Chapter 24

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As Han and Chewie fly the stolen Imperial Cruiser, you read over your wrist computer to pass the time.

You're reading a section on how to block Force Lightning. It's possible to do using the Force or a lightsaber. You already knew this from Episode 2: Attack of the Clones, but you're still reading the section anyway.

As usual. I'm cramming for a final exam, You think in-between two paragraphs. I wonder if Luke has had a chance to look over the information.

"If they don't go for this, we're gonna have to get outta here pretty quick, Chewie." Han says, breaking you out of your study session.

Chewie growls his agreement.

"We have you on our screen now. Please identify." The Comments Unit crackled.

You put your screen back to the home screen. You look out the viewscreen of the shuttle.

Before the ship is a Star Destroyer. You can feel Vader's presence on the enemy craft.

You take a deep breath and use a Force Concealment technique, so you'd be under his notice unless he came on a transmission and saw you.

"We have you on our screen now. Please identify." The Comm unit crackles.

"Shuttle Tydirium requesting deactivation of the deflector shield." Han replies.

"Shuttle Tydirium, transmit the clearance code for shield passage."

"Transmission commencing."

"Now we find out if that code is worth the price we paid." Leia says.

"It'll work. It'll work." Han reassures.

Chewie whines nervously.

"Vader's on that ship." Luke says, not breaking eye contact with the viewscreen.

"Force preserve us." You whisper.

"Now don't get jittery, you two. There are a lot of command ships. Keep your distance though, Chewie, but don't look like you're trying to keep your distance.

Chewie barks a question.

"I don't know. Fly casual."

"I'm endangering the mission. I shouldn't have come." Luke says, nervousness creeping into his voice.

"And if we didn't come on this mission, how else were we to get close to the Emperor?" You ask, then say jokingly, "I highly doubt we could pose as food delivery."

You start smiling at your joke, "I don't know what would be more embarrassing, winding up in the detention block and the guards taking the food...or Palps meeting us at the door asking where was the rest of the order? Leave it to him to withhold tips."

"Did you just call Emperor Palpatine, Palps?" Leia asks.

"It was a suggestion in a book I had read. Something about if you have a persistent problem, to name it so it's not as intimidating. Though I'm pretty sure he'd sic Vader on me for calling him it."

The shuttle stays silent except for Chewie who makes a pained sigh.

"Huh. Tough crowd." You say crossing your arms in front of you.

"Shuttle Tydirium, what is your cargo and destination?" The Comm says.

"Parts and technical crew for the forest moon." Han replies.

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