36 - Yellow Flicker Beat

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It took no time for me to reach the Leaf gates. I stood on a building closest to them and glared at the figures that were standing on top of it. I was soon joined by Konan and Pein who literally came from nowhere. The ninja around us seemed to freeze in their place, as they stared at the scene in front of them.

"What are you doing here?!" I shouted.

The three figures didn't move as they continued to stare at us. The black mass that I realized was a meteor, was still heading towards us.

"Citizens of the Leaf! I am your chance for redemption from the many crimes you have committed! Come forth and face your new destiny that has been made by me!"

Ugh, jeez this sounds like something Pein would be saying.

Some of the civilians came out of their homes and some of them closed their blinds and hid in their houses. There was more and more ninja that gathered around us.

"Tobi! Answer me!" I screamed at him.


"You've been quite a nuisance, little one," He taunted, but not in his normal child-like voice, but in the voice of an actual man.

"Oh, I'll show you nuisance," I threatened quietly.

I pulled out my katana. The figure next to Tobi did the same. I charged them and the figure met me halfway. Our blades clashing in the air and his eyes widened.


"You seem to have traded masters... Sasuke."

"Hmph, and you seem to be lacking in allies at this moment... Mika-chan."

Sasuke swung his back, pushing me with it, and I landed on the ground swiftly. I glared at him and he stared back at me with the same emotionless look on his face. However, something in his eyes looked familiar. Almost like home... Almost like...

"Oh, have you noticed? My eyes are all healed and even have an upgrade. My brother seems to have become of some use to me," Sasuke explained.

"What do you mean by that?" I growled.

"I guess I'll explain it to you even if you will be meeting your demise here."

"Try me," I challenged.

"During my battle with Itachi, he continued to grow weaker and weaker as his sickness was killing him the more he used his Sharingan-"

"Sickness? Itachi was sick?"

Why didn't I know about this? Why didn't he tell me?

"He must have not told you... Surprising since you were his favorite person. Anyway, Tobi convinced me to not kill Itachi. Instead keep him alive, and in his weak state, complete a forbidden jutsu. One that gave me Itachi's eyes. It's not like he'll be needing them after all."

"So, this is how you obtain your power? By taking what's not yours? You've achieved nothing, and I doubt you've gotten any stronger."

"Let me show you then!" Sasuke started doing hand signs.

"Fire ball jutsu!"

"Gu mandala!"

As the large fireball headed my way, I summoned a mandala in front of me to absorb the blast. It absorbed the whole thing.

"Hmph impressive."

"You haven't seen anything yet," I grabbed the hilt with both hands and swung the sword and mandala downwards releasing the fireball back at Sasuke. He dodged it and the ball collided with the wall behind him creating a large hole. Sasuke charged at me with his sword and I blocked his attack, pushing him back and swinging for his shoulder. Sasuke held up his sword to block the attack. This happened for a moment as I swung at him he blocked all of my attacks. This isn't going to work. He can see all of my movements before I even make them! I sheathed my sword and started doing handsigns. I took a deep breath.

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