21 - Butterfly

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"I thought you would be too busy to come see me off," I teased.

"I always have time for you Mika," Pein smiled.

I wonder why he's being like this in front of Deidara. I nodded and released him.

"If I don't let go now, then I'll never leave," I replied to his look of confusion.

Pein nodded and I waved him off as Deidara and I left the base.


"I don't understand why we get sent on these stupid missions! We've been walking for years!" I cried as I plopped down to the ground, kicking off my shoes and rubbing my feet.

"I don't understand. Where is this person?"

"What village are we headed towards anyways?"

"Wait... you mean you don't know?"

"No, I don't, Do you?"

"I thought leader told you."

I stood up quickly, "I thought you knew?!"

"How are we supposed to find someone, and we don't know where we're going, un!"

"How should I know?!"

"Ugh what are we going to do now?" Whined Deidara.

"We could just sit here?" I offered.

"And let any ninja who walks by realize we're Akatsuki?"


"Exactly. Come on, hmph."

"Wait Deidara, where are we going?"

"To look for this informant!"

"We don't know where he is though!"

"We'll figure it out!"

"Don't walk so fast! I have to put my shoe on!"

We disappeared into the tree an hour ago and continued to look for this mystery person. We eventually reached an open field with a pond in the middle and a lonely house.

I sat on a tree branch as Deidara hung upside down from the one across from me.

"Should we go see if they know anything?"

"Do you sense anyone's chakra? There's no one here. Leader said that this person was a ninja."

"Well it doesn't hurt to check," I jumped off the branch.

"Mika, wait!" Deidara yelled after me only it was too late.

I landed on the ground only to be swept off my feet and carried a few feet away before it hailed kunai and shuriken.

"What was that?" I breathed.

"You snapped a wire that was connected to a summoning scroll."

"How does that even work?" I removed the strand of hair that fell into my face. I should really wear a ponytail if it's going to be this long.

"No time to explain. That can't be the only trap that's set up here. Which means a ninja must live here. "

"Do you think it might be him?"

"We won't know unless we find out." We stood up and jumped back into the trees. But even the trees weren't safe as more ninja weapons flew our way. We jumped out of the way and ran to the field. We both sprinted on separate sides of the house avoiding and deflecting all objects that flew our way. I jumped and sprinted until I zeroed in on the house. Forcing chakra into my feet I jumped on to the roof and the ninja weapons ceased fire as they floated in the air, facing me but never inching forward. Deidara soon joined me on the roof. All around we were surrounded by floating weapons. I glared at them and hopped down from the roof in front of the door and Deidara followed my lead.

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