Chapter 33

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The ship's common area is an open floorplan that combines your living room, and your kitchen.

  That evening, you and Armitage eat dinner at your kitchen island. The island doubles as your kitchen table, and it acts as the dividing line between the two spaces. The kitchen also has a wrap-around counter.

You and him have been talking about different stuff the entire time. The topics range from favorite colors to foods, to the fact you do all the non-mechanical work maintaining the ship.

After a bit more talking, he says, "You can call me Armi if you want. I don't mind."

"Alright, Armi. And you can call me Y/N."

"What about Missus L/N?"

"I know you're being polite, but Missus L/N is my (female relative.)"  You smile. "You can call me Ms. Y/N, or just Y/N, I'll answer to either one."

"I usually call her Genius." R7 says, rolling by, he's on his way to the Engine Room, from the cockpit.

"Keep it up and I'll be calling you scrap." You call back, as he clears the doors that lead to a hallway.

You hear laughter like someone's trying to hide it.

"Whut?" You ask Armi, changing your voice, to show you're not mad at him for laughing.

You smile as he keeps laughing.

Well, at least the under-twelves find me funny.


Coruscant - Current New Republic Capital

After a few days, you make it to the ecumenopolis planet, of Coruscant. You land the ship in a parking lot of the Senatorial Complex building. Since this is official business you wear your Jedi robe instead of your jacket.

You order R7 to stay with the shop, as you and Armi disembark.

He looks around as you and him walk to the turbolift. He seems taken aback by the amount of sky traffic and the grand scale of the buildings.

"First time off planet?" You ask, swiping your ID Doc, opening the lift door.

The doors shut when you and him enter the lift. You push the button for the floor Leia's office is on.

"Yeah. I didn't know just how big Coruscant was, and we're just on an upper level. Imagine how deep it goes to reach the planet's surface. What was it like when you left home?"

You give a little laugh. "I was scared. First planet I wound up on was Nar Shadda. Not fun, wouldn't recommend it. But I met my first two friends in the galaxy."

First friends I made were two Spice runners. Don't tell the kid that.

The doors open to a lobby with hallways branching off in different directions. The lobby is packed with senators, their aides, and staff.

"Must have broke for lunch." You comment as you and Armi step out of the lift. You slip through the crowd like water on rocks. Armi has problems keeping up, so you stop to wait.

"So why did you leave home?" He asks once he's close enough.

You feel something slide into your hand.

You glance down.

Once he had gotten close enough, he wanted to hold your hand.

You act like it's no big deal. If it makes it easier for him to deal with the crowds, then go for it.

"I was showing signs of being Force-sensitive. When I started moving pieces of my breakfast cereal, and Troopers were doing door-to-door searches, in my apartment building. I figured it was time to go,"

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