Chapter 23

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During a flight through Hyperspace, you change into a lighter-colored set of Jedi Robes. (It can be a blend of light brown and white like Obi-Wan's. The main thing is you obviously contrast with Luke, obviously showing your  Lightside alignment.)

"These were supposed to be ceremonial. But, I'm going to be fighting the Emperor. Might as well die looking like a Jedi." You say, laying your robes out on your bed.

"What makes you think you're going to die?" R7 asks, wheeling around so he's now looking at the wall.

"Well, Vader and Palpatine are responsible for killing off what Jedi escaped from the Inquisitors and the Clones," You explain, getting changed. The old robes were clean but the fabric was now dyed a perpetual swamp green, from the training.

"So if anything I'm just being realistic that even though in the original story Palpatine dies and so does Vader. Because Vader returns to the light and dies as Anakin Skywalker." You say, not bothering to toss the robes in the dirty clothes hamper in the adjoining bathroom. You were planning on going clothes shopping after the battle anyway.

"So Luke is supposed to live?" R7 asks.

"He does. But there's one problem," You say, remembering what you'd thought about back out in the cockpit.
"There's several ways Palpatine *may* survive."

"I don't like how you're saying may."

"I don't like it either. Especially when no matter what timeline we go into, there are at least clones of him running around."

"Have you mentioned this to Luke?"

"Don't really know how to."

"Worried it will trigger a Shatterpoint again?"

"Now that I think about it," You adjust the seams of the tunic at your shoulders. "That's a very good reason. Since the alternative would be, let's go fight The Emperor when I can barely stand up."

You and Luke make a stop at a space combination fuel station and supercenter.

You pay extra to have the docking bay droids refuel your ship, and wash down the exterior. Just because you spent a really long time on a swamp planet, doesn't mean your ship has to look it.


When you rendezvous with the Rebel Fleet, you land in the main ship. There is going to be a meeting discussing the assault on the Death Star II, on a different level.

You hand over the proverbial keys to your ship, to the Docking Bay manager. Since you're going planet-side with the others, you hand over your ship so it can be part of the fleet attacking the Death Star.

As you cross the hanger walking to the turbolift. Decals on a squadron catch your eye.

The decal is an exceptionally familiar blue marble.

You stop for a better look.

There are land masses on the round field of blue.

North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Antarctica. You think, listing the continents.

You stop yourself from running your hand over the decal since it's not your ship.

"May I help you?" Says a mechanic, stepping from around the nose of a ship. She has short-cropped hair and is wiping her hands on a rag.

"I've been away from the fleet for a long time. What squadron is this?" You ask with curiosity in your voice.

"This," Her eyes cut to your lightsaber then back to you. "Master Jedi is the Terra Squadron.  Everyone in the squadron is from the planet Earth."

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