't want to fight my brother, but I had no choice.

Kallin sat up and cracked his jaw as he looked at me and grinned, "Maybe that slum of an Akatsuki has really taught you something. I was going to play nice, but you can forget that."

I held up my fists and was prepared to defend myself against Kallin. He charged at me again with full force, as I was planning ways to defeat him in my head. He was getting close, and my options were running out. Suddenly a large black bar slammed into Kallin, making him roll back a few feet. I looked over to see Pein stand in there and the black bar retreat into his hand. I smiled at him and was thankful that he was always able to find me.

"I thought I told you not to leave the base."

I ran up to him and as soon as Kallin regained his stance, Pein pushed me behind him.

"Well if it isn't her lover. Tell me, sister, does he take good care of you?"

"You attack your own sister, while she is unarmed? What kind of man are you?" Pein glared at him.

"The most dishonorable of them all," Kallin laughed, "No worry though, I know I cannot fight you Pein."

Kallin pulled out a scroll from his waist and opened it. Pein pushed me further behind him, and I clutched his cloak. Kallin bit his finger and as it bled he ran it across the scroll, and threw it into the middle of the field. The scroll smoked for only a second before a slithering figure popped out of it.


"I knew you two wouldn't be able to handle this," Orochimaru hissed.

"You told us to summon you if she brought company," Kabuto smirked.

Orochimaru cracked his neck, and a shiver ran down my spine. Pein handed me a Kunai, and I knew that meant I was most likely fighting Kallin. I moved from behind Pein and my stare was hard.

"Well Hello Mika, you seem well," Orochimaru hissed.

"Screw off," I snapped.

"Gladly," Orochimaru's snake like body twirled itself at a fast pace towards Pein. A black wall formed from the ground to block Orochimaru's attack. It looked like he crashed into it, but his body disappeared. I heard a hiss behind me and Orochimaru was hovering in the air ready to charge at me. I froze, taken off guard, immediately I was pushed out of the way and Pein attacked Orochimaru with another black pole. In an instance Orochimaru pulled out a sword and they were in a deadlock.

As I was staring in awe, footsteps were approaching me, Kallin aimed his sword at me, but I jumped to the left avoiding the impact. His force was so strong that he cracked the earth below him. I glared at him, as he slowly arose from his stance.

"No more games little sister," he sneered.

I back flipped several yards away from Kallin, he began to run at me as I started doing hand signs.

"Earth style! Thousand Waves No Justu!" I yelled as the earth below me started to rise in waves, heading towards Kallin. As I had thought Kallin jumped into the air avoiding the trembling ground before him, I held my kunai as Kallin charged ready to slice whatever he could with sword. I blocked it with the kunai, and we had a stare down as I struggled to fight off the blade.

"Just imagine Pein will soon die by Lord Orochimaru's hands and you will soon give me all the power that the runs through your tiny little veins."

I grunted as his strength well overpowered mine. His sword started to glow blue as he force more of his chakra power into his sword as to cut me down in one struck. I was falling weak to his strength.

"Don't give up Mika!"

"I'm... Trying!"

A sharp pain erupted in my neck and Kallin let up on his stance, moving back as my body collapsed immediately to the ground.

"Kabuto you always get in the way," Kallin frowned.

My body was turning numb as I struggled to reach for the item in my neck. A senbon needle? My hand fell limp and I moved my eyes to look at the two men standing above me.

"And you Kallin, always go too far. That attack would have surely killed her, and you need her alive and unharmed in order for the jutsu to work," Kabuto explained to him.

Kallin sheathed his swords and glared at me as he started to walk away. The fight between Pein and Orochimaru was still going. I stared as my body was completely paralyzed. Kabuto picked me and slung me over his shoulder. I laid there lifeless, as Pein's figure slowly started to fade away. I didn't want him to get hurt, and I didn't know the capabilities of Orochimaru's powers. Then again I didn't know the full extent of Pein's powers.

It must have been the poison as I soon blacked out.

Not a very interesting chapter. However the next one should be very uh, interesting for a lack of a better word. Lol






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