24 - To Violet

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Light tapping sounds disturbed my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was surrounded by darkness. Within the darkness, a spotlight was casted upon me from an unknown source. The light source illuminated the reflection of the rain drops that fell around me. I stood up, unable to move from the small circle of light.

"Mika." I looked around but only a dark abyss was present.

"Mika," This was a different voice.

"Mika, find me please."

"Who are you?" I asked into the nothingness.

In front of me, another source of light appeared and there stood Kallin. The same way he looked when Pein had him down in the catacombs. The light that surrounded him was tinged in red, unlike mine that was a pure white.

"Mika, help me please," The hoarse voice begged me.

"KALLIN!" I yelled and tried to reach for him, but the light wouldn't let me pass.

"You must not let your past cloud your judgement." It was a female voice. Another light appeared and in that light stood Hanae. My mother.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

She smiled at me, a wide smile with her eyes closed. She didn't reply to me. The light she was in was tinted in blue.

"Mika, why did you leave me?" Another spotlight lit up between Hanae and Kallin. It was tinted in orange and the person had their back towards me. They were wearing an Akatsuki cloak. I placed a hand over my heart. It's getting harder and harder to breathe. I didn't notice until now, but the rain that was sprinkling before was now in full down pour.

"I loved you so much, but you pushed me away." I looked up at the orange light realizing that what was held inside, was Pein.

"Pein!" My voice was silenced by the deafening beating of the rain. Their lights started to move farther and farther away. He didn't hear me, as I continued screaming for him. My voice was silenced as I collapsed back to the ground. The images of them were gone. Slowly the light that illuminated me was fading and the harsh rain pounded onto my body. The downpour was so heavy that my body was flattened against the ground and I couldn't push myself up. I laid there accepting what was to come.


Kallin's P.O.V.

It was late at night and my training with Lord Orochimaru had just finished. We would be starting the mission soon. My time here has revealed many things about my past and my life, and my sister. My hatred for her only grew in my time here and I became colder. I was walking through the woods just to get away from the hideout and the experiments that resided there. After a few moments of walking I stopped immediately to be face with a purple haired man with purple eyes and a white fur pelt that rested on the neckline of his kimono.

"Can I help you?" I asked him with a sneer in my voice.

"I don't remember you being such a rotten child," The man frowned at me.

"How do you know what I was like as a child?"

"I would love to answer that question for you, however I don't feel the need too."

"You're quite smug, considering this is a very dangerous place for outsiders."

"Seems to me that you are the outsider here Kallin. I'm not too sure what Orochimaru has in store for you here, but I don't think your sister would approve."

I placed my hand on the hilt of my sword, "And what do you know about my sister?"

"That you and her are not really related. That you were adopted by her parents because they were never able to have a child until your mother finally got pregnant with Mika. Was that truly your reason for coming to hate your sister? Did Orochimaru tell the true reason why you lack the same powers as your sister?"

I stood there truly shocked, but my hard expression did not falter.

"I can tell by your silence that there are some things that you still do not know, but do not fret young one. All in due time." The purpled haired man walked further into the woods and I did not bother to follow him. How did I even know that the information he was telling me was true? But he knew both Mika and I. It was true I did have a burning hate for my sister because she was so special, and even here Orochimaru still has an interest in her, even though I gave myself to him willingly. What are these powers that Mika has that I lack? I grew frustrated and punched the tree I was next to before I walked back to the hideout.

Mika's P.O.V.

I know Pein was worried about my safety but he was being more protective than usual and it was starting to get suffocating. I wasn't even allowed to go to the training grounds. I sat in the library as Atlas stood at the door to watch over me. I was reading some of the scrolls that I had borrowed from Atlas. There was only so much reading that one person could do. I had learned so much about my very nonexistent clan. I sighed as the boredom was getting to me. I stood up from the table and started walking to the exit.

"Where do you think you're going?" Atlas asked as he shoved himself between the door and me.

"To the bathroom if that's okay with you Atlas."

He nodded and followed slightly behind me. I sighed and walked into the bathroom to get some breathing room. I sighed , looking up to the small window in the bathroom. This could be my escape! I closed the lid of the toilet and stood on top of it as I reached for the lock on the window. I know I would be able to fit through here, just snuggly enough. I hiked myself up and dangled slightly from the ground. The window was leveled with the ground outside.

"Mika are you okay in there?" Atlas called.

"Just fine! I just ate some bad rice!" I called back to him, as I continued to climb through the window. Bad rice? Does rice even expire? I grabbed at the grass as I heaved myself out of the window. I scampered my legs through the hole and started running through the forests far away from the hideout. I just had to get away!

I don't know how long I had been running but the hideout and the Akatsuki were a long ways away. I plopped down in the grass and stared up at the sky. Finally some time alone.

"They're going to be worried about you."

"Well look who it is."

"You should head back. It's dangerous out here."

"Why does everyone think I can't handle myself?" I asked not really wanting an answer.

"Nobody thinks that, however there are things, people, out there that are very powerful. Your friends only want to protect you."

"I know that Hanae, but I just want to be alone for a while."

I continued to stare at the sky for some time before my eyes became heavy and I started to drift into slumber.

"Well, well, look who decided to take a nap in the forest."

"Oh no."

I stood up quickly and to only see Kabuto. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"If only looks could kill... Mika." He hissed my name as he stood there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hmph, and by your looks you don't look like you're ready to fight." I snarled.

"Oh no, not me, you have proven too many times that you are capable of beating me. So I brought somebody else who can get the job done."

"Be careful Mika."

I nodded as I glared at the tree line behind Kabuto awaiting for my opponent to walk out. A body moved close and once they were in my view my stance faltered. My heart was throbbing in my ears, As the person fully reveled themselves. The teal hair, the violet eyes, the narrow face.


Hello my reader(s)!! How are you? How is winter break? Sorry for the slow updates but I'm glad you still stick around here's another chapter for you guys and I have come to the conclusion that this story is getting close to the end. Stay tuned this actually might get pretty good!



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