Chapter 35

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"There's something I want to see first," You say, leading the way to where your old apartment building is. "Before I left, I had my own apartment. I just want to see if the neighborhood has changed."

"Is there anyone you want to stop by and see?"

"No. I have no idea who's still there. Also, I'd probably give my neighbor an earful." You say, remembering them talking to Stormtroopers and pointing you out, as you were leaving the building.

Narc. You think, still remembering the first time you ran from troopers. The sounds of blaster fire, your pounding heart, and the ensuing crime spree.

"How come?" Armi asks, bringing you out of your memories.

"Let's just say that it was a very complicated time," You start to smile, "But hey, I met your uncles so that counts for something. I'll tell you about it when you're a bit older. Hey, we're here."

Well, at least where your apartment building used to be. What used to be your home is now an office building. Judging by the troopers guarding the entrance it's now a government office building.

"Well," You say, licking your lips nervously. "Looks like some things do change."

"What floor were you on?"

You say what floor and what number you were.

You're not sure what you were expecting. Sure you were expecting someone else to have moved in since you had essentially moved out. But to find the Empire in your old building...that hits differently.

"Let's get going, family is waiting for us." You say, not wanting to stay long enough to raise suspicion.


You and Armi take an alternate route to your parent's house. On the way, you stop off at a small grocery store and pick up a thaw, and eat dessert. (Any of your choice.)

"What if they don't like me?" Armi asks as you and him keep walking.

You're carrying the shopping bag with the dessert.

"They'll like you, and if anyone gives any flack, I'll sic my mom on them."

You approach your parent's house. It's a two-bed, two-bath, ranch-style house with a spacious backyard.

"This is the place." You say, walking up the driveway, past the handful of earth vehicles and the lone speeder bike.

"Looks nice," Armi comments, following you to the front door. "Large family?"

"Yeah, only child, but a large family." You say, walking onto the front porch. You can sense through the Force that the family is gathered in the kitchen, the dining room, and the backyard.

The front door is unlocked. As soon as you cross the threshold you announce "Mom, Dad, I'm back. Armitage is with me."

Your mom comes running from the living room to hug you. You barely have enough time to pass the dessert to Armi, before she's hugging you.

"Thank the Force you're back!" She says, hugging you tightly. "Until you called from Hoth, I thought I'd never see you again. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw your  poster, wanted the for crimes against the Empire."

"And this must be Armi," she says letting go of you. "Can I have a hug?"

"Ok." He says, handing you the dessert.

You smile seeing them hug.

When they stop hugging your mom says, "Well come on in. Everyone else is here. The kids are playing in the backyard. "

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