37 - Monster

241 7 5

A white dress covered her body, light beaming from around her, almost blinding me. Her short blue hair swayed around her. She looked beautiful, just like I imagined her in my dreams. She was everything that I wanted in a mother even though I never let her know how I truly felt, and how much I appreciated her... How much I loved her.

"H-Hanae? Why?"

She turned her head to me with a large smile on her face.

"My chakra was pushed back because of the Bijuu chakra inside of you. I've come now to protect my child. Now I've used all of my life force to deflect this attack... This will be the last you hear or see me."

"Mom... I-"

"Save it. You have a battle to win. Don't let them hurt your loved ones or this village! Protect those around you, Mika. Just remember Mama will always be with you."

Hanae's body started floating upwards. She held out her hand for me and for the first time I actually got to see her eyes. They were a matching grey. I could feel a wetness hit my cheeks, as I reached for her hand, but I was only grasping at air.

"Hanae. Don't go!"

She only continued to smile at me. She was so far away from me I could barely see her eyes.


She was gone... All because I was reckless, because I couldn't control the Bijuu chakra within me. It's all my fault. I hunched over unable to to withstand the weight of the emotions that came over me. My body shook as I sobbed. My knuckles bled as I pounded them into the dirt. My heart broke when I remembered her face.

"I'm so weak. I couldn't save my own mom. What makes her think I can save anyone else?" I sobbed.

"Don't let them hurt your loved ones or this village! Protect those around you, Mika."

My loved ones? Pein... I couldn't let him down. I have to do whatever I can to save him, Konan too! I can't give up now. I began whipping my tears, looking around, I didn't see Tobi anywhere in sight. I shakily got to my feet, looking around the large crater. Looks like I'll just have to crawl my way out.

Once I finally made it to the edge of the crater. I hung on for a moment trying to catch my breath. I looked around seeing most of the village destroyed and turned to rubble. Whatever those coffin things were, they all were open and whatever was inside of them was missing. The clouds had set in above and little droplets of rain started to hit the ground. I looked up at the sky.

Mom, what are you crying about? I heard a grunt several meters away from me. I turned my attention to it. A familiar orange mop of hair was hung up on some type of weird wooden cross. Several ninja surrounded it and two stood out. The one said to be Madara Uchiha and Tobi. A strange blue figure that looks like it is made from chakra surrounded Madara's body. The blue figure was holding two swords, and one of them was aimed towards Pein's body. I pushed myself up quickly and started running as fast as I could, but in my weakened state wasn't very fast. The blue figured reared its arm back. My feet carried me as far as they could. An object caught my foot and I could feel my body slowly falling to the floor. Everything around me played in slow motion. The ground came closer and I skidded a few feet. I struggled to lift my head, to lift any part of my body so that I could reach him. Pein. Open your eyes! The chakra sword in its hands moved with Madara's actions within it. The sword reared back further and with a quick thrust, impaled its way through Pein's body.

I stared in utter shock. Words had failed me just as my body had. The droplets that ran down my face were confused between rain and tears. His body was tense at first, but his eyes turned to meet mine. I couldn't hear the words that came from his mouth through the spurts of blood. But his lips were the only thing I could focus on, as his mouth formed the words...

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