13 - Yangwha Bridge

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~Day 3 before Mika leaves~

I sat in my window sill staring out to the streets of the Leaf. This was not my home anymore. I can't help the way I am. It's just not fair. I curled my legs up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. All of my stuff was packed and ready to go, just in case I decided to leave the Leaf earlier than planned, but really, there's nothing here for me anymore. Of course Kallin is, but I doubt, with the way he's feeling that he will actually stay in the Leaf Village. At least people here accept him. Whereas me... People have hated me all my life... Well except-


I looked up as Kallin walked into the room.

"Seriously? Are you sulking?" he asked.

"It's not every day you get exiled from your own Village," I replied to him.

He sat on the edge of my bed and looked at me.

"Mika, you have to think of this in a more positive manner. You'll be back somewhere safe where Orochimaru can't get you. You can make new friends in villages where people know nothing about our family. No one will judge you, and no one will be afraid of you. You'll live a happier life," Kallin explained.

I looked away from the window and back to my brother.

"What if I said I wanted to go back to the Akatsuki?" I asked him quietly.

"You really want to go back?" He asked in disbelief.



"We'll talk about this later," Kallin sighed.

I raised an eyebrow as distant footsteps stormed up my stairs into my room. Breathing heavily while he stood in the doorway of my room was none other than Naruto Uzumaki.

"What's up Naruto? Is something wrong?" I stood up from my sitting position

"We heard what happened! We don't want you to go-"

"Naruto that's not something I can control. It's Hokage's orders..."

"But Mika... We just go you back," He whined.

I walked up to the whining blonde ninja, that was my teammate for a good three weeks, and placed my hand on top of his head.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun, I wish I could stay. Trust me, you don't know how much I missed all my friends in the Leaf Village. Sadly I have to go again, because I'm a danger to the Leaf," I explained solemnly.

Naruto turned his gaze down to the ground and I felt his shoulders shake. I sighed deeply and wrapped Naruto in a warm hug.

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