Chapter 22

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You use  Force Speed to run to Yoda's hut to beat Luke there. You need to tell him about your dream. It just felt way too real to have been a dream.

"Master!" You exclaim when you get here.

Yoda looks up, from meditating. He looks worse than he did right after your knighting ceremony.

"I had this weird dream, and I think, you should know about it." You say, taking a seat near him.

Yoda waits patiently as you recount the dream. When you finish, he says, "A vision you had.  A part of your future the child is. But form an attachment to him, you must not."

"How do I not form an attachment? I mean..." Your voice trails off, remembering the kid hugging you after the creature ran off.

You're about to ask when you hear Luke approach.

He sounds like he'd been running the whole time.

You exit the hut to meet him.

Instead of the Rebel uniform he had taken off in, he now wears an outfit of all black. On his right hand is a black synth-leather glove.

"I take it you were successful?" You ask slightly tilting your head.

"Vader told me he was my father." Luke says, without much lead-in.

You nod. Even though you knew this was coming, you still do your best to appear non-judgemental. As of right now, Luke needs another ally, not another enemy.

"Is he alright?" Luke asks in a low voice, leaning into you.

"No. I've offered to heal him multiple times but he's rejected every time. I think he's dead set on well...becoming one with the Force, so to speak."

You and him enter the hut.

"Look this good at nine hundred years, you will not." Yoda says, shuffling into his hut.

"I just wanted to say, thank you, master. For training me." You say, wanting to expound upon it, but you can't. There are not enough words to.

"A strength it is to show thankfulness, but to know when to accept it from another, is too a strength," Yoda says, climbing up onto his bed. You can sense his physical pain and tiredness. You can also tell he's happy that Luke wasn't too late.

"Soon will I rest. Yes, forever sleep. Earned it I have."

"Master Yoda, you can't die." Luke says.

"Strong am I with the Force... but not that strong! Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall. That is the way of things... the way of the Force."

That seems to be a general misconception about Jedi. The general public either thinks they have the power to stop one from dying.

"No more training do you require. Already know you that which you need."

"Then I'm a Jedi?"

I swear to the stars, if you say he is, then I'm gonna lose it.

Yoda shakes his head, "Not yet. One thing remains: Vader. You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi will you be. And confront him you will."

Good to know he's still going for a Jedi Exam.

"Master Darth Vader really my father?"

Yoda clearly doesn't want to give that information.

"Rest I must."

"Master, I need to know." Luke presses.

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