Chapter 32

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Content Warning: Child Abuse
Though I am only going with what is canon and Y/N does stop it from happening, some readers may find it unsettling. (Though I'm not adding to it, if you wish to skip ahead I understand. I nearly started crying reading the pages of the wiki.)

The content Warning is for the part that starts with ***Content Warning*** and ***End of content Warning***

As you dive, it's as if time slows down for you. You're on mid-fall but you still hear the whole conversation.
***Content Warning***

"Be a shame to let it go to waste. He should lick it up." Brooks says.

"Father?" Armitage asks. There's a pause. His father doesn't say anything. He begins to kneel.

"You weak...sniveling..." Brendol begins, reaching with one hand to grab the boy, as he's halfway to the floor. His other hand is held back ready to strike him.

You flip over, land, and get between him and his father.

You grab a hold of Brendol's raised fist, to keep him out of striking distance.

"Young man, please do me a favor," You say to Armitage. "Please stand up."

He looks at you, blinking confusedly. You get a feeling, please, probably isn't a word he's accustomed to hearing. He quickly rights himself.

"Thank you." You say.

***End of content Warning***

"Who dares to interrupt me?!" His father growls, and his face begins to turn a shade of purple.

"Y/N L/N. Jedi Knight," You say, defiantly, as you flip your jacket back to reveal your still-deactivated lightsaber. "And if you're gonna hit  someone. Hit me."

You can feel your anger continue to climb.

Your wrist computer goes off again. You don't dismiss the message, you straight up ignore it.

They know you're on a mission, what could possibly be more important?

You hear the nearing rumble of thunder.

Brendol jerks his arm out of your grip. He begins to swing with both hands, his new target is you.

You can feel the unbridled aggression from him. You also feel the fear still coming from Armitage.

You use the Force to push Brendol back, just to upset his balance, and try to gain some space.

Or at least that was your plan.

The white-blue electricity coming out of your hand says differently. They leave as quickly as they come.

Brendol hits the ground screaming.

You look at your hand, confused. "What just happened?"

"Not so much a Jedi Knight are you?" Asks the person in the regular dark robes. They still have their hood up, like they're in perpetual meditation. Their voice sounded very familiar but you can't place it.

"Things have taken a more fascinating turn." Kadann says.

There's another rumble of thunder. It sounds closer now. Your wrist computer has another incoming message.

You give a quick glance. The screen is red. It mentions something about taking cover, but that's all you can catch.

You turn your attention to the Admiral. "Got anything to add?" You ask, still mightily mad that he had made the original suggestion.

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