29 - Glory and Gore

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I rolled several feet, the dirt kicking up behind me. I clutched my chest and shook slightly as I tried to capture my breath. The dirt sticking to the back of my throat. I'm so tired.

"There's no giving up yet Mika, you need more practice."

I rolled on to my back and still trying to catch my breath. The sun was setting and the sky was turning different shades of orange and purple. I sat up my muscles begging me to stop.

"If you have the strength to sit up, you have the strength to continue your training."

I think Atlas is trying to kill me! It's been a week of this same training and I don't know how long I can keep this up.

I grabbed my katana and used it to steady myself. I panted still not able to catch my breath. I glared at Atlas, there was hardly a scratch on him. I stood to my full height and aimed my katana at him. My other arm clutching my stomach. I forced my chakra into into, but the blade was shorter than it was earlier and my chakra wasn't as thick. I grunted and charged at him, jumping in the air, I used gravity as to substitute for the strength that I didn't have. I slashed at him, but he created a chakra shield on his forearm, blocking my attack and hitting me to the side. My back hit a tree and I immediately passed out.


I jolted awake my chest and stomach ached in excruciating pain and I groaned and laid back down. Someone please tell me why this training is so difficult?! I didn't sign up for this. I feel like I'm being abused.

"How are you feeling Mika?"

"I don't want to be a part of this project anymore. I don't like being trained the point of exhaustion."

"If you want to be able to control the Bijuu chakra, you have to train hard."




It was finally here. I don't want to do this. I don't want to train this hard if it means almost killing myself every time.

"How is her training, Atlas."

That's... That's Pein's voice...

"It's only been a week, there's been much improvement in her chakra control, but she needs to learn more jutsu. Leader-sama, if I keep pushing her to the breaking point she will refuse to continue her training."

"She will continue her training as it is," Pein commanded.

"You are going to drive her away at this rate, she will not put up with this. Especially, because she does not know the end goal."

Pein sighed,"Don't push her too hard. She needs time to recover. Give her meditation lessons, even though it will set the plan back."

"Thank you Leader-sama."

Only one pair of footsteps walked away. The door opened and I looked over to see Atlas... Pein could have at least came to see how I was doing.

"Maybe he feels guilty."

"About what?"


"Sorry did I say something?"

"Anyways, How are you feeling?"

"Like I do everyday after we train. Do you have to be so hard on me?"

"Forgive me Mika, strict orders," he sighed heavily. I wonder if the training is taking a toll on him too.

"I get it, it's fine, but it's even more exhausting to have to recover and go through the same thing again."

"Leader-sama wants the best for you, but it's not his body, I have advised him to let your body rest before we continue training. He agreed to meditation training, but even that can have a toll on the mind. For the next three days during our normal training time just try to stay hidden somewhere in the base, Okay?"

Atlas is going against Pein's wishes? I wonder if he knows I heard everything.

-Hours later-

I knocked on Itachi's door. He opened it with a cold look on his face, but it softened when he noticed it was me. The base was quiet, everyone has been on back to back missions and I haven't gotten to talk to Itachi in a while. I collapsed on my stomach. My ribs are still killing me.

"How's training going little one?"

"It's been hard, but Atlas has given me a break for a while..."

"You shouldn't push yourself so hard," Itachi laid down next to me and started rubbing my back. He used to do this a lot when I was a kid, whenever I was upset. The thing I love about Itachi is that he never has to ask me what's wrong he just knows.

"What's really wrong?"

"What brought you here Itachi?" I asked quietly.

He didn't answer me.I turned my head to him and gave him a confused look. He looked down at me, "You couldn't ask me any other question?" There was pain hidden in Itachi's eyes that I couldn't place where it was coming from. Itachi had murdered the Uchiha Clan, but why? And why come to the Akatsuki?

"If you can't answer it's okay."

"After I murdered my clan Pein, recruited me, and promised secrecy and discretion as long as I completed his assignments," There was a hurtful look in his eyes when he talked about his clan... did he never want to murder them in the first place? Behind his cold exterior Itachi still had so many secrets that he will die with.

"Why do you ask little one?"

"I keep wondering what I'm doing here. This training has become so exhausting and I go to the infirmary every time afterwards. I don't want to go through with this project anymore, but where would I go?... I can't go to the Leaf... I can't run away... everyone wants me dead." I kept my voice down, afraid that someone would walk by and hear our conversation.

"Then let me ask you something Mika... Why did you come to the Akatsuki?"

"I thought it was because of my love for you and Pein, but I barely see you two and I don't know how to live without you if I did leave.. Is there really such a thing as destiny?"

"There is, however your destiny is not decided for you, it is what you make it little one. Change the world to make it the best place for you and your loved ones to live, and don't choose to live in someone else's destiny."

Sometimes I hated when Itachi was right, but he was right. I need to find out what Pein is going to do once I absorb the Bijuu chakra. What is his motive?

Sorry guys I know this chapter isn't very interesting, but the next ones will be! Some of the Chapters will be really violence heavy and I know a lot of readers really like it and some don't so here's just a warning! Also as most of you know I don't follow the story of what really happened in Naruto, so a lot of things won't be correct, That's also your other warning xD!




Eat your vegetables!


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