Emergency room 

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her phone vibrated. She picked it up, and her heart sank when she saw the message.


come to the hospital it's Maya

It was all a blur, the way from Addison place to the hospital it felt like she was out of her body witnessing a dream and running through every scenario in her head did Maya got seriously hurt? Would she be needing surgery? Is she big or little? Is she scared?

"Carina we are here" Amelia said bringing her out of her thoughts.

Yelling and crying that's the first thing Carina heard when she stepped foot into the ER .

"Dr. Deluca thank God you're here" one of the interns said grabbing Carina by her arm and dragging her.

"I am not on call I need to get to..." she said, looking around, trying to find Maya.

"To your wife, I know" he said opening the curtains, revealing Maya, still in her turnouts curled in a ball, hugging one of her arms and coughing, with tears streaming down her cheeks, and a nasty cut on her for head and chin, waving the nurses and the doctors off not letting anybody touch her and Andy trying to calm her down.

Maya shifted her focus upon hearing the curtains open "Mama" she cried looking up "make it s-st-op" she pleaded, coughing harshly.

And that's apparently all she needed to snap back and rushing to go by Maya's side "can you give us a moment" Carina said to the doctors, nurses and interns.

"She is injured. We can't risk her injuries getting worst" one of the interns said.

"I am a doctor. I know it's a risk that we aren't treating her injuries immediately, but she is clearly overwhelmed And overstimulated right now, and won't let anybody touch her, so she needs to calm down before we do anything" Carina said sternly, praying that they understand which, thankfully they did, and stepped out quietly, she sighed turning back to Maya "can I take these off?" She asked pointing at her turnouts.

"It hurts Mama" she coughed.

"I know Bambina but I need too take them off" she said unbuttoning the thick jacket.

"Owww" Maya hissed when Carina took off the suspenders off her shoulders.

"I am sorry Bambina" Carina apologized sliding the pants and shoes off and took the oxygen mask "I am going to put this on you" she didn't like that she could hear her wheezing and her lung crackling without a stethoscope.

"No, no" Maya coughed, shaking her head.

"Bambina I need to put it on you so you can breathe better" Carina said putting the oxygen mask, ignoring Maya's protest "take a big breath with me" Carina instructed exasperating her breathing and Maya mimicked but after exhaling she got into a coughing fit.

"Make it stop Mama" she begged crying.

"Did you give her morphine or anything for the pain?" Carina directed the question to Andy, who was sitting silently at the corner.

"No I couldn't, I barely got her into that stretcher, she wouldn't let any paramedic touch her or me and kept crying for you" she answered and she could see the moment Carina thought did she slip in a burning building? "and before you go there, no she wasn't little when we pulled her out of that building but the moment I began examining her she slipped" then begin to explain what happened "she insisted on doing a last sweep to the floor because she heard someone, so the chief send her, me and Jack, and we found a little boy that got his leg stuck in the floor and after she took her oxygen off and handed it to the boy, she got him and gave him to Jack, the floor gave out and she landed on her shoulder and side"

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