4 - Fireflies

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Pein and I were walking through the shopping district of the Rain village, his arm never leaving my shoulder, I felt completely awkward, like a pre-teen on their first date. I didn't know what to do with my hands, or if how I should make up a conversation.


"Hm?" I looked up at Pein and his face was flooded with concern as he looked down at me.

"What is it?"

"You seemed to be spacing off, am I boring you?"

"What?! Oh no not at all I was just thinking of what kind of kimono I wanted! Really I'm fine!" I defended myself.

"If you say so, I'm sure whatever kimono you pick would look beautiful on you," He smiled down at me and I smiled back. Of course, my face was covered in seven different colors of blush but right now, I really didn't care. This little date that Pein and I were on made me really happy, and I guess whatever the occasion is, I'd be happy to go to, since Pein would be with me. We continued walking until we got to a dress shop. Ugh I hated dresses, but I'd wear this kimono, once, only for Pein. I walked in and nothing seemed to pop out at me at first, as to be expected. Pein was shuffling through kimonos behind me, but I wasn't really paying attention as a rack of them had caught my attention. I smiled and pulled one out from the rack.

"I'm going to go try this on," I grinned as I walked into the dressing room. I put on the kimono, tying it in the necessary places. It was really pretty although the length was too long on me and so was the length in the arms, but no worries I could get it tailored.

"Hey Mika, why don't you try this one on? I like it." I turned around and Pein put a really short, lacey, see through lingerie dress over the door. I felt my face head up instantly and I held my breath. I slammed the door open , creating a crack in the wall and threw the dress full force at Pein.

"Pein you perv! Old man perv!" I closed my eyes tightly trying to calm down my hysterical breathing. How embarrassing can he get?! I would never be caught dead in one of those. Knowing Pein even if I did die, he would dress me in it and have his way with me. I heard a chuckle and looked up to see Pein pulling the dress off his face and smiling down at me. Soon his smile faded into a shocked expression and I was starting to become nervous.

"D-don't stare, is there something w-wrong with it?" I asked looking down at the kimono I was wearing, really upset that Pein might not like it. I heard him take a few strides towards me and he lifted my chin with his fingers making me look at him.

"You look beautiful Mika."

There was that heart-in-throat feeling again. I smiled at him and he started to lean into me. Was he going to kiss me? In public? We didn't even kiss in front of other people in the base! Oh jeez.

"Ma'am would you like to have that kimono tailored?" I pushed Pein away from me and he stumbled into one of the racks. I started laughing nervously, being caught by a 70 year old store owner wasn't exactly an appealing idea. The old man brought me back to a separate door in the store, with a sign that read Tailors Only on it.

I followed him in and he started measuring my size.

"My, my aren't you a petit thing."

"Thank you." That came out more like a question than a statement.

The man started pinning the dress in my arms then he went down to the hem.

"Oh could you make it a little shorter so it's a little above my knee please?"

"Of course Ma'am, anything for a pretty customer."

I smiled at him as I watched him pin up the dress, and cut some parts with scissors.

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