Chapter 39

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Is it a Force Illusion like all the other times? You wonder, reaching out with the Force.

You're met with the feeling that the other you, is really there, and not an illusion. Also, you can tell the Dark side is strong with them.

That realization makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

So are they a changeling or a holo-disguise?

"I'm going to say this once," You say, your voice is heard throughout the cavern due to the acoustics. "Release my family."

"Or?" She asks.

You reply with the most unhinged thing you can think of. You say it as if you're making a promise.

"Believe her, she's crazy!" Charlie says.

"CHARLES VINCENT ALBERT L/N!" Your mom snaps, "You're not helping. And why the blazes are you wearing that uniform?"

"Why don't you ask my mother." He gestures towards you.

"She did that so he wouldn't freeze," Din says, "Ma'am, it's only temporary."

"Good to know. I was worried he was a new recruit."

"I'm not going to let them go." The other you says.

"Well then, I guess that ends the peaceful negotiations."  You say, removing your jacket, letting it fall dramatically to the floor.

The other you, removes her robe in the same manner.

Lightsabers ignite.

"Cue Duel of the Fates." Charlie says, shifting uneasily.

You and she assume a ready position, but neither launches an attack. You can feel the static in the air, like right before a storm makes landfall.

There is no emotion, there is peace. You tell yourself, My emotions got me into this mess. I need to control them before they control me.

The other you raises her hand.

Blue Force Lightning shoots towards you.

You raise your lightsaber, blocking it without an issue.

The lightning stops.

You charge, attacking in a strictly offensive form. Unlike when you and Luke fought Vader, trying to outmaneuver him, you face this combatant head-on, trying to overpower with raw force.

Her lightsaber meets yours.

The blades are locked,  multi-colored sparks fly.


The sabers disengage.


You're on the offensive, forcing your Dark Side to take the defensive.

Tears stream down your face, but you ignore them.


She does a Force Repulse to knock you back.


You use the Force to shield yourself. You twist in the air, and as soon as your feet touch the floor, you continue to flip, making the momentum work in your favor.

You land like a gymnast and raise both hands.


Lightning arcs from both of your hands. You can feel the anger you'd been keeping a hold on, building, like flood waters behind a dam.

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