Chapter 14

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1-month ABY (After the Battle of Yavin)

"Ease her down. Nice and - "

The ship lurches to the side.

"I said ease her down!"

Han is giving you flying lessons in your new ship. It's a fast ship that's capable of carrying 20 people. But aesthetic wise looks as if a (reliable but old Earth car.) Had a baby with an R.V.

You decided to name it The Phoenix, after the mythical Earth bird that when it dies, it's reborn from its ashes. 

You also now wear a wrist computer that integrated your commlink, the ship's computer, and your datapad. It pretty much can do everything computer-wise except file your taxes. The computer covers from your wrist to midway of your forearm. You wear it on your non-dominate arm.

"Thank the stars this isn't the Falcon." He mutters as you ease on the controls trying to fly low without hitting any treetops.

"This is why I named her The Phoenix,"


You're pretty sure that was a tree bouncing off the deflector shield.

"If she gets damaged. We can rebuild." You say, tilting the controls to gain some altitude.

"I don't wanna have to rebuild because you can't mind a tree!" He's trying to look calm, but he's been gripping the armrests of his chair since take-off.

"I'm not that bad. Stars above, Drivers Ed back on Earth was worse than this. At least we have deflector shields." You say, swerving to avoid an abnormally towering Massassi tree.

Han doesn't reply.

"Oookay," You say, noting the silence. "Let me know when you need me to pull over."

After a few moments of tense silence Han says, pointing through the view screen. "Let's check out that Pyramid over there."

You can see the pyramid. It's covered in vines.

"Any particular reason why?" You ask, tilting the controls. The ship jumps with the tilting.

"Checking it out to set up a sensor relay."

"Right." You say, slowing the ship to begin landing.

You find a clear spot and have the ship go to a hover, before touching down.

"So how'd I do?" You ask killing the engines and undoing your crash webbing.

"You did okay for a first try. But there's always room for improvement." Han says, undoing his.

The humidity hits you as you exit the ship using the boarding ramp. You can't sense anything in the area. Any wildlife probably got scared off when the ship landed.

Besides the lack of wildlife near this temple, you also note that you don't sense much of anything.

<It's odd in a way. The temples use to belong to the Sith before the Knights of the Old Republic RPG. So why am I not sensing anything? You think.

"We'll need to split up to find a good place for the relay," Han says, breaking your train of thought. "Stay within Comlink range and call if you find anything."

"Sure thing." You say.


Inside the temple is by far cooler than outside, even with the humidity.

Unlike the Great Temple, this one looks like it hadn't seen any humanoid inhabitance in quite some time. This means no working generators. So you have to rely on your natural night vision, and seeing with the Force, to help navigate.

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