30 - Identity Disorder

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I know I'm supposed to be hiding in my room since I'm technically supposed to be training with Atlas, but with all of this stuff running through my head I forgot to eat breakfast. I know a lot of the members were on missions, but if anyone saw me, they'd report me to Pein. I let out a heavy sigh. This really does feel like prison a lot of times. I made it the kitchen successfully and grabbed a pot of hot tea and a large bowl of fruit, and darted back to my room. I passed by Pein's office and heard different voices talking. I couldn't help but be curious. I lowered my chakra level, and leaned against the door trying to hear what they were talking about.

"We''ve successfully captured the One-tail."


"Mika you shouldn't be listening."

"Shut it."

"Begin extraction immediately."

Extracting what? The One-tailed beast?

"Mika please, go back to your room."

"Was there any complications?"

"A few of his body guards attacked, but were easily handled Leader-sama."

Sasori too?

"Were you able to gather any information regarding the Sand's involvement with the Leaf?"

"It seems as though the Sand and Leaf have become closer over the months. When we attack the Leaf, I'm sure the Sand will come to their aid," Sasori added.

Attacking the Leaf?! Why would we do that?!

"Not an issue, once Mika has absorbed all of the Bijuu chakra she'll be unstoppable."

"Forgive me Leader-sama, I know we should not ask questions, but once we set forward, what makes you think Mika-chan will attack the Leaf?"

They're going to use me to attack the Leaf...

"Mika is very impressionable. I have a lot of control over her and she will go through with this."

"As you say Leader-sama."

I started running to my room and closed my door, locking it. I leaned against the door, tears threatening to fall, I tried so hard to hold them back. I put my head in my hands gripping the edges of my hair, my eyes wide. I couldn't believe this! Pein was using me! He always said he never wanted to put me in danger, and here he was planning to attack the Leaf with my powers... The ones that I can't even control yet, I could die if this goes badly!

"Mika please understand. What you just heard was-"


"You don't understand! The Akatsuki is-"

"LYING TO ME! They have been ever since I came here! Even Itachi was lying to me, he couldn't tell me why he even joined the Akatsuki in the first place." I need to get out of here.

I stood up grabbing a bag and some clothes, scrolls, and weapons.

"Mika, please stop and think about this. You have nowhere to go!"

"Having nowhere to go is better than staying here!"

I don't want to die. I don't know where to go, but anywhere, anywhere to get away from them. I opened my doors and looked both ways, I sprinted through the hallways and to the exit. I turned a corner and there was Zetsu coming up from the floor. Shit. I jumped on the roof and started running on it. Another Zetsu was forming from the roof. Backflipping from the roof, I landed and was going to continue sprinting, but there were at least 20 Zetsu that formed around me.

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